"Especially you, an intern! You must study hard and become a good doctor in the future!"

Wang Chun saw the name tag of intern Zhou Yuan at a glance.

Sun Meng couldn't help laughing:"Brother Wang, Doctor Zhou is the best doctor among the doctors present here!"

Haiyang said:"This disease was discovered by Doctor Zhou."

Wang Chun was frightened and his eyes widened:"What? So the interns are the best?!"

Haiyang explained to Wang Chun that it was not the interns who were good, but Zhou Yuan who was good. It took a long time to finish.

Zhou Yuan was a little helpless.

It seems that the only benefit of being an intern is to get the system reward"the approval of the superiors", and as long as you are a doctor, it is basically your superior.

Before leaving, Zhou Yuan waved to Wang Chun:"Don't worry! I will definitely become a good doctor!"

"There is also the patient in bed 15, Wang Shengli, and the old lady named Wu Lihua."When

Zhou Yuan said this, he remembered that the old lady's family members had not arrived yet, and asked,"Have Grandma Wu's family members arrived yet?"

Sun Meng shook her head:"No. They said they would wait until the end of work to come!"

She was a little angry:"It's almost as you guessed. I heard that the old lady's operation went smoothly, and they said they are not in a hurry to come."

Zhou Yuan was helpless."It's past six o'clock now. It should be time to get off work."

The two chatted all the way and first came to Wang Shengli's ward

"Boom boom boom"

"Come in!"Wang Shengli said in a generous voice.

Seeing that it was Zhou Yuan who pushed the door open, Wang Shengli's mood improved.

"It's you, Dr. Zhou!"

"You woke up so soon? Wang Dahai is here too. Zhou Yuan greeted him.

Wang Dahai, a family member who stayed with him, was sitting next to him eating melon seeds.

"Doctor Zhou, would you like some?" Wang Dahai glanced at Zhou Yuan and enthusiastically handed him a handful of spiced melon seeds.

"No thanks."

Zhou Yuan put it in his pocket.

As a doctor, there are some things that cannot be accepted, but accepting things like melon seeds and peanuts will make the patient feel that they are valued and feel more at ease, which will also promote recovery.

After that, Zhou Yuan began the routine examination.

The blood pressure was normal, and the urine volume and urine specific gravity shown in the medical record were all fine.

Zhou Yuan pressed Wang Shengli's leg again, and the blood supply was normal and the peripheral circulation was smooth.

He repeated what he had said before:

"Pay attention to postoperative care, elevate the affected limb, strengthen ankle and knee flexion and extension activities when lying in bed, practice stretching thigh muscles, and avoid muscle atrophy caused by long-term bed rest"

"But don't move around, try to stay in a supine position"

"Go for an X-ray check-up in a month. If the fracture heals well, you can walk with crutches without weight bearing. You can take some bone-setting medicine orally to promote healing. If the numbness is severe, add some methylcobalamin capsules to supplement nerve nutrition. The nurse will pay attention to this. Just take the medicine on time."

Wang Shengli and Wang Dahai nodded repeatedly like children who were eager to learn.

"Also, if it hurts a lot, you can raise the affected limb and apply hot compress and massage. Or you can choose local cold compress. There is ice available in the emergency department, you can ask the nurse to get it."

Wang Shengli:"Can I not bother the nurse, but you?"

Zhou Yuan twitched his mouth:"Sure. In addition, if the situation is not relieved, I will prescribe painkillers for you."

Wang Shengli chuckled:"Doctor Zhou, you are so nice!"

Zhou Yuan smiled and said:"This is what a doctor should do."

Wang Dahai shook his head, his tone a little bad:"No! Some doctors are not as good as you!"

When Wang Shengli heard this, he immediately opened the chatterbox and pulled Zhou Yuan

"When we were young, we worked outside and first worked at a construction site. My brother’s palm was cut by glass.

Wang Dahai nodded and showed his right hand, which was bandaged and injured at least twice.

"We went to the hospital to see a doctor. My brother was examined there. The doctor asked me to pay the bill. At that time, we didn’t have much money. We didn’t expect the medical bill to be more than 2,000 yuan. We couldn’t pay it. I went back to discuss with the doctor whether I could make up the payment the next day, but the doctor refused.

Zhou Yuan was stunned:"What happened next?"

"At that time, the doctor had already sewed up my brother's wound and put on a plaster cast. The doctor threatened that if he didn't pay, he would have to remove the stitches.’"

""Shit." Zhou Yuan cursed subconsciously."You guys aren’t really going to tear it down, are you?"

"What else can we do? The doctor didn’t give us anesthesia and just forcibly removed it. My brother endured the pain and asked the doctor to take the stitches back!"Wang Shengli waved his fist and almost hit Zhou Yuan who was standing next to him.

""Brother! Let's not talk about these old things! We have made it big now. We can sell fruits and other things when we have nothing to do. Our lives are very leisurely. Let's not talk about the sad things of the past!" Wang Dahai comforted him.

Then, Wang Shengli and Wang Dahai began to recall the hard stories of their years in Yanjing City.

The plot was as exciting as the struggle history of the Tsim Sha Tsui gang.

Zhou Yuan and the others quietly closed the door.

"Why is there such a doctor?"Sun Meng said bitterly.

Zhou Yuan shook his head:"Let's do our best!"

Sun Meng sighed:"Are they running a fruit stall... It seems that their life is not very good. Let's report it and reduce some of their medical expenses, right?"

At this point, the loud voice of Wang Shengli came from the room.

"Didn't we just harvest over 100 tons of apples? We'll send some to the emergency department someday! Thank them!"


The ninth update is over and the tenth update is starting. The monthly votes will soon reach 900. Can a big brother give me a few?

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