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""A pair of 19-month-old twins suffered severe bleeding during surgery!" He Jianyi said quickly.

Zhou Yuan was stunned:"Why did they transfer to our hospital instead of stopping the bleeding and giving blood transfusion immediately during the surgery?"

"It's a conjoined twin……"

He Jianyi said in a deep voice:"The Magic City International Hospital performed a skull separation operation on conjoined twins a few hours ago, but when they opened the brains of the conjoined twins, they found that there were too many adhesion tissues, nerves, and blood vessels inside, far beyond their imagination!"

"However, the craniotomy had already been completed, so they had no choice but to continue. As a result, an accident occurred not long ago, and a massive hemorrhage occurred during the operation! After they stopped the bleeding, they found that they could not continue to separate……"

"However, the separation operation has already begun. Stopping the separation now will only lead to the death of both twins! The hospital over there is looking for help. After seeing the extremely difficult skull separation operation of conjoined twins that you performed in our hospital, they are now rushing here!"

Zhou Yuan's face became serious:"Where are they now?"

"There is about one more hour left! The conjoined twins are in a serious condition. They stopped breathing and heartbeat several times, and their pupils were dilated. After multiple CPRs, they are now on a ventilator to maintain their vital signs, and the amount of blood transfusion has exceeded 3,000 milliliters!"

Zhou Yuan:"Teacher, please ask Director Xiao to prepare……"

"Don't worry, I have already made arrangements when we set out. The 15-member team is already on standby at the hospital!"

Zhou Yuan heaved a sigh of relief.

At this time, the ambulance driver's voice rang out:"The road is blocked.……"

Zhou Yuan and the others' faces changed, and they suddenly remembered that it was rush hour, so they looked out the window.

One intersection after another had already been blocked...

The emergency phone in the ambulance rang.

"How is it going over there? Is Zhou Yuan on his way here?"

Zhou Yuan immediately answered the phone:"This is Zhou Yuan. How is the child now?"

The doctor on the other side heard the name Zhou Yuan and breathed a sigh of relief instinctively. He said:"The patient is in danger now. He has been relying on rescue drugs and a ventilator to maintain his condition!"

Zhou Yuan nodded:"We must maintain the heart rate and blood pressure! What is the child's blood type?"

"AB type positive!"

Zhou Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

AB type positive is relatively rare among ABO blood types, but at least it is not panda blood.

"Teacher, ask the blood bank to prepare a large amount of AB type positive blood. We are not sure how much is needed at the moment, but a conservative estimate is... 5000 ml!"

He Jian nodded,"It has been reported."

Zhou Yuan looked at the crowded road again and said to the phone:"Where are you now?"

"Now we are on the G3 highway heading towards Yanjing! But it's completely blocked!"

Zhou Yuan was silent for a while, and said to the driver:"Turn up the sound of the ambulance!"

The sound of beeping and beeping rang out.

Zhou Yuan looked out the window.

On the emergency lane that had been blocked for a long time, a red car moved, and then slowly turned into the lane next to it.

However, the other cars did not seem to be quiet.

Zhou Yuan was a little anxious, picked up the horn on the car, and shouted:"Please make way for the ambulance! Make way for life!!"

Putting down the horn, Zhou Yuan quickly dialed 122 again.

122 is responsible for commanding and dispatching police officers to deal with various alarms and requests for help. At this time, you can only ask 122 for help.

"Hello, this is the command center of the Public Security Traffic Management Authority. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Zhou Yuan said quickly:"The ambulance is stuck on the road in front of Yanjing International Hospital! And there are two more ambulances on the G3 highway heading into Yanjing and are about to come to Yanjing International Hospital!"

The police officer on the other side responded quickly:"Is the news true?"

"I'm in the ambulance! I'm a doctor!"

The other party hesitated for a moment, heard the shrill whistle on the phone, and said in a deep voice:"Please send me the route information! I will arrange for traffic police along the way to clear the road!"

Zhou Yuan hung up the phone.

At the same time, Yanjing Traffic Officer Bo received a call for help from the ambulance on the other side and posted a message

"The 19-month-old twin sisters Xiaoyu and Xiaowen are in critical condition due to an accident and need to be transferred from Shanghai International Hospital to Yanjing International Hospital! Please pay attention to emergency avoidance when driving from Shanghai to Yanjing on the expressway and urban roads between 11:00 and 15:00 today!

The ambulance has now driven to the G3 expressway heading to Yanjing. Drivers along the route who see the ambulance convoy of two vehicles are kindly requested to give way in an orderly manner! Create a green channel for life!"

"Please forward this to more drivers! Give way to the ambulance! Make way for the lifeline!"

Soon, Yanjing International Hospital forwarded this Weibo.

Yanjing Daily forwarded

"Forwarded, wish you peace!"

"Come on baby! God bit you because he loves you!"

"You can’t read Weibo while driving! It’s best to bundle this kind of thing with the navigation map, so that the map can give you instant voice prompts and you can see the results immediately!!"

Zhou Yuan was stunned when he saw the last comment

"Teacher, can you ask the traffic police to contact the navigation map?"



Because it was summer vacation, the peak tourist season, the highway was already packed with cars.

""The heart rate has dropped again! The blood in the car won't last long!" The nurse's voice rang out.

Xiaowen's twin mother was stunned for a moment, staring at the two children on the emergency bed, and then looked at the traffic outside the window.

Suddenly, she rushed out of the ambulance, ran to the private car in front, and knelt down directly:"I beg you! Make way! Give my children a chance to survive!"

At this moment, the built-in voice of the navigation map sounded a prompt.

"Drivers on the G3 Expressway to the Yanjing International Hospital section, please note that two ambulances are carrying two seriously ill 19-month-old babies to the Yanjing International Hospital to wait for life. If you see a license plate number of '沪****’‘Shanghai****’Ambulance, please make way for love!"

The drivers were stunned when they heard this broadcast.

"Holy shit! I'm on this road!"

"Car in front, stop and make way!"

"Drive to other lanes! It’s okay if you wait a little longer, but we can’t let the ambulance wait! Everyone, make way for one lane!"

At the same time, the traffic police also received the news and began to evacuate the traffic and set up roadblocks at various intersections.

Soon, the traffic jam became longer, but in the middle of the road, a passage large enough for a van to pass slowly appeared… On the highway, the window of the private car that the mother of the twins knelt on the ground to beg for way rolled down, and the man on it was so anxious that he was about to cry:"Sister! I want to make way too! It’s all blocked now, I can’t get to the lane next to me, and I can’t move now!"_

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