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"Woohoo……"Chuchu cried.

Zhou Yuan was also a little scared by Haiyang and his men, and said bravely:"We are all medical students. We have dissected so many corpses. What are you afraid of?"

Haiyang:"It's because we have dissected so many corpses that we are afraid that they will come to us!"





A deep sound rang out.

Zhou Yuan's face changed:"My feet were grabbed by a ghost!"

Sun Meng's voice came over:"No, my legs are weak, I want to drag your feet away……"

Zhou Yuan: ???

"System, system, is there a ghost here?"

System:"This system does not have the detection function"

"Then tell me if there are ghosts in the world!"

The system was silent for a few seconds, and then - a ghost cry came out.


Zhou Yuan suddenly screamed in his mind and jumped up on the spot.

"Fuck you system……"

Before Zhou Yuan could curse, suddenly, the lights in the entire corridor dimmed.

In an instant, the corridor became pitch black, with only the emergency department lobby at the back and the operating room in the front still emitting dim lights.

In the darkness, there seemed to be a shadow approaching in front.

Accompanied by the sound of knocking.

Zhou Yuan was about to push Haiyang out, and the lights suddenly came on again.

Lin Wen's figure appeared in front of him. She was holding a mobile phone in her hand and said,"Okay, Master, there is no problem with the circuit here... Hey, what are you all doing here?"

Lin Wen hung up the phone, looking at Zhou Yuan who was leaning against the wall with a little surprise, Zhang Ling who was holding Zhou Yuan's back, Haiyang who was pulling Zhou Yuan's clothes, and Sun Meng who was squatting on the ground with his head covered.


The sound rang again.

Zhou Yuan and others' hearts, which had just relaxed, were hanging again.

"What are you doing?"Lin Wen was completely confused.

"There's a ghost!" Sun Meng shouted in fear


Lin Wen looked around suspiciously and walked towards the direction where the sound came from.

Soon, she disappeared around the corner.

"Lin Wen won't have become a ghost when she comes out, right?" Haiyang said with a sad face.

"Speak properly!" Zhou Yuan said seriously.

"Brother, you hug me so tight! Are you scared?" Chuchu felt a little pain and said aggrievedly.

Zhou Yuan:……

"Don't listen to the kid's nonsense." Zhou Yuan laughed.

After a while, Lin Wen came back.

But... Zhou Yuan noticed that there was a shadow under Lin Wen's feet!

Sun Meng and others also saw it, and their faces changed drastically!

Lin Wen stopped for a moment and caught the figure behind her. Only then did everyone see clearly that it was Brother Xili.

"Why did you bring him here?"Hai Qi wiped the cold sweat off her forehead.

Lin Wen let go of Sharp Brother's collar.

Then, she saw Sharp Brother start to hit the wall.




"It hurts……"

"It really hurts.……"

The tone of Sharp Brother's voice was weak, just like a ghost crying out for justice.

Sun Meng stood up, clapped his hands, and produced a 100-yuan bill from his palm, handed it to Zhou Yuan, and said,"Zhou Yuan, your money fell, I just squatted down to help you pick it up.……"

Zhou Yuan stuffed a hundred yuan into his pocket

""Brother Haiyang, what about you? Why are you pulling my clothes?" Zhou Yuan smiled brightly.

"Ahem... I dropped a hundred dollars, and I just squatted down to pick up my own money."

Upon hearing this, Sun Meng was dumbfounded.

Why didn't I think that I dropped my own money?!!

Suddenly, Sun Meng began to regret it.

The next day, everyone tacitly forgot what happened last night. Lin Wen had no idea what had happened.

Sharp Brother's fever also slowly disappeared over time.

Moreover, everyone in the emergency department often sponsored some snacks, fruits and so on, and finally let him sleep on the chair at night, and gave him a blanket by the way.

Soon, the department held a meeting, and He Jianyi invited people from the orthopedics and neurosurgery departments to discuss Sharp Brother's affairs.

"The steel wire just avoided the functional area... This is incredible!" said the neurosurgeon.

He Jian nodded and said,"Now we mainly want to study how to deal with this steel wire."

Jiang Xiaoqi, as the deputy director, also spoke:"Yes, the surgery fee is not important now, we can all split it equally, but this condition... is really too difficult to deal with!"

