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On the palm, there are the palmar digital nerve, the radial artery of the index finger, the palmar aponeurosis, the palmaris brevis, etc. Each blood vessel transports to a different part, and the movements controlled by each nerve and tendon are also different. On the sole of the foot, there are the dorsalis pedis artery, the dorsalis toe artery, and the plantar arch. The various tissues and blood vessels are very different from those in the palm.

The same is true for mice.

Although the forefoot and hindfoot of mice are similar in shape, the blood vessels and nerves inside are also different. The success of the operation in mice indirectly proves that it is also feasible in humans!

These three mice turned Zhou Yuan's pure theory into a practical operation that passed the mouse experiment!

"We will help you find the person for the experiment as soon as possible!" Wu Guohui said excitedly. Just as Zhou Yuan was about to leave, there was an exclamation at the door.

Morimoto Hikaru walked over in surprise and looked at the little white mouse in the cage.

"You actually succeeded! Si Guoyi!"

Zhou Yuan looked at Morimoto Guang with an exaggerated expression, speechless.

"But... it's impossible to achieve on the human body!"

Morimoto Hikaru shook his head, looking very frustrated.

Wu Guohui was stunned:"Why do you say it can't be achieved?"

"Haha, just because I am from R country"

"What do you mean?" Zhou Yuan frowned.

Morimoto Guang smiled and said,"Do you know which country has the most advanced prosthetic limbs in the world? It's our country R. It's not because there are many disabled people in our country, but because... we have gangs."

"In the 1990s, there was a Yamaguchi-gumi in R, which should be a world-famous gang. At that time, there was an initiation ceremony. In addition to paying money, those who wanted to join the gang had to cut off the little finger of their left hand with a knife.……"

"Moreover, if you make a mistake in the gang, you will also cut off your fingers to apologize. In R, if you see someone with incomplete fingers, you can basically be sure that he is a gangster. People with complete fingers have no status in the R gang."

"It is precisely because of this that R country's hand surgery was promoted. At present, R's hand surgery is at the leading level in the world. Doctors in our country have considered your idea, but they all failed one by one!"

Morimoto Hikaru said this with some regret, and said:"Including my master, Kanhara Akira……"

Zhou Yuan's face looked a little unhappy:"If Senior Kanhara Jing heard that his apprentice was denying a promising and groundbreaking technology, he would be very sad, right?"

Morimoto Guang's face turned pale and blue, and he said:"It's impossible to succeed! I'm not denying the technology, I'm denying you!!"

Country Z has always been unknown in the field of hand surgery, and has not even reached the international average level. To complete an operation that even his teacher Kanhara Jing is helpless... This is a fantasy.

Zhou Yuan was too lazy to argue. He looked at Guohui who was a little angry, and said:"Director Wu, please help me keep an eye out. Whether it's a broken hand or a broken foot, you can contact me and I'll do it.

In theory, Zhou Yuan's master-level limb transplantation gave him an extremely clear understanding of the internal structure of human limbs, but Morimoto Guang's words made him a little annoyed.

What do you mean by denying me?

After the replantation of the severed limbs in Country Z, so anything we propose is worthless?

Zhou Yuan plans to perform severed limb replantation operations several times before finding a suitable patient. Although it does not help improve his limb replantation technology, at least it can guarantee the feel.

After saying that, he glanced at Morimoto Guang coldly and left the hand surgery department.

In such a technical field, a person's right to speak is never shouted out, and it is not whoever is louder is awesome. Everything depends on technology. Whoever has good technology and whoever has done it can become famous in this field.

Similarly, to make Morimoto Guang shut up, instead of having meaningless arguments with him, it is better to put a living case in front of him.

Surgeon, a patient who has recovered perfectly under his hands is the best weapon!

After returning to the emergency department, it has been It was already past seven in the evening.

The night shift officially began.

The only nurses on duty were Zhang Ling and another beautiful intern nurse.

The doctors on duty were Zhou Yuan, Sun Meng, Liu Kai, and He Jianyi.

In fact, neither Sun Meng nor Liu Kai were on duty tonight, and the night shift did not require so many doctors. It was just that after the two of them adjusted their days off, they happened to schedule the night shift on the day that overlapped with Zhou Yuan and He Jianyi.

With an independent office, Zhou Yuan was no longer stuck in the miserable lounge, and could sit comfortably in the office. When a patient came, Zhang Ling and other nurses would naturally come to call him.

After drinking a bottle of energy potion, Zhou Yuan planned to check the achievements of various countries in the field of limb replantation.

Sure enough, what Morimoto Hikaru said was right. Relying on R's gangster culture, R's limb replantation and prosthetics industries are both at the world's leading level.

"The finger chopping process is as ritualistic as the tea ceremony. First, the whole hand must be soaked in ice water or given an anesthetic. If the mistake is too serious, this step is usually skipped."

"After anesthesia, wipe the water droplets on the hand, and then put the left hand flat on the white cloth like a lamb to be slaughtered, with the palm facing down. The offender drank a glass of strong liquor, with the determination to change his past, cut off the regrets and fingers of the past, and discarded them like a worn-out shoe."

Zhou Yuan watched it silently and sighed.

This incident perfectly proves the saying: The one who defeats you may not be your peers, but cross-border... Who would have thought that a gang would drive the development of the entire R hand surgery?

Other countries, Russia, M country, etc., industrially developed countries, because there are many machines and accidents are prone to happen, the surgery of these countries is often very strong

"R is not trying to transplant toes onto fingers, but trying to repair fingers that were frozen many years ago."Zhou Yuan frowned.

He saw an experiment done by Shen Yuanjing.

A gang leader, after retiring from the underworld, brought a severed finger that was frozen many years ago to Shen Yuanjing for repair. Shen Yuanjing tried to replant the severed limb, but failed in the end.

"It seems that this operation is really difficult.……"Zhou Yuan frowned.

While he was deep in thought, there was a quick knock on the door.

"Doctor Zhou! It's not good!"

Zhou Yuan's face darkened and he stood up."Come in, what's wrong?"

Zhang Ling pushed open the door and said in a panic:"A private car brought a pregnant woman, and her amniotic fluid has broken!"

Zhou Yuan was stunned.

I'm not an obstetrician and gynecologist... I just went to the obstetrics and gynecology department to help a pregnant woman with a pacemaker implantation surgery, and by the way, I separated the skulls of the conjoined twins!

Delivering a baby... This is my first time.……


Zhou Yuan couldn't care less at this moment._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo Novel AP

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