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"Tell me! Am I hopeless?"

Seeing Wu Guohui's increasingly serious expression, the man with the severed finger wished he could tear his finger off and reattach it.

Wu Guohui glanced at Director Wang before saying to the man with the severed finger,"Don't worry, the problem is that it was done too well.……"


The man with the severed finger and the bearded doctor were both stunned.

"How could a small clinic do so well?"

Wu Guohui wondered,"Look, from yesterday to now, in just one day, my fingers can already move slightly, and there is no obstruction to the blood flow at the end of the fingers.……"

Then he looked at the man with the broken finger and said,"There is no problem with the bone connection. I just touched the distal end of your finger and I felt it. The nerves are fine. You can move it. The tendon repair is perfect... This operation was done too well!"

Wu Guohui carefully estimated that if he, the deputy director, had performed this operation, the effect might not have been so good.

To reach the current level of recovery, he might need a week.

"Which clinic did you work in?" Wu Guohui was thinking about recruiting talents again, and was thinking about how to poach people.

"It's just... an ordinary clinic, but the doctor is not from the clinic. I just asked for some suture and disinfection tools from the clinic.……"The man with the severed finger still doesn't believe it

"If it’s not the doctor there, then who is it?"

"He is from your hospital, an intern, his name is Zhou something, Zhou……"

Before he could finish, Wu Guohui and Director Wang looked at each other and blurted out at the same time:"Zhou Yuan?!"

"Right, right! It's Zhou Yuan!"

Wu Guohui's mood instantly relaxed, leaning back in his chair, waving his hand and saying,"Then what else is there to check? No more checking, no problem! No problem at all!"

"Really...really? Doctor, please give me a systematic examination and prescribe some medicine for me!" The man with the broken finger was worried.

Wu Guohui nodded and said while prescribing medicine:"You are lucky. Zhou Yuan is a talent that we can't even hire as the director of our hand surgery department. He will replant your severed limb. You will make a fortune!"

The bearded doctor and the man with the broken finger looked at each other and were stunned.


Knock, knock, knock.

Chuchu came to the ward in a serious manner, holding the teddy bear given by the nurses, and knocked on the door.

Zhang Ling touched her head and said,"Go in quickly, Brother Zhou Yuan hasn't woken up yet."

After sending Chuchu in, Zhang Ling carefully closed the door and went back to work.

"Brother Zhou Yuan?"Chu

Chu tiptoed to the bed.

Zhou Yuan was receiving an IV drip. He pursed his pale lips tightly, but his complexion looked much better.

"Not awake yet……"

Chuchu could only sit beside him, holding the teddy bear

"Little bear, little bear, did you eat well today?"

""Little bear, little bear, if you lose a tooth, throw the lower one onto the roof and bury the upper one, so that the tooth can grow out quickly!"

Chuchu laughed, hugged Little Bear and kissed him several times. After waiting for a long time, Chuchu felt a little sleepy. Come on, hehe, hehe, hehe, punched a few times to cheer herself up.

Just as she was about to sit down again, she suddenly noticed Zhou Yuan moved.

""Brother Zhou Yuan?" Chuchu called softly.

Zhou Yuan opened his eyes in confusion when he heard the voice, and immediately saw Chuchu approaching him.

"Chu Chu?" Zhou Yuan was a little surprised.

He struggled to get up, leaned against the head of the bed, and said with a smile:"Chu Chu, why are you here?"

"I'm waiting for my brother to wake up!"

"Wait for me to wake up?" Zhou Yuan was stunned.

"Brother! Where is my dad? I want to go see him!"

Chuchu hugged the little bear and said aggrievedly,"I looked in many rooms but couldn't find my dad! The nurse at my mom's place said I can't go in, or my mom will get sick again!""

"Your father……"Zhou Yuan was a little embarrassed.

Chuchu looked at Zhou Yuan expectantly, her big eyes were very lively and cute.


Zhou Yuan didn't know how to tell Chuchu.

Before he could think it through, Chuchu's expression gradually changed and his eyes dimmed.

"Brother, is Dad dead?……"

As Chuchu spoke, tears flowed from her eyes.

"No, I can’t cry! I’ve grown up! I can’t cry!"

Chuchu tried to wipe away her tears, but the more she wiped, the more tears came.

Zhou Yuan felt heartbroken.

Especially when he heard the six-year-old Chuchu say"I’ve grown up", he felt like his heart was being hit hard by a hammer!


Zhou Yuan went over and held Chuchu in his arms.

Chuchu's crying became softer and softer, and finally turned into silent sobs, and slowly she began to breathe slowly and regularly.

She had been holding on for a long time, in a strange place, separated from her mother by a door and from her father by a line. At this time, Chuchu finally felt supported, and finally couldn't hold on any longer.

Zhou Yuan checked his body, and after finding no major problems, he pulled out the infusion tube, carried Chuchu to the bed, and covered her with a quilt.

"Fell asleep?"

Sun Meng, who had just had some free time, rushed over and saw this scene.

Zhou Yuan nodded.

"Do you know that she sat outside the operating room for more than ten hours at the beginning? From the moment you entered, as long as she was awake, her eyes never left the operating room."Sun Meng whispered. Zhou Yuan nodded silently.

"Zhou Yuan, have you told her how her father is doing?" Sun Meng asked in a low voice.

"She figured it out herself. Zhou Yuan sighed.

After a while, Director He also came and was a little surprised to see Zhou Yuan wake up.

"Your body recovered so quickly?"He Jianyi said with a smile

"Teacher, aren't you already well?" Zhou Yuan said

"I'm different from you. I consume very little physical energy. My legs were weak at that time just because I was hungry. I recovered after eating something."

Zhou Yuan rubbed his aching head and said with a smile:"Teacher, is the emergency department busy today?"

He Jianyi guessed what Zhou Yuan meant and said:"This operation is very exhausting for you. You don't have to participate in work for the next two days. Besides... there is someone who needs your care, right?"

As he said that, He Jianyi glanced at Chuchu on the bed.

Now, Chuchu's mother is lying in the intensive care unit of the hospital. Chuchu must not be without someone to take care of her, and here, Chuchu is closest to Zhou Yuan.

It's just right, and it can also let Zhou Yuan relax.

Zhou Yuan didn't force it and nodded.

He Jianyi felt a little distressed, walked to Zhou Yuan's side, and said:"Don't hold on, being a doctor is a protracted battle, you must take care of yourself!"

Zhou Yuan smiled and nodded:"Thank you, teacher"

"By the way, Dean Fang held a meeting not long ago and planned to report your surgery to the textbook editorial committee and include it in the textbook as a classic surgery. What do you think?"He Jianyi asked.

Zhou Yuan smiled and said,"Of course."

Zhou Yuan was not bragging. Once the master-level double lung transplant surgery was included in the textbook, it might indeed bring some new insights and improvements to the field of lung transplantation.

"There was nothing else to do... Oh, and Lu Chenxi is still in our hospital. She said she would come to see you when you wake up."

After saying that, He Jianyi smiled mysteriously and thought: You little bastard, your luck with women is better than mine in the past!

Then, Zhou Yuan and Sun Meng were left staring at each other, and the scene was very awkward._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel AP

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