"Report the patient's condition!" He Jianyi was doing preoperative preparations.

First assistant Zhou Yuan and poor Haiyang, who was kicked by the second assistant, were also washing their hands carefully.

Zhou Yuan reported:"Teacher, the patient is a female, 32 years old, who suffered blood in her stool after violently injuring her lower body."

Haiyang added:"All preoperative preparations have been completed. We have done B-ultrasound, pelvic CT, and X-ray examinations.……"

He Jianyi interrupted Haiyang:"Just tell me the diagnosis results."

"Rectal rupture."

On the operating table.

The shadowless lamp provided a good view. Since Zhou Yuan's medical skills and medical ethics were recognized by He Jianyi, Zhou Yuan also replaced the position of the first assistant, in the best surgical field besides the main surgeon.

Haiyang did not have any resentment, but instead observed how Zhou Yuan learned. He just couldn't understand why this little brother was more awesome than himself, a resident doctor.

"Anesthesia."He Jianyi took a deep breath.

"The operation time is 21:07. He Jian took a look and said

"Start the operation."

He Jianyi's speech was not fast, but everyone felt a sense of urgency.

"The patient's rectum ruptured and caused bleeding, and the situation could not be delayed."Ocean explained.

In front of life, there is no need for bold words, everyone will be serious

"Vascular forceps"

"Block the blood flow."

This time, the third assistant was replaced by Wang Ziqiao, a resident doctor under He Jianyi.

Sun Meng was from Liu Huimin's side. He was urgently transferred here during the last operation because of a shortage of manpower. If Sun Meng was used all the time, Liu Huimin might have a problem.

"Teacher, you said before that the more urgent the patient is, the more it is better to choose a longitudinal incision. This patient with rectal rupture has lost a lot of blood and is in a critical condition. Why did you choose a transverse incision instead of a longitudinal incision?" Wang Ziqiao asked puzzled. He Jianyi said calmly

:"First of all, I am sure. My transverse incision speed is faster than some doctors' longitudinal incision speed. Second, the patient is still very young, and the scar caused by the longitudinal incision is too large. After the transverse incision heals, it will be just a line and hidden in the wrinkles."

After a few minutes, He Jianyi's hand stopped.

"Okay, let's suture the wound. Or... Zhou Yuan?" He Jianyi asked.

Zhou Yuan had already prepared the needle holder, which made He Jianyi stunned for a moment.

"You go ahead."

He Jianyi gave up the position of the main surgeon and pushed Haiyang away who wanted to run to the first assistant position. He watched Zhou Yuan's suturing technique from the first assistant position with a good surgical field.


He Jianyi reminded Zhou Yuan while watching him operate,"Remember, just because I can make a transverse incision doesn't mean you can do it too. The patient's life safety always comes first!"

"Remember this!"

Zhou Yuan said with a straight face.���, the hands holding the needle holders were flying.

Continuous lock-edge suture, continuous interrupted suture, and sometimes a very complicated squeeze suture method, but no matter which one, He Jianyi could not find any faults, all of which were the most suitable methods for the sutured area.

"Look, look!"

He Jianyi raised his chin:"Look at the posture, the stitching, and the suturing method, it's simply a work of art! When you have half the skills of Zhou Yuan, I, your teacher, will be happy!"

Haiyang smiled and pushed Wang Ziqiao:"What are you standing there for! Take a note in a notebook!"

Speaking of the notebook, Wang Ziqiao remembered the medical records and touched his head:"Hey, why are there so many medical records on my desk?"

"Shouldn't these medical records be handed over to the interns? How come I have a heavier workload now that I'm a resident than when I was an intern?"

Haiyang shook his head:"I don't know."

He Jianyi:"I don't know."

A few minutes later, Zhou Yuan also recovered from his concentrated state, put down the needle holder, and breathed a sigh of relief:"Done!"

Although it was not the first time to do suture, the sense of accomplishment was still the same as the first time.

"I ask, how did you practice suturing? How come you can't find any faults at all?" Haiyang approached the sutured wound and looked at it carefully.

The distance between the needle and thread, the force, the depth of the needle, the knotted suture point, any one of them could be a textbook.

This made Zhou Yuan curious.

The master-level docking suturing method has reached this level, what about the perfect suturing method?

"Could it be possible to suture with air?" Zhou Yuan had a brilliant idea and muttered.

He Jianyi led Zhou Yuan and the other three out of the operating room.

Outside, a young man kept lingering at the door of the operating room with a serious expression.

"How is it! Doctor! Is my wife okay?"As soon as the man saw He Jianyi, he immediately rushed up, held He Jianyi's hand, and asked anxiously.

He Jianyi looked at him deeply and said,"The operation went well. Pay attention to postoperative care, there will be no problem."

"Thank you so much! Thank you!"

He Jianyi smiled and said,"It's my duty."

Before leaving, Zhou Yuan patted the man on the shoulder and whispered,"Don't play around in the future. Your wife is meant to be loved."

The man was stunned and nodded embarrassedly,"I'm sorry! I won't do this again in the future!"

He Jianyi walked a few steps faster.

He really couldn't keep up with the young people's thinking and playing methods.


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