Zhou Yuan was silent, slowly raised his hand, and hugged Sun Meng.

The latter rubbed his head against Zhou Yuan like a little female fox, and also hugged Zhou Yuan.

Before today, Zhou Yuan only had a good impression of Sun Meng, and it seemed that there was always a little feeling missing, but tonight, they finally crossed the line of friendship.

"Go to sleep." Zhou Yuan picked up Sun Meng and walked slowly towards the bedroom.

Sun Meng smiled shyly and whispered,"Okay.~"

"You know, this is the first time someone hugged me.……"Sun Meng buried her head, her face already red.

Putting Sun Meng down, Zhou Yuan turned and walked to the door, saying:"I'm on the sofa outside, don't be afraid."

Whether it is Zhou Yuan or Sun Meng, they are not casual people. Before the relationship is confirmed, no one will do anything out of line.

Of course, if Sun Meng feels that the relationship can be confirmed after having sex, she doesn't mind forcing Zhou Yuan.

The room became quiet, Zhou Yuan leaned on the sofa, and his eyelids gradually closed.

Early the next morning, Zhou Yuan woke up, and just when he was about to stretch, he suddenly found Sun Meng sleeping on the sofa with him.


Zhou Yuan jumped up, touched his clothes, and breathed a sigh of relief:"It's okay."

Seeing that Sun Meng was still not awake, Zhou Yuan carefully opened the door and ran away.

Sun Meng in the room opened his eyes at the moment the door closed, revealing a sly smile.


"Good morning, Dr. Zhou!"

"Doctor Zhou looks so handsome today!"

Zhou Yuan was walking in the emergency department. The young nurses were all smiling at him, whispering and looking at him with burning eyes.

Before he could even sit down, Zhang Ling came over anxiously and found Zhou Yuan, who was very skilled in medicine and handsome, and said,"Doctor Zhou, something's wrong!"

Zhou Yuan nodded and stood up:"I'm fine, where am I?"

On the observation bed was a boy who looked like a high school student, and next to him was his good buddy.

""What's wrong?" Zhou Yuan asked.

The boy was covering his hand and said in pain:"My hand bone is broken!"

"Let me see.

The boy stretched out his broken hand and saw that his thumb was completely broken and the joint was obviously fractured.

""What happened?"

Zhou Yuan felt a little strange.

The fragile little finger was fine, but how could the big thumb be broken? It was a bit abnormal.……

"I have obsessive compulsive disorder……"The boy lowered his head and answered awkwardly.

Zhou Yuan frowned,"I was asking how you broke your bone."

The boy was silent.

His good friend next to him suppressed his laughter and said,"He was cracking his fingers, and the other nine fingers all cracked, but the thumb didn't."

Zhou Yuan:……

""Doctor, can my finger be saved?" the high school boy asked in the tone of saving his girlfriend.

Zhou Yuan took a look and said,"Take an X-ray to see how serious it is. If the injured part is good, it can be treated simply and fixed with a splint. If it is a comminuted fracture, surgery is required." The high school boy nodded, went to take the X-ray nervously, and came back after a while.

"It's okay, just fix it with a splint." Zhou Yuan said after looking at the result.

Zhou Yuan reset his bones, fixed them with a small splint, and prescribed some medicine to stimulate bone cell growth, and advised:"Don't do strenuous exercise on your fingers recently." The high school boy nodded with pain."I still have one hand."

What Zhou Yuan didn't expect was that almost an hour later, the boy with the splint came back, and his good buddy next to him was trying to hold back his laughter all the way.

"What's going on here?……"Zhou Yuan was silent for a while and asked.

The boy's left hand was bloody.

Zhou Yuan looked carefully and found some broken glass inside.

"You go get a CT scan.……"Zhou Yuan said.

As the two were about to leave, Zhou Yuan stopped them and said,"I'm still very curious, how did you do it?"

"When we were walking back to the classroom, he was a little upset, and then he said to a window,"Believe it or not, he can break the window with one punch."

Zhou Yuan:???

"Then he punched the window and the glass actually broke.……"

""Stop talking! Doctor, can I still be saved?" The boy yelled at his good friend and looked at Zhou Yuan in pain.

Zhou Yuan said calmly:"The hand can still be saved, I really can't do anything about its IQ."

After the test results came out, Zhou Yuan sighed,"The hand bone is fractured, but fortunately, the tendons are not cut. Let's put on a plaster."

Haiyang ran over to watch, helping with the debridement and dealing with the glass shards.

After the plaster was applied, Zhou Yuan reminded again:"Don't do strenuous exercise on this hand."

The boy nodded with tears in his eyes, and like a hairy crab, he left the hospital holding the plaster.

After a while, Chuchu came, followed by Wang Shengli on crutches.

"Can you move now?" Zhou Yuan looked at Wang Shengli in surprise.

"This little injury is nothing! When I was hanging around in Yanjing City, I was alone.……"

At this point, Wang Shengli stopped and gave Chuchu a look.

Chuchu nodded seriously, jumped up, and said:"One man beats a hundred people!"

Then, she made a gesture of a gangster big sister, fired a shot, then took her hand back, and wiped it on the edge of her pants in a serious manner, as if she was putting away the gun.

Zhou Yuan's face darkened, and he walked over and hugged Chuchu:"Wang Shengli, don't lead Chuchu astray."

Being held in Zhou Yuan's arms, Chuchu suddenly became happy, hugged Zhou Yuan's neck and said:"Uncle Wang is very funny!"

Zhou Yuan sighed helplessly and asked Wang Shengli:"Does your leg still hurt?"

"A little bit, but I can walk with the support of my legs a little bit now." Wang Shengli said with a smile

"Go out more often. Go get an X-ray in the next few days so I can see how your leg is healing."

"All right!"

Wang Shengli said, and seeing Zhou Yuan was about to leave, he asked,"Doctor Zhou, where are you going?"

Zhou Yuan looked at the time and saw that it was time for rounds, so he said,"Room rounds, sir.""

"I'll go with you! We can also run around a bit."

Zhou Yuan nodded:"Where's Wang Dahai?"

""He went back. There are more fruits at home, so he went back to help." Wang Shengli said.

Zhou Yuan:"Then come with me."

Zhou Yuan walked to Yang Wei's ward. After chatting for a few words, Wang Shengli came up to him just after the examination and said,"Brother, are you a novelist?"

"That's right." Yang Wei closed his laptop.

"Damn, should I write down my struggle history?——《Young and Dangerous》"

Yang Wei's eyes lit up:"Okay! Write!"

Zhou Yuan quietly left the ward.

""Brother, Grandma Wu has been forgetting Chuchu's name recently!" Chuchu suddenly said with some grievance.

Hearing this, Zhou Yuan frowned.

"Let’s go see Grandma Wu."

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