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Moreover... aortic bleeding during surgery is the most difficult to deal with!

On the one hand, the pressure of the aorta is high, and it is easy to block or compress it. Once the force is not applied properly, it is very easy to cause blood vessel rupture.

On the other hand, it is difficult to reveal the bleeding site when bleeding occurs here. Zhou Yuan could not care so much, and quickly stepped forward and put his hand directly into the chest cavity.

The perfect level of compression hemostasis worked at this moment.

The fingers quickly felt the beating blood vessels at the proximal end, avoided the weakest middle section of the ascending aorta, and gently pressed down on the left side of the thicker aortic wall.

The bleeding rate gradually slowed down, and the blood in the abdominal cavity no longer rose

""Suck the blood out."

Zhou Yuan said immediately when he felt the bleeding stop.

Everyone was shocked by Zhou Yuan's pressure to stop the bleeding.

"Can you also press the aorta with bare hands to stop bleeding?"He Jianyi was shocked. All previous surgeries were on small blood vessels, and some were just venous bleeding. Zhou Yuan could stop the bleeding with bare hands.

But... can the aorta also be pressed with bare hands to stop bleeding?

This is too scary! Is he cheating?

On the other side, the anesthesiologist's face turned pale at this time, and he shouted:

"The patient's blood pressure dropped and his heart rate dropped rapidly! Now his heart rate is less than 40!"

"Blood transfusion! Ask the blood bank to prepare blood supply!"

Considering Chu Chu's mother's physical condition and the amount of bleeding, the 1000cc of blood prepared before the operation is definitely not enough!

Zhou Yuan didn't say much nonsense and continued,"Aortic clamp!"

He was the lead surgeon in this operation, and he certainly couldn't keep pressing on the aorta to act as a human hemostatic clamp. He had to use an instrument to stop the bleeding as soon as possible.

Director Lin came over, holding the aortic clamp in his hand, and was in a dilemma.

The use of the aortic clamp can indeed stop bleeding, but the choice of position is particularly difficult. If it is too high, it will affect the subsequent placement of the ascending aorta decompression drainage tube. If it is too low, it will block the position and hinder the aortic incision.

Zhou Yuan guessed the reason for Director Lin's embarrassment, and said silently:"Clamp my hand"

"Huh? Can clamping your hand stop the bleeding?"Director Lin was stunned for a moment.

"Clamp my hand, I'll find the position." Zhou Yuan's face was dark.

The bleeding stopped, and Director Lin's IQ also dropped?

Zhou Yuan urged, and after feeling the aortic clamp in his hand, he carefully freed up two fingers and placed the clamp in the position he had found long ago.

""Huh. Done." Zhou Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

He glanced at the blood transfusion bag and saw that 1,000cc of blood was not enough.

"Has the blood from the blood bank been delivered? Hurry up!" Zhou Yuan shook his head and said

"Dr. Zhou, the patient has Rh AB blood type. This 1000cc of blood is all that is in our blood bank.……"The voice of the equipment nurse sounded.

Zhou Yuan's face changed.

The so-called Rh blood, commonly known as panda blood, more than 99% of Rh type people are positive. Rh blood type people are extremely rare, and AB type is even rarer.

"The patient needs at least 800 milliliters of blood!" The anesthesiologist urged again.

Zhou Yuan clenched his fists tightly.

The nearest blood bank is Renhe Hospital, which may also have Rh AB type blood reserves, but... the patient can't wait that long! Wait... blood bank!

Zhou Yuan thought of something and hurried out of the operating room.

"Continue to rescue, raise blood pressure and heart rate as soon as possible, I will be back soon!"

Zhou Yuan pushed open the door of the operating room and rushed to the toilet immediately.

"System, how do I use the small blood bank?" Zhou Yuan spoke quickly.

"Just input the blood type that needs to be converted."

Zhou Yuan's expression became serious.

The blood volume of an ordinary person is about 4000~5000 ml. When the blood loss is 10%, that is, 400~500 ml, the body can restore the blood volume and normal blood pressure through compensation.

When the blood loss is more than 800 ml, symptoms such as pale face and lips, cold sweat on the skin, cold hands and feet will appear. But generally speaking, there is no danger to life.

But Zhou Yuan is the chief surgeon!

In the next ten hours, Chuchu's mother's life is in his hands. If he loses another 800 ml of blood... can he hold on?

He is just a doctor, not a god.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhou Yuan's eyes suddenly became firm.

He is indeed not a god.

But... doctors are not ordinary people!

In this world, only doctors are fighting against the god of death!

"I promised to rescue your mother no matter what.……"Chuchu's face appeared in front of Zhou Yuan

"System, transforms Rh AB blood"

""Conversion volume, 800 ml!"

The next moment, Zhou Yuan's face turned pale, and countless cold sweats came out of his pores, instantly soaking the heavy lead clothes on his body.

At the same time, two 400 ml blood bags appeared in front of Zhou Yuan, with"Rh AB type blood" written in bold on the outside of the blood bags. Zhou Yuan smiled, and he tried to stand up. Suddenly, he felt a little weak in his hands and feet, and his breathing became a lot faster.

""Damn it, I still don't believe it."

Zhou Yuan swore, which was rare. He went to the dressing room next door, took out two vitality potions from the cabinet, and drank them in one gulp.

In an instant, Zhou Yuan's mind became much clearer.

Zhou Yuan washed his hands before the operation, changed into surgical clothes, etc., and returned to the operating room.

"Start blood transfusion immediately." Zhou Yuan's tone was a little weak, and he handed over the blood bag.

"This is……"

He Jianyi and the others were stunned.

Seeing the blood type marked on the outside of the blood bag, and that it was from Zhou Yuan, everyone was delighted, and without any doubt, they quickly transfused it into the patient.

Finally, when the 800 ml of blood was about to run out, the anesthesiologist sent good news.

"It's OK! The patient's blood pressure has risen and his heart rate has increased!"

Zhou Yuan closed his eyes and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"The next surgery, I���"Is it?" Zhou Yuan said, clenching his fist.

The tense operation did not allow everyone to explore where the blood came from. Everyone only knew that the patient was out of danger, and that was enough.

Director Lin and another director of thoracic surgery made way for Zhou Yuan to take the lead position, and He Jianyi and Lu Chenxi took their positions.

Zhou Yuan felt a little dizzy.

"I have a candy in my pocket, help me feed it."Zhou Yuan said.

As the chief surgeon, he couldn't touch other places with his hands, so this matter could only be done by the instrument nurse.

Soon, the instrument nurse touched the candy.

She quickly peeled off the red candy wrapper, took off Zhou Yuan's mask, and fed the candy into Zhou Yuan's mouth.

""Wait, don't throw the candy wrapper away, please put it back in my pocket." Zhou Yuan stopped the instrument nurse.

The instrument nurse was stunned for a moment, said"oh" twice, and stuffed it back into Zhou Yuan's pocket.

Zhou Yuan closed his eyes slightly.

When he went from operating room one to operating room two, he heard Chuchu crying.

This innocent little girl thought that she could definitely save her father and mother by doing the operation.

But in fact, Zhou Yuan performed a donor lung operation on Chuchu's father...

When he walked out of the operating room, how would he face this little girl who placed all her hopes on him?_Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel AP

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