After the suturing is completed, the"elephant trunk" that can reduce surgical risks is officially built.

"Extraction of 10mg of fentanyl, 8mg of fentanyl, and 1mg of fentanyl"

"Prepare rescue drugs. Dopamine and dopamine butyrate, norepinephrine, nitroglycerin! Open the intravenous access and connect the three-way and blood transfusion device, ready for intraoperative blood transfusion at any time!"


Instrument nurse:"Done!"

Zhou Yuan nodded and picked up the scalpel again.

This time it was a large-scale conventional median thoracotomy.

After the sternum was split in the middle, the patient's body was heparinized. Without Zhou Yuan's reminder, Lu Chenxi immediately started the right subclavian artery cannulation and right atrium cannulation, successfully establishing extracorporeal circulation

"Cool down." Zhou Yuan said.

When the patient's temperature reached 28 degrees Celsius, Zhou Yuan quickly blocked the distal end of the ascending aorta.

""Blood clamp."

Lu Chenxi quickly helped block the blood vessels.

Zhou Yuan cut open the ascending aorta and began to carefully explore the location of the aneurysm.

"It's a bit troublesome."

Zhou Yuan said:"The aneurysm affects the aortic valve. Now we can only remove the aortic valve, expose the aneurysm, and then perform aneurysm removal. Then we can replace the artificial valve to restore the patient's normal myocardial function."

"I'll listen to you." Lu Chenxi already enjoyed his position as an assistant.

"Good. The patient's blood pressure"

"The blood pressure is stable, the extracorporeal circulation is normal, and the operation can be performed!"

Zhou Yuan nodded.

The scalpel fell.

The scalpel was lifted.

The bloody valve was clamped out by forceps.

Lu Chenxi stared at Zhou Yuan's focused face, and her heart was shocked.

She felt that the scalpel was not operated by a person, but a precision machine.

Every time it fell, it was not a bit heavy or light, and the valve that was removed just exposed the location of the aneurysm. It was extremely precise.

In a trance, the operation gradually came to an end.

""Wipe the sweat."

The nurse finally heard this sentence, raised her hand in a panic, and gently wiped Zhou Yuan's sweaty forehead.

Lu Chenxi looked at him with a little jealousy.

Zhou Yuan didn't notice the two people competing for his favor. He was busy doing his favorite suture.

"0/4 sliding thread."Zhou Yuan said.

This is the most suitable suture for valve replacement, and the simplest simple interrupted suture is still used.

"0/3 slide line."

After completing the aortic valve suture, the next step is to suture the blood vessels

"This time it is continuous overlock stitching." Lu Chenxi took a look and nodded in praise

"Blood pressure condition."

After completing the vascular suture, Zhou Yuan asked again. After confirming that everything was correct, he began to withdraw the extracorporeal circulation, stop the bleeding completely, and suture the patient layer by layer.

At this time, waiting outside the operating room were not only the patient's family members, but also the anxious Fu Bowen and Yang Fan who were waiting to see the show.

Aortic dissecting aneurysm itself is a fatal disease. In addition, the diameter of the aneurysm reaches ten centimeters, which doubles the difficulty of the operation and has a mortality rate of over 70%.

Even Fu Bowen is not sure about this operation!

Fu Bowen is not worried about Lu Chenxi's failure, but mistakes!

Sometimes, a mistake can ruin a doctor's future.

What's more, it was the first time that Lu Chenxi performed such a difficult operation independently. Fu Bowen is now shocked and scared!

Fu Bowen is in poor health and has recently started He had frequent illnesses, and he just wanted to take Lu Chenxi out before he died and hand over Renhe Hospital to her.

Now, Yang Fan brought back Zhuang Shu. After Fu Bowen retires, the director of Renhe Hospital is likely to be replaced by him.

Fu Bowen knew what Yang Fan had done. If he handed Renhe over to him, would Renhe still be a hospital?

When he was worried, the"In Surgery" sign finally dimmed.

Fu Bowen and the patient's family stood up almost at the same time.

Yang Fan also stared at the door of the operating room.

A few minutes later, the first doctor came out.

It was an extremely young doctor, whom neither Fu Bowen nor Yang Fan had seen before. Following him was Lu Chenxi.

The young doctor took off his mask, revealing a pale face with some beads of sweat on it. His clothes shook, revealing his name tag

"Zhou Yuan:"Intern."

Fu Bowen’s face changed drastically.

The surgeon standing in this position was an intern?!

Zhou Yuan ignored Fu Bowen and the others, looked at the patient who was walking over anxiously, and said,"The operation was very successful. The patient will be transferred to the intensive care unit soon. Pay attention to the postoperative healing."

The patient thanked Zhou Yuan profusely and excitedly shook Zhou Yuan’s hand.

When Yang Fan saw this scene, his face sank and he turned away.

Lu Chenxi happily ran to Fu Bowen,"Teacher, mission accomplished!"

Fu Bowen patted Lu Chenxi on the head and scolded with a smile,"We are all doctors, be serious!"

After that, Fu Bowen set his sights on Zhou Yuan,"Excuse me...are you the surgeon in this operation?"

Zhou Yuan nodded,"Dean Fu, it’s me."

Fu Bowen's pupils shrank.

Was he really the lead surgeon?

An intern doctor completed the aortic dissecting aneurysm resection?!

The patient's aortic dissecting aneurysm was nearly ten centimeters in diameter, with severe vascular deformity and hardening, aortic valve insufficiency and hypertension. In such a severe situation, even he, a famous thoracic surgery expert in Yanjing, was not sure he could do it!

"Why haven't I seen you at Renhe Hospital?" Fu Bowen hesitated and asked this question.

Zhou Yuan said calmly:"I am an intern at Yanjing International Hospital. I came here for an exchange this time."

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