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During the natural delivery process, the fetus can obtain an immunoglobulin, IgG, from the mother. The fetus that obtains this immunoglobulin will have enhanced collective resistance after birth and will not be susceptible to infectious diseases.

Moreover, because the baby naturally delivered from the vagina has undergone a series of adaptive twists in the birth canal, the sensitivity of the skin and peripheral nerves will be stronger than that of babies born by caesarean section, and the coordinated development of body and mind in the future will be better than that of babies born by caesarean section.

It took less than ten minutes, which can be said to be the smoothest time since He Jing became a doctor.

The patient's husband was excited and ran up to see his child.

"The child needs to be sent to the obstetrics and gynecology department to measure weight, record information, monitor, etc."He Jing said.

Just as she was about to take the pregnant husband to the obstetrics and gynecology department, Sun Meng in the observation room suddenly shouted

"He Jing, the pregnant woman's placenta cannot be delivered normally!"

He Jing's face changed.

Generally speaking, the placenta will be delivered naturally after delivery.

Once the placenta is retained in the mother's body, it may cause heavy bleeding... This is an important cause of maternal death during natural delivery.

He Jing handed the child to the child's father and said,"Send it to the obstetrics and gynecology department for a comprehensive examination of the fetus! There is a doctor on duty there!"

After that, He Jing entered the observation room.

The child's father held his newborn son, a little confused:"What does it mean that the placenta was not delivered?……"

Zhou Yuan and the others looked at each other, and finally Zhou Yuan stood up and explained:"It is not a good sign that the placenta has not been delivered. If the placenta is not completely separated from the endometrium, it is likely to cause heavy bleeding.……"

The child's father was stunned, and looked at the newborn in his arms who couldn't even open his eyes.

After hesitating for a moment, his eyes became firm, and he said:"You...if my wife is in danger, don't worry about what I said before, just go in! You must save my wife!"

After that, the man ran to the obstetrics and gynecology department with the child in his arms.

Zhou Yuan waited solemnly outside the observation room.

There are six reasons for retained placenta.

Incomplete placental detachment.

Retention of the placenta after detachment.

Placental incarceration.

Placental adhesion.

Placenta implantation.

Partial placenta remains.

These six will cause bleeding, and the most painful is when the placenta is adhered to the endometrium.

After delivery, the placenta must be removed from the pregnant woman's body. Therefore, if the placenta is adhered to the pregnant woman's uterus, the doctor often needs to tear the placenta by hand...

This kind of pain is a hundred times more painful than natural childbirth...

It is equivalent to skinning alive, and the area near the endometrium is an extremely sensitive area and is very sensitive to pain.

"Wait thirty minutes……"

After a while, He Jing came out sweating profusely.

"What's going on?" Zhou Yuan and others asked

"The placenta cannot be delivered normally! If it has not come out after 30 minutes, external force can only be used to assist the placenta to come out.……"

Soon, the child's father came back and saw He Jing. He immediately asked anxiously,"Doctor, how is my wife?"

"The placenta is difficult to come out and needs to wait for minutes. If it does not come out after 30 minutes, it is considered to be a retained placenta, and there is a high probability of postpartum hemorrhage. We can only use external force to forcibly remove the placenta."

"Why not remove it now! Do we have to wait until there is a heavy bleeding?" The father of the child did not understand.

He Jing was silent for a while, and said:"The pain of placental separation... normal people can't bear it. It's good that your wife didn't faint."

The father of the child was stunned, then sat down, lowered his head and said nothing.

He Jing went back to the observation room.

Minutes and seconds passed, and there was still no movement inside.

The father of the child opened his mobile phone with trembling hands. Thirty minutes had passed...

He Jing also came out at this time:"The placenta needs to be removed. Please sign the informed consent form."

Liu Kai stood up and took the father of the child to sign.

He Jing returned to the observation room, changed into a pair of sterile gloves, squatted down, glanced at Sun Meng, and said:"Shall we start?"

Sun Meng couldn't bear it, and looked at the pale pregnant woman on the bed

"Sister, patient.……"

The pregnant woman smiled weakly and said,"Doctor, please let me live... I want to watch my child grow up."……"

"Come on, I will definitely endure it!"

Sun Meng nodded, gave the pregnant woman a piece of cloth, and said:"Bite it in your mouth, otherwise you will bite yourself."

The pregnant woman nodded, stuffed the cloth in her mouth, clenched her fists

""He Jing, let's start." Sun whispered.

He Jing nodded, slowly put her hand into the pregnant woman's uterus, and tore the placenta bit by bit.

""Ah, ah!"

The pregnant woman screamed shrilly, and after screaming a few times, she fell into a coma.

Not long after, the placenta was finally pulled out completely.

Just when He Jing and Sun Meng were about to breathe a sigh of relief, streaks of blood flowed out of the pregnant woman's vagina...

He Jing's face turned pale:"Postpartum hemorrhage!!"

In theory, although placental separation is painful, it will not cause postpartum hemorrhage... The hemorrhage is caused by other reasons!

"What should we do?"Sun Meng was a little flustered.

They had no experience in dealing with postpartum hemorrhage in pregnant women!

Postpartum hemorrhage only occurs after delivery, and delivery is usually completed in the obstetrics and gynecology department. If heavy bleeding occurs, it must be handled by the obstetrics and gynecology doctors themselves.

Doctors in the emergency department have no chance to encounter such a situation!

He Jing's face was extremely ugly:"We must immediately determine the location of the bleeding and stop the bleeding!"

"Find Zhou Yuan! Zhou Yuan is very good at stopping bleeding with bare hands!"

In panic, the first person that popped into Sun Meng's mind was Zhou Yuan. Before

He Jing could react, Sun Meng ran out of the observation room and pulled Zhou Yuan in.

"Zhou Yuan, the pregnant woman suffered severe bleeding during the operation, stop the bleeding quickly!"

"Stop the bleeding with your bare hands!"

Zhou Yuan was confused.

"Compression with bare hands to stop bleeding?!"

Internal bleeding in the birth canal, you want me to use my hands to compress it? Where to press? How can I reach in to press?

Seeing Zhou Yuan's expression, Sun Meng suddenly reacted.

At this time, you can't use pressure to stop bleeding!……

"What to do then……"Sun Meng was stunned.

He Jing stood up in a panic.

She was holding the placenta in her hand, her hands were covered in blood, and the placenta was still dripping blood...

Zhou Yuan looked over and saw that the pregnant woman's lower body was bleeding non-stop. According to the amount of bleeding, she would be finished in less than ten minutes!

"Blood transfusion immediately! Husband of the patient, what is the patient's blood type!"

"A blood!"The father of the child who had been sitting stood up suddenly and shouted

"Sun Meng, bring the emergency blood from the emergency department! He Jing, let me see the placenta!"

He Jing was stunned and subconsciously handed the placenta to Zhou Yuan._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Flylu Novel AP

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