It turned out to be an intern.

The resident doctor felt superior and raised his head.

In the hospital pyramid, the resident doctor is the one who crushes the intern doctor. It is understandable that the resident doctor felt good after seeing Zhou Yuan's position.

"Doctor Lu!"

After treating the patient with mediastinal displacement, a young nurse came in.

"Doctor Lu! Director Zhong has two critically ill patients who need your help!"

Lu Chenxi nodded and was about to walk out quickly, but noticed Zhou Yuan next to him and said,"You are unfamiliar with the place, why don't you follow me? Maybe you can even participate in an operation."

Generally, only residents can touch forceps and vascular clamps, and senior residents can touch scalpels by chance. For interns, being able to participate in an operation is already a blessing, so Zhou Yuan followed Lu Chenxi and entered the emergency room next to them.

""What's the situation?" Lu Chenxi asked anxiously as she stepped into the emergency room.

The young nurse replied anxiously:"The blood pressure is very low! The patient has lost consciousness!"

Lu Chenxi trotted over and turned up the patient's eyelids to check the pupils.

The attending physician Chen Shaocong had a serious expression:"Doctor Lu, the patient has an open wound, we can't perform compressions on her."

Lu Chenxi fell silent.

"One milligram of epinephrine is injected intravenously!"At this time, Zhou Yuan came over.

Lu Chenxi was shocked,"What do you want to do?"

"Bring the knife and do chest compressions!"

Chen Shaocong stared at Zhou Yuan,"Chest compressions? What if there is an infection! And the patient's current condition cannot be assisted by instruments to stop bleeding. Once the chest compression force is slightly greater, it is very likely to cause heavy bleeding!!"

Zhou Yuan's answer was very calm:"Don't worry about the bleeding problem, I will take care of it. As for infection, is it still worth it at this time?"

The resident doctor who followed scratched his head:"Why are you, an intern, interfering? Doctor Lu hasn't spoken yet.……"

Lu Chenxi quickly interrupted the resident and said to the nurse next to him:"Do as Dr. Zhou said!"

Then the resident was pushed out by the nurse who brought the equipment:"Doctor Lu, here comes the knife!"

Lu Chenxi took the knife, looked at Zhou Yuan, and cut open the patient's chest.

Chen Shaocong quickly injected adrenaline

""Start chest compressions!"

Lu Chenxi's face was calm, and she was doing the compressions carefully.

Suddenly, she felt a slight change in her strength - it might not be a big deal at ordinary times, but it definitely won't work now!

Sure enough, after this compression, the patient's blood suddenly overflowed like groundwater.

Lu Chenxi's face was pale, and she was gasping for breath.

At this moment, Zhou Yuan reached his hand, which had been disinfected long ago, into the abdominal cavity and closed his eyes.

The perfect compression hemostasis method can allow the fingers to follow their own ideas, find the source along the direction of the blood flow, and stop the bleeding.

A large amount of broken glass was inserted into the patient's chest cavity, and many blood vessels were ruptured, but as long as a main blood vessel was found as a hemostasis point, the bleeding could be stopped.

Everything went so smoothly.

At the moment of touching the hemostasis point, Zhou Yuan's fingers quietly covered it and gently pinched the blood vessel. The strength, position, and holding method were impeccable.

If there is holy light, then now is the time to emit holy light.

This scene shocked the nurses and doctors watching.

"Is he... stopping the bleeding?"

"How come it's like taking a hot spring bath?"

After years of clinical work, these doctors and nurses have developed a personality that allows them to joke in any situation.

It was not until Zhou Yuan said"the bleeding has stopped" that Lu Chenxi and the others reacted and looked at the chest cavity in disbelief.

"It really stopped!"

"The blood stopped flowing up!"

""Suck the blood away! Empty the chest cavity, don't affect chest compression and organs!"

Lu Chenxi looked at Zhou Yuan in surprise and started chest compression again.

Beep, beep.

Suddenly, the electrocardiogram resumed beating.

"Blood pressure is rising! The patient is safe!"

There was a loud applause.

If Zhou Yuan hadn't wanted to stop the bleeding, he would have slapped himself twice.

""Leave the vascular suture to me." Zhou Yuan said.

Lu Chenxi and others were a little worried, but seeing Zhou Yuan's indifferent expression, Lu Chenxi chose to believe:"Okay, you do it!"

As the dean's disciple, Lu Chenxi still has a certain deterrent effect. No one dared to protest when she said who would do it.

"Come and help me hold it down." Zhou Yuan looked at Lu Chenxi.

Lu Chenxi nodded, walked over, and covered Zhou Yuan's palm.

The small hand touched the big hand, and the little finger pressed the big finger.

Zhou Yuan:"Be steady."

Lu Chenxi realized that she was actually shaking, and smiled embarrassedly,"This is my first time touching a male doctor's hand.……"

After helping Lu Chenxi find the point where he could stop bleeding with his bare hands, Zhou Yuan slowly let go of his hand.

"This gesture is too tricky. And how did you find this position?……"Lu Chenxi was amazed.

Zhou Yuan took a look and reminded:"You pressed too hard, it will cause secondary damage to the patient."

He sighed.

Sure enough, after mastering the perfect compression hemostasis method, no one can stop bleeding.

Ps: The tenth update is over, continue to write, and ask for all support!

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