"The operation was a complete success!"Zhou Yuan's words revealed weakness, making people feel that he would die in the next second.

In fact, it was not easy for Zhou Yuan to hold on until now.

The patient's family members, who were originally prepared to hear the words"we have tried our best", were stunned outside the operating room.

"Success... Success? My husband is fine!!"

The patient’s wife tightly held Zhou Yuan’s hand:"Thank you! Doctor! Thank you!"

Zhou Yuan’s pale face was covered with a smile:"It’s okay, this is what we doctors should do."

Sun Meng felt a little reluctant and said:"The patient’s operation has been completed. You must pay attention to postoperative care. Limb replantation is not a minor operation. You need to pay special attention to a series of postoperative complications. Let Doctor Zhou rest now!"

Zhou Yuan was dragged onto the flat bed by Sun Meng and Zhang Ling. Looking at the glucose water on his head, he smiled with satisfaction.

After returning to the lounge, Zhou Yuan took out the orange vitality potion from his pocket while Sun Meng and Zhang Ling were not paying attention, and drank it all in one breath.��

"It tastes a bit like orange juice." Zhou Yuan smacked his lips twice, savoring the taste.

The next moment, Zhou Yuan's fatigue was swept away, and his energy returned to its peak state again!

However, the physical weakness was caused by low blood sugar, and the vitality potion could not do anything about it.

""Zhang Ling." Zhou Yuan called out.

But it was Sun Meng who opened the door.

Sun Meng was a little surprised at Zhou Yuan's recovery ability - he was still a little turtle when he came in, but now he was as arrogant as a Ninja Turtle?

"Why didn't you call me?" Sun Meng felt wronged.

She was the one who cared about Zhou Yuan the most, she was the one who helped Zhou Yuan with glucose water, and she was the one who came to the lounge to see Zhou Yuan during the break of ward rounds.

Now she actually called the names of other young nurses.

Zhou Yuan was stunned and smiled helplessly:"You are a resident doctor, I plan to call Zhang Ling and ask her to keep a close eye on the patient who is undergoing limb replantation. This kind of major operation has common and serious postoperative complications, and we must pay attention at all times!"

Sun Meng was unhappy:"Can't residents be used as nurses?"

Zhou Yuan was choked.

At this time, Zhang Ling also pushed open the door and came in, and Zhou Yuan quickly changed the subject

"Please pay attention to the patient's blood pressure, pulse, and respiration. Also, urine volume. Ask the family to keep the patient's morning urine for analysis of urine specific gravity. By the way, pay special attention to changes in the patient's consciousness and skin and mucous membrane color."

Zhang Ling was very happy to be told by Zhou Yuan, and immediately ran to work happily.

In fact, these are common sense, and nurses generally know what to do, but it is the doctor Zhou Yuan's responsibility to issue medical orders. Zhou

Yuan had no choice but to be cautious. The purpose of testing urine volume and urine specific gravity is to monitor renal function. Renal failure is an extremely serious complication after limb replantation surgery, and severe cases may lead to death.

Sun Meng secretly looked at Zhou Yuan and found that the latter's eyes turned to him. He immediately looked up at the glucose water on his head and said guiltily:"The glucose water is almost one-third full."

"You are really hardworking. You, Director He, and Haiyang were on night duty last night, and today you had a major operation, so you didn't rest until now." Sun Meng said admiringly.

Zhou Yuan shook his head and felt that his blood sugar level had risen. At least he couldn't faint again, so he pulled out the needle.

"Hey, why did you pull it out?"Sun Meng was horrified.

"You continue to recuperate!" Sun Meng spoke in the commanding tone of a resident doctor to an intern for the first time.

Zhou Yuan held the syringe that was oozing water in his hand and stared at Sun Meng:"You can't ask me to put it back in, can you?"

Sun Meng:...

Zhou Yuan smiled, stood up, and said:"I'm fine now. The two of us can go to the patient's side to check on him. There are also some precautions that the patient's family should pay extra attention to."

Although the nurse may have reminded him, it's never a bad thing to be long-winded.

So, Sun Meng held the medical records and walked with Zhou Yuan to the ward for the limb replantation surgery.

"The patient is Chen Ping, a 32-year-old male who suffered from right upper limb amputation and compression. After the limb replantation surgery, he is currently in good condition, with smooth blood flow and clear consciousness.……"Sun Meng reported.

When the two opened the door of the ward, they saw Zhang Ling giving instructions.

"Doctor Zhou!" Zhang Ling was a little surprised.

""Let me do it." Zhou Yuan walked up.

Chen Ping's family members saw Zhou Yuan, the surgeon, coming and thanked him again.

""What were we talking about?" Zhou Yuan asked.

Zhang Ling said,"I have already asked them to raise the affected limb so that the position of the replanted limb is higher than the heart."

Zhou Yuan nodded and reminded,"Don't raise it too high. Too high will affect blood circulation and will be bad for the recovery of the affected limb."

Zhou Yuan took a closer look at the affected limb and found a place marked with a ballpoint pen, so he asked,"Have you measured the local skin?"

This is a necessary step after the operation. The temperature of the affected limb in good condition should be maintained at 33~35 degrees Celsius, and the temperature difference with the healthy side should be within 2 degrees Celsius. It should be measured every hour, and each time it should be in the same place, so it is often marked with a ballpoint pen.


Either I keep typing, or I faint in front of the computer while typing. There is no other choice. I will continue typing. I ask for all your support!

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