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Dean Fang is very straightforward and has no scheming. He treats Zhou Yuan, a junior, with no airs at all.

Such a person can also see the advantages of others and can appreciate a person without negative emotions.

Therefore, Zhou Yuan had expected to get a high-level treasure chest.

The other one is a primary treasure chest.

Maybe Wu Guohui is really too weak, the system only got a primary treasure chest from him...

Zhou Yuan suppressed his excitement,"Open the high-level treasure chest!"

After a short silence.

In the system space, the high-level treasure chest suddenly burst into light, and the treasure chest inlaid with gems slowly opened, revealing the items inside.

"It is indeed a high-level treasure box, and the unboxing pictures are so great……"Zhou Yuan was a little intoxicated.

After the treasure chest was opened, the items inside suddenly turned into a stream of light and rushed into Zhou Yuan's mind.

After a moment, the system's voice sounded.

"Open the advanced treasure chest! Get! Increase the success rate of surgery by 5%! Reduce postoperative complications by 5%!"

Zhou Yuan was stunned.

Increase the success rate of the operation by 5%, and reduce the postoperative complications by 5%...

This is an extremely terrifying ability.

Many operations on the brain have a success rate of around 10%, and there are also serious postoperative complications.

There are also some complex operations, such as pancreaticoduodenectomy. The mortality rate of this disease has not decreased due to the advancement of medical technology, but has increased year by year. It has now surpassed gastric cancer and ranked fourth in the highest mortality rate...

The operation is difficult, and the success rate can only reach 30% during resection. Even if the operation is completed, the successful cure rate after the operation is only 10%...

If the success rate of the operation can be improved and the probability of complications can be reduced at the same time, a pancreaticoduodenectomy alone can bring 10% of the patients who have failed the operation back to life!

Zhou Yuan himself is also a very cautious person. Except for the operations that he has reached the master level, he will not take risks. If combined with this ability of the system... It can even make the success rate of some operations reach 100%!


Zhou Yuan felt a buzzing in his brain and subconsciously closed his eyes.

He felt that his body seemed to be more sensitive. When he opened his eyes again, he seemed to be able to notice more details

"So that's how it is……"

Zhou Yuan understood.

The ability granted by the system did not increase the success rate in vain, but it improved Zhou Yuan's perception of the disease and his understanding of the body, thus indirectly increasing the success rate.

Zhou Yuan opened the primary treasure chest again.

"Open the primary treasure chest! Get! Energy Potion*1!"

Seeing that there were three intermediate yuan left, I saved them temporarily and started preparing for the Lancet paper.

《The Lancet magazine is named after the surgical scalpel"Lancet". From the name, you can tell that this journal is mainly aimed at surgery. The

English name of the Lancet,"Lancet", also means"pointed dome window" in English. With this implication, the journal aspires to become a bright window that illuminates the medical community. Since its founding in 1823, The Lancet has indeed fulfilled this ambition and has become one of the four journals with the highest impact factors in the medical community.

Zhou Yuan also searched for papers published by scholars from Country Z.

The most representative one was a large review article written in 2015 by the National Clinical Research Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Fuwai Hospital, Academy of Medical Sciences of Country Z, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology.——《"By improving the quality of medical services and building a learning medical and health system, patients with cardiovascular diseases in country Z can achieve the best diagnosis and treatment results."

This article was written by Academician Hu Shengshou, president of the Fuwai Hospital, and his team.

Through systematic analysis of the current clinical research, medical quality, and medical quality evaluation system of cardiovascular diseases in China, it deeply analyzes how to comprehensively improve the country's clinical research level and build a learning medical and health system as China's medical reform enters the deep water zone, so that patients with cardiovascular diseases in country Z can achieve the best diagnosis and treatment results.

Zhou Yuan had a headache just looking at the name and the research.

However, the direction of Zhou Yuan's paper is different from this large review. He has only one goal-to introduce a new limb transplant technology.

Therefore, in theory, Zhou Yuan's paper will be much simpler and the name will be shorter.——《A new field of limb replantation: finger regeneration technology".

Of course, being much simpler does not mean it is easy to write, it just has fewer words. If we really compare the technical content, Zhou Yuan's paper can beat countless people.

In other words, every word of the paper needs to be supported by sufficient technology, and the reading threshold is also high. People who are not in the field of limb replantation may not understand it.

Zhou Yuan carefully planned the outline of the paper, and then began to write.

At nearly ten o'clock, Zhou Yuan drank a bottle of energy potion, survived until the next morning, and went directly to the emergency department.

Lu Chenxi and others are on night shift, and Sun Meng took a night shift last night because of the previous compensatory leave. Now there are only Zhou Yuan, Haiyang, and Liu Kai, a few male doctors in the emergency department.

Liu Huimin, one of the few female doctors in the emergency department, is still hospitalized.

This day has completely become a world of male doctors. Except for young nurses such as Zhang Ling who are still on duty, there are only men left in the emergency department.

So...doctors are in love, and they are obviously in the same department, but their lives are no different from long-distance relationships. This sentence is not a joke.

The couple was on night shift and day shift respectively, so they missed each other perfectly and didn't even have a chance to go to bed and sleep.

Fortunately, all the male doctors, including Zhou Yuan, were single.

After a busy morning, a woman came into Zhou Yuan's clinic at noon, looking a little weak.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yuan looked up.

The woman looked a little tired."Doctor, I don't know why my left hand suddenly has no strength.……"

As he spoke, he shook his left hand, and it was obvious that his left upper limb was weak and hammered on both sides of his body."Look, I can't even make a fist. It's very strenuous. I feel very weak all over.……"

Zhou Yuan became alert and said,"Put your hands on the table."

The woman raised her hands with great effort.

"Li Mei, right?" Zhou Yuan glanced at her.

"Yes, I'm Li Mei"

"How long has this situation been going on?"

"Yesterday morning, I was fine, but suddenly my left hand lost strength. It was actually fine at first, I just felt a little uncomfortable in my left hand, and then it got worse and worse. Now my whole left hand can hardly move, and I can't even hold a toothbrush!"

Zhou Yuan carefully looked at Li Mei's left upper limb. The temperature was a little low, and there was indeed a problem, but after checking, he found that there was no problem with the left upper limb... In other words, the direct problem that caused the left upper limb movement disorder was not in the left upper limb!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel AP

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