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Zhou Yuan smiled.

They really guessed it right. Anything that can be solved with technology is not a problem in front of Zhou Yuan's master-level pacemaker placement surgery.

"In addition, the postoperative complications you are afraid of, such as hematoma, pneumothorax, etc., are also technical issues.……"

Zhou Yuan couldn't bear to continue.

If he continued, it would be just showing off.

Lu Chenxi had long been accustomed to being teased by Zhou Yuan, so she lowered her head silently and called him"big brother" in her heart.

He Jing suddenly became enlightened and stared at Zhou Yuan like a little girl seeing her idol.

Wei Lili saw He Jing's expression and her face froze.

""He Jing, forget what Zhou Yuan said! Don't learn it!" Wei Lili said sternly.

He Jing is a good seedling, and she must not be contaminated by Zhou Yuan's bad thoughts!

It is still the most important to seek stability!

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhou Yuan quickly started the subclavian vein puncture.

Zhou Yuan chose the FAKE method of subclavian vein puncture.

The puncture point is the intersection of the middle and outer thirds of the line connecting the midpoint of the sternal angle and the coracoid process, and the puncture direction is the direction of the intersection of the needle point and the middle and inner third of the clavicle.

The needle point is easy to find, but the difficulty lies in controlling the puncture direction.

It must be parallel to the clavicle.

Once there is a deviation, the wire cannot be successfully inserted, and there is a risk of being squeezed by the lower edge of the clavicle, which means that the operation is very likely to be declared a failure.

However... this is still a technical problem

"Puncture needle."Zhou Yuan said in a deep voice

"The direction of the puncture needle should be as low as possible. If it is too high, the guide wire will enter the internal jugular vein if you are not careful, and then it will be a surgical accident."

Zhou Yuan reminded Lu Chenxi while guiding the puncture needle into the subclavian vein.

Lu Chenxi naturally knew Zhou Yuan's intention and nodded to remember it in his heart.

"Dilator tube."

Zhou Yuan said.

Zhou Yuan left a space between the clavicle and the first rib that was large enough to allow the dilator tube to enter.

"Why... is it too big?"Lu Chenxi asked.

The puncture needle is much smaller than the dilator, so there is no need to leave so much space.

Zhou Yuan shook his head and said,"The reason why subclavian vein puncture is very difficult is that it is difficult to adjust the direction of puncture. Once the puncture needle and guide wire are inserted, they can only go in one direction.……"

"In this case, why not leave more space so that the puncture needle has enough space under the clavicle to adjust the puncture direction?"

Lu Chenxi widened his eyes in surprise.

Following Zhou Yuan... I can really learn a lot of things that are not in the textbooks!

"Sheath." Zhou Yuan ignored Lu Chenxi's starry eyes and said.

Zhou Yuan quickly completed the puncture, leaving enough space between the clavicle and the first rib for the puncture needle to freely adjust its direction.

Sure enough, the speed was more than twice faster than the cephalic vein.

Wei Lili believed that even if she dared to do it, she would never be so fast... because the risk was too great, and she had to be cautious with every step.

Therefore, she looked at Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan carefully used the puncture sheath to guide the first wire through the small opening that could just accommodate the puncture sheath.

Because of the special physiological structure of humans, entering from the right side requires passing through two bends in the chest cavity, while there is only one bend on the left side, so Zhou Yuan chose to puncture on the left. Zhou Yuan had left enough space when puncturing, so when the puncture sheath and the wire reached the lower edge of the clavicle, there was no squeezing.

Once squeezed, the wire will Bending will weaken the metal's conductivity, and in severe cases, the wire may even break. At that time, it can only be removed by opening the chest.

Zhou Yuan stared at the perspective image next to him while adjusting the position of the puncture sheath. Soon, he successfully reached the ventricle.

At this point, everyone was nervous again.

The introduction of the lead into the ventricle has always been a major problem in the pacemaker placement surgery. Due to the complex structure of the atrium, the atrial pectinate muscles, tricuspid valve, tricuspid valve chordae and other parts will hinder the smooth entry of the lead.

During the period, Zhou Yuan did encounter a tricuspid valve that blocked the lead, but he just turned it and then pulled back, and the lead crossed the valve.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chenxi and others were dumbfounded.

This thing can still turn?

Zhou Yuan said:"Now you understand the importance of reserving space for rotation? If you don't leave a little space, you can only poke forward when you get here. Either poke it through, or try your luck to see if you can slide through." Lu

Chenxi and He Jing blushed and nodded.

Wei Lili stared at Zhou Yuan in disbelief:"Why do you feel so cunning... Who taught you these things? Zhou

Yuan smiled.

"OK, it's done. Next, place the wires and test the parameters."

"Looked good here too……"Zhou Yuan reminded Lu Chenxi.

Lu Chenxi immediately opened her eyes wide.

At this time, Zhou Yuan had sent the wire electrode to the top of the tricuspid valve opening in the right atrium.

In the fluoroscopic image, Zhou Yuan rotated the guide wire, causing the electrode to deviate from its original position.

"What are you doing! Why don't you just push the electrode from here to the right ventricle!"

As soon as Lu Chenxi finished speaking, she saw Zhou Yuan gently push the side of Sun Lele's spine. Suddenly, the electrode was sent to the blood flow next to it by this force. Following the blood, the electrode easily entered the right ventricle.

Lu Chenxi was stunned.

Zhou Yuan didn't want to use the puncture sheath to guide... but to drive it directly with the blood flow of the heart!

How did he think of this...

Lu Chenxi was dumbfounded. She felt that the person performing the operation in front of her was not a young man, but an old fox.

"What are you doing? Start parameter testing."

"Oh oh!" Lu Chenxi said quickly, just like a little apprentice who made a mistake.

The parameter test is not difficult, just keep the sensitivity greater than 5mv, the voltage threshold less than 1v, and the impedance between 300~1500ohm.

After completing the test, Zhou Yuan performed diaphragm stimulation again, and was relieved when he saw 10v displayed on the instrument.

"No problem."

After the ventricular lead was placed, Zhou Yuan began to place the atrial lead.

Except that the electrode parameters of the atrium were different from those of the ventricle, the other steps were similar.

Zhou Yuan quickly completed the placement of the atrial lead.

"The wire must be given appropriate tension and tied."Zhou Yuan said.

Lu Chenxi nodded.

"Next, implant the pacemaker."

After Zhou Yuan finished speaking, he asked the nurse to wipe the sweat off his face before continuing.

Implanting a pacemaker is simpler than implanting a lead.

Zhou Yuan made an incision in Sun Lele's chest, and then implanted the pacemaker in front of the fascia of the pectoralis major muscle. At this time, the electrode lead was just behind the pacemaker.


Zhou Yuan used soluