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"What's the matter?" Zhou Yuan asked in confusion.

It seemed that his rank had risen a little. Before, the one who passed on the message was the resident doctor or attending physician, but now it was the deputy director.

"Dean Fang asked you to go find him……"

Jiang Xiaoqi stared at Zhou Yuan, and always felt that Zhou Yuan was thinking something bad.

"Dean Fang is looking for me again?"

《The Lancet issue has come to an end for now, and the finger regeneration surgery has not been completed. Why are they looking for me at this time?

Are they asking him not to take jobs from other departments?

Jiang Xiaoqi:"Don't think too much, it should be a matter of promotion."

"Promotion of professional title?" Zhou Yuan was stunned.

It is very difficult to get promoted in the hospital, and there are strict and rigid requirements.

For example, after 5 years of working, undergraduates can be promoted from interns to attending physicians, and postgraduates can be promoted to attending physicians after 2 years. The only difference is that undergraduates need to take a foreign language test to be promoted to attending physicians, while postgraduates do not need to take the test.

Undergraduates can be promoted to deputy chief physicians 5 years after being promoted to attending physicians, and postgraduates can be promoted to deputy chief physicians 3 years after being promoted to attending physicians.

It takes 5 years to be promoted to chief physician after being promoted to deputy chief physician.

Of course, to become a deputy chief physician or chief physician, it is not enough to have enough years of experience, but also to have corresponding papers and research results.

In short, it is very difficult.

In other words, it takes at least fifteen years for an undergraduate student from a medical school to become a chief physician. A doctoral student can be promoted to associate chief physician after two years of work, and can be promoted to chief physician three years after being promoted to associate chief physician.

This is why Zhou Yuan wants to take the doctoral degree exam.

Zhou Yuan has just been in Yanjing International Hospital for a year, or even less than a year. It is obviously against the rules to promote him at this time...

Jiang Xiaoqi looked at Zhou Yuan helplessly and said,"You are a special talent. You have performed a lot of operations that chief physicians are unable to perform. If you really have to follow the traditional promotion path, not to mention whether the hospital agrees or not, it will also chill the hearts of many doctors who study technology."

In the medical field, there are strict regulations on where and how much the scalpel should cut, and whether the high-frequency electrosurgical knife should use pure cutting or blunt cutting.

However, it does not mean that this field is bound by conventions. On the contrary, medicine is precisely the most flexible field. When it comes to human life, many rules will give way. Therefore, it is not uncommon to promote Zhou Yuan's professional title.

If you have the skills, then get a high salary. Although Zhou Yuan is an intern, his salary has exceeded that of 90% of the doctors in the hospital.

The only thing left is the professional title issue, which is also very simple to solve. It only takes a word from big guys like Dean Fang and Yang Shuxin.

Jiang Xiaoqi sighed,"You won't suddenly become a deputy chief physician and be at the same level as me, right?"

To be honest, Jiang Xiaoqi quite enjoyed Zhou Yuan calling him Director Jiang.

Zhou Yuan thought for a while:"Maybe, chief physician?"


Jiang Xiaoqi was silent

"I heard that you have never performed an appendectomy?" Jiang Xiaoqi asked.

Zhou Yuan nodded:"I was an intern for only a few months. At that time, I was just helping to count the equipment. How could I have the opportunity to perform an appendectomy?"

Jiang Xiaoqi's face twitched,"So, you went to do a skull separation and a total gastrectomy?"

What kind of fucking logic is this?!

"I won't say more... Speaking of which, I found that the difference between the medical industry in M country and here is really huge!" Jiang Xiaoqi reluctantly changed the subject again.

Zhou Yuan stared at Jiang Xiaoqi, waiting for the next words.

"Medicine does have no borders, but medical fees do have borders... Country M is a developed country, doctors' incomes are very high, and surgery costs are also high. It's different here, and there's a big gap with them."

"Are you talking about the good or the bad aspects?"

Jiang Xiaoqi smiled and said,"Of course it's the good aspects. It can also be said to benefit the people. I interned at a hospital there when I was studying for my doctorate at Harvard. Can you guess how much they cost for an appendectomy?"

Zhou Yuan frowned.

An appendectomy in China costs only 5,000 to 6,000 yuan. In the United States, it costs only 1,000 yuan.……

"Ten or twenty thousand?" Zhou Yuan guessed.

Jiang Xiaoqi supported her chin and smiled,"About that... but it's in US dollars. An appendectomy there costs about nine thousand US dollars, plus anesthesia fees, medicine fees, instrument usage fees, testing fees, etc., as well as consumables fees, infusion fees... etc., a total of thirty thousand US dollars."

Converted into RMB, an appendectomy costs two hundred thousand RMB.

Jiang Xiaoqi:"So our country is really good. The cost of appendectomy is only seven hundred yuan, plus anesthesia, analgesia, testing, etc., miscellaneous costs only two thousand yuan, and there are also postoperative care and medication costs. Even in a tertiary hospital, it is only five or six thousand at most."

Zhou Yuan was a little surprised.

He looked at Jiang Xiaoqi with more admiration.

The treatment in Country M was more than three or four times better than in China. She was able to give up the favorable environment and salary and return to Country Z. For this reason, Zhou Yuan looked up to her.

Unconsciously, the two of them had been sitting in the lounge for more than half an hour.

Zhou Yuan's physical fatigue was also relieved a lot. He stretched and stood up.

""Okay, I should go now." Zhou Yuan said, looking at his watch.

He happened to go to the hand surgery department today and brought back the mice.

Jiang Xiaoqi stopped Zhou Yuan:"When we were at Harvard, we learned a saying, 'The patient's pain is our shame, and the patient's call is our mission.'"

Zhou Yuan frowned:"The patient's pain...isn't it the shame of the anesthesiologist?"

Jiang Xiaoqi:???

I'm telling you the truth, and you're picking on me!

"forget it……"

Jiang Xiaoqi rolled her eyes, bumped into Zhou Yuan, and left the lounge.

"Shit, being a deputy director is so great? When I become the director and I am stronger than you, I will hit you to death!"

The system immediately became alert:"Where to hit? How to hit? What to hit?"

Zhou Yuan:"Can you shut up?"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the primary...Okay, I'll shut up." The system was silent for a while and said.

Zhou Yuan was scared:"Don't. Read it."

System:"Complete ten suture operations and get a random reward! Primary treasure box*1!"

Looking at the primary treasure box in the inventory, Zhou Yuan suddenly felt that life was sunny again.

"Let's go see if Dean Fang is here first.……"

Zhou Yuan thought for a while and walked towards the dean's office.

This time he was promoted to a higher position, and he wondered if he could get a separate office.

Generally speaking, only doctors at the deputy director level were qualified to have independent offices. Other doctors were in a large room, and their offices were separated by partitions, with no privacy.

This is why only big shots are likely to have office affairs, because people with lower positions don't even have a private office, so what's the point of having office affairs..._

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation, and sharing

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