"Are you sure you can do it?"

If it was normal, He Jianyi might have scolded Zhou Yuan for not being calm.

However, after his performance on the operating table just now, He Jianyi felt that Zhou Yuan might not be so simple.

"I can do it." This is the confident voice of a master who has master-level limb replantation technology.

He Jianyi frowned, somewhat pessimistic about Zhou Yuan:"In recent years, our Yanjing International Hospital has admitted 378 patients with finger compression amputation, and 303 of them were successful. In each successful case, the degree of amputation was not high, and only simple suture was performed."

"As for the successful replantation of a limb after compression fracture, there is not a single successful case!"

The reason why He Jianyi said this data was undoubtedly to tell Zhou Yuan how difficult this operation was at present.

However, Zhou Yuan heard it with a different meaning.

"Does this mean that I can pioneer the technology of replanting severed limbs after finger compression amputation in our hospital?" Zhou Yuan was a little surprised.

Jiang Xiaoqi looked at Zhou Yuan curiously:"Excuse me, who are you?……"

She glanced at the badge.

"Zhou Yuan: An intern."

Jiang Xiaoqi's face darkened instantly.

What are you, an intern, doing here?

Zhou Yuan didn't care about Jiang Xiaoqi's expression, and answered seriously:"I am Zhou Yuan, an intern under Director He Jianyi!"

After that, Zhou Yuan patted Lin Wen on the shoulder:"Don't waste time, push him to the operating room. If you don't replant the severed limb, it will be too late to sew it, and it will be too late to amputate the whole arm."

Lin Wen said"oh" twice, and was frightened by Zhou Yuan's aura and pushed Wang Tie into the operating room obediently.

Jiang Xiaoqi and He Jianyi stared at each other.

"That's...your intern?" Jiang Xiaoqi almost laughed.

He Jianyi didn't like Jiang Xiaoqi's attitude, so he ignored her and quickly caught up with Zhou Yuan. If an intern has an accident, he, the deputy chief physician who led the team, is the first person responsible!

In the operating room.

When He Jianyi arrived, Zhou Yuan and others had already put on their surgical gowns and turned on the shadowless lamp.

"Finger root nerve block anesthesia."Zhou Yuan said.

Haiyang, who had diligently replaced the first assistant position, saw Zhou Yuan halfway and immediately pushed the anesthetic.

The anesthesiologist was sitting next to him, confused.

This is my job!

First assistant, why don't you just take the knife and pass the knife to help? Why are you pushing my anesthetic for no reason?

Zhou Yuan chuckled:"Not bad."

Seeing that his two disciples had already started, He Jianyi was silent.

It was impossible to stop Zhou Yuan at this time. It was almost the same as when he was using manual pressure to stop bleeding. If Zhou Yuan stopped now, it would only bring greater harm to the patient.

"Haiyang, you can do it."

Seeing Zhou Yuan immersed in the operation, He Jianyi pushed all his murderous intent towards Haiyang.

Haiyang's face froze, he raised his head, saw He Jianyi's cold eyes, and laughed awkwardly a few times:"Ha, ha, ha……"

He Jianyi sighed.

He was really impressed by these two disciples.

Zhou Yuan was a very magical monster. Apart from being handsome, he didn't look like a technical talent. This was the first time he was put on the operating table, and he directly performed an unprecedented docking suture method and manual hemostasis.

Haiyang was keen on surgery. As long as he heard about surgery, this little bastard would run faster than anyone else. He had never missed any of He Jianyi's surgeries.

However, Haiyang's surgical experience and skills were indeed excellent, so he had always been an assistant.

Thinking of this, He Jianyi set his sights on Zhou Yuan, who was concentrating on repairing the broken limb.

Zhou Yuan held a scalpel and cut a hole on the dorsal side of the distal interphalangeal joint."Y"Then, the skin is turned up and the insertion point of the extensor tendon is exposed in the surgical field.

"He is suturing the tendon?"He Jianyi was stunned.

Zhou Yuan continued to sew the first stitch from the tendon insertion point with the double-needle tendon suture, then took the 1.2mm Kirschner wire from the instrument hand guard, and made two holes in the base of the distal phalanx from the dorsal side to the palm side and both sides to penetrate the skin, forming a bone and soft tissue channel.

He Jianyi swallowed his saliva. This smooth operation was simply like appreciating a work of art!

He now felt that he was not watching a doctor suturing a tendon, but watching a beautiful girl using her jade fingers to embroider a cross stitch!

The most annoying thing was that just when the beautiful girl was about to complete the most delicate stitch, Haiyang's head stretched out and blocked He Jianyi's sight.

"Get out of the way."

He Jianyi pushed Haiyang away and pushed forward like a hungry student."

You've never missed my surgery, right? You were always the first assistant, right? Now I'm the first assistant, get out of the way!"

He Jianyi licked his lips and stared at Zhou Yuan's hand movements.

To be honest, he had been doing surgery for so many years, and this was the first time he was amazed by someone's suturing skills.

Haiyang, who was kicked away by Deputy Director He Jianyi and inexplicably became the second assistant, was also amazed.

This was the first time he saw Director He Jianyi become the first assistant, and the chief surgeon was still an intern!

Having said that, Haiyang still came over immediately to admire Zhou Yuan's ingenious suturing of broken limbs.

"Um... Zhou Yuan, what suturing method are you using now?" He Jianyi felt a little embarrassed.

He, an associate chief physician, actually asked an intern?


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