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Zhou Yuan frowned.

The person who got off the car looked normal except that he was missing a leg, but... there was a wire stuck in his head.

To be more precise, this patient who looked like a beggar had a wire as thick as two toothpicks running across his head.

The wire man walked down slowly with a cane.

The doctor on the car bypassed the other doctors, spotted Zhou Yuan at a glance, and reported:"Doctor Zhou, this was discovered after receiving a call for help from the masses. This person had a wire stuck in his head and had been wandering by the river, so we quickly brought him here!"

Zhou Yuan nodded, and took him to the observation room with the other doctors.

"Let's check the temperature and blood pressure." Zhou Yuan said.

The wire man glanced at Zhou Yuan coldly and said,"I don't have any money."

"No money, just check it out."

Zhou Yuan looked at the wire in the wire man's head and got goose bumps.

It hurts to look at it.……

"This is not iron wire, it is steel wire"

"Excuse me."Zhou Yuan said.

It turned out to be the wire man.

"How did this steel wire get into your head?" Ocean asked

"I inserted it myself."The wire man said calmly.

""Fuck! You inserted it yourself, are you sick? Why do you want to stick the wire into your head for no reason? Are you going to die?" Haiyang was shocked.

The wire man nodded:"I am really sick."

Zhou Yuan looked at the electronic thermometer,"You have a high fever."

The wire man nodded:"I know, it doesn't affect me."

Zhou Yuan was stunned.

This guy... How come he is more pretentious than himself?

"Why do I feel like you look a bit like Brother Xili?" Zhou Yuan said

"It's not important."Brother Steelwire shook his head.

"You just said you were sick? What happened?"

Brother Xili sighed:"I have bone cancer."

Zhou Yuan was stunned and looked at Brother Xili's missing right leg.

Indeed, one of the ways to prevent the further spread of bone cancer is to perform joint dissection, in other words - amputation.

""You put a steel wire in your head to suppress the pain?" Zhou Yuan asked.

One of the clinical manifestations of bone cancer is pain, which is the real pain in the bones. At the beginning, the pain is mild and intermittent, which is bearable, but later, the pain will gradually increase and develop into continuous severe pain.

Judging from the appearance of Sharp Brother, it is estimated that he has reached the stage of continuous severe pain.

"I can't suppress it. Bone cancer hurts more than this steel wire. I hope this steel wire hurts more. It's better to have pain in one place than all over the body."Brother Xili gritted his teeth and twitched his face several times.

"Your bone cancer... has spread?" Zhou

"Yes. I had my leg amputated at the county hospital, and they said it could be cured. But after the amputation, they told me the cancer had spread and I would only live for two to three months at most."

"Why don't you stay in the county hospital?" Haiyang asked in confusion.

"I have no money to see a doctor! My family has borrowed all the money they can to pay for my medical treatment. If I continue to see a doctor, will my family survive?"Brother Xili sighed.

"Alas, my wife and children are now living in the mud house in my hometown. My illness has caused them so much trouble!"

Haiyang was silent for a while and asked,"How old is your child?"

"Both of them are about to go to school, a boy and a girl. Because of me, they were supposed to be of school age in the second half of this year, but they can't go to school!"

When talking about his wife and children, Sharp Brother changed his previous calmness and became emotional.

Zhou Yuan asked,"How long have you had this wire in your head?"

Sharp Brother thought for a while and said,"I'm from another place. I took a bus here from my hometown. When I had no money, I begged and walked. It's been at least more than half a month."

"You just ran out like this?" Ocean couldn't help asking

"What else could I do? I told my wife not to lend me money. Who would be willing to lend us money at that time? My wife refused and insisted on getting treatment. How could I let them down? I left a letter and ran away.

Zhou Yuan sighed,"Go take an X-ray. I'll see what the wire in your head looks like.""

"No need to take an X-ray, I really don’t have any money! Can you give me some painkillers? I’m in so much pain now!" Sharp Brother was a little excited

"This is a hospital, you have to listen to me."

After that, Zhou Yuan wrote a CT scan order and handed it to Zhang Ling next to him, saying:"Take a CT scan of the head and legs."

Then, he looked at Brother Xili and said:"You said you have bone cancer? Let's check it out too."

"Doctor! I won’t implicate you. I have no money. Please give me some painkillers and I’ll leave right away, okay!"

Sharp Brother cried,"Who knew that I would be taken here by an ambulance! I can’t even afford the fare!"

Zhou Yuan’s expression froze.

Being taken here...

Why does it feel like our hospital has become a prison?

Zhou Yuan sighed helplessly and said,"Since you are in the hospital and you are really sick, we doctors can’t just sit back and watch. Don’t worry about the money for now, just go for the check-up peacefully. As for the painkillers, I’ll give them to you after we take the X-rays."

Sharp Brother nodded:"As long as you give me painkillers, I’ll let you do anything!"

With that, he refused the support of Zhou Yuan and Haiyang, and left with Zhang Ling on crutches.

"Hey! Watch your head, don't let the wire hit the door frame!"

Zhou Yuan shouted worriedly.

After Sharp Brother left, Haiyang and Zhou Yuan looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"How did he do this? A steel wire was inserted into his brain, but he is still alive... This person is so lucky!"

Zhou Yuan shook his head:"If he was really lucky, he would not have bone cancer. He actually thought of using steel wire to relieve pain, and he said he only had a few months left to live. I guess he has reached the late stage of bone cancer!"

Late stage bone cancer means that the cancer cells have metastasized significantly and the surrounding tissues have been completely eroded. At this time, it is no longer possible to rely on physical methods such as amputation to treat it, and chemotherapy is of little significance.

The only way for patients with late stage bone cancer is to give them strong analgesics to relieve pain and strengthen nutritional support to maintain body functions, so as to prolong life and improve the quality of life.

However, for patients with this kind of persistent pain, no one has the answer to whether prolonging life is a good thing or a bad thing.

Zhou Yuan wrote another list.

"Give him some ginsenoside Rh2 capsules."

Ginsenoside Rh2 capsules with a content of 16.2% can reduce the pain of patients with advanced cancer, and also have a significant analgesic effect on persistent pain in bone cancer.

Haiyang nodded:"This is the only way. The patient has come to our door, and we must save him. I'll pay for this examination. You are an intern and your salary is lower than mine."

Zhou Yuan smiled:"Senior brother, do you look down on my commission for the surgery? Let's split it."

Haiyang was stunned and laughed.

"Let's go and watch the film. How did he do it even though the wire went through his head?……"Zhou Yuan felt a little unbelievable


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