"The wire has penetrated many blood vessels. If it is not moved, he can still live well. Once a knife is used to remove it, it is very likely to cause heavy bleeding and directly lead to death!"

The orthopedic surgeon who had been silent said:"His life is meaningless to be saved. Even if the wire is successfully taken out, he can only live for two or three months. What's the use? Why take a huge risk to remove the wire? Anyway, the wire does not affect life, it is better to live well for a few months with the wire!""

Brain surgeon:"I agree! Your emergency department has kindly taken him in and provided him with free medical treatment and pain relief. If he dies on the operating table, then we will definitely be responsible for his wife and children. What will we become then? We will really become an orphanage!"

He Jianyi hesitated for a long time and nodded.

No one in their emergency department could perform this operation, and the neurosurgeon who could do it was unwilling to take the risk, so they had to give up.

After the meeting, He Jianyi called Zhou Yuan and the other two and asked them to do some ideological work with Sharp Brother.

Zhou Yuan sighed.

It was not that he could not do it, but that there was no need.

The risk of this operation was too high, and even a master-level craniotomy could not guarantee the success rate. The steel wire penetrated many blood vessels. Once it was taken out, dozens of blood vessels might burst at the same time. Of course, if you are lucky, there might only be one or two.

It is really better to leave it in the head than to take it out.

Zhou Yuan and the other two looked at each other, ready to explain the matter to Sharp Brother.

From a distance, the two saw Sharp Brother lying on the ground to rest. When he saw Zhou Yuan and the other two coming, he immediately stood up.

"How is it going? How is the discussion going? When are you going to save me?" Zhou Yuan thought for a moment and said,"Come with me."

Then he took Sharp Brother to the utility room.

"Lie down." Zhou Yuan said

"Is this for treatment? This isn't an operating room! When I came in, I saw a utility room. What are you doing?"

"Lie down, I will help you cut the extra wires on the side of your head shorter, otherwise it will accidentally touch other places, and once the wires move and the blood vessels in your brain move, you may die in a minute."Zhou Yuan said.

Sharp brother nodded, and soon, the extra wires on both sides of the head were cut to only about one centimeter.

"Wait... when will you give me treatment? You cut it short, but the wire is still in my head! You are fooling me!"

Zhou Yuan was a little embarrassed. After thinking for a while, he explained:"The risk of your operation is too great. It is very likely that you will not be able to get off the operating table. Now this wire remains in your brain and does not affect your life. We discussed and felt that there is no need to remove it!"

Sharp Brother's eyes changed and he asked:"What do you mean? You mean it is incurable! You mean the hospital will not save people?"

Zhou Yuan took a breath.

This good person... is really a bit difficult to be!

"It's like this, the risk of surgery is too high! Think about it, there are some veterans who still have bullet fragments in their heads, but they are still alive and well? As long as it doesn't affect their lives, why take the risk?"Zhou Yuan explained.

Haiyang said:"You have been here for so long, and you have taken medicine and injections. We don't need you to pay for these medical expenses, we cover them! But... our hospital is a place to treat diseases and save lives. Now that you are in good health, you should be discharged from the hospital.……"

"You mean to drive me away?" Sharp Brother laughed.


Haiyang was speechless.

The other problems of Xili brother have been solved. The wire in his brain cannot be removed. The pain in his body is caused by bone cancer. If it cannot be cured, letting Xili brother stay here will definitely hinder the normal work of the emergency department.……

"I'm not chasing you away! I just want you to take advantage of the last time to go back and spend time with your children and wife!" Haiyang said.

Brother Xili shook his head and laughed:"You just think I'm troublesome and chase me away, I understand!"

As he said that, he looked up at Zhou Yuan:"Give me another injection! I'll leave after one injection!"

Zhou Yuan nodded silently.

Soon, Zhang Ling brought Du Lengding.

After Zhou Yuan finished the injection for Brother Xili, he prescribed some ginsenoside Rh2 capsules and other painkillers in his own name and gave them to Brother Xili.

The latter snatched the medicine and limped out of the emergency department on crutches.

"If you don't save me, you will regret it!"Before leaving, Brother Xili gritted his teeth and said


The first day of the outbreak is over! Think about the following plot, the new chapter will be released at midnight! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend, and share

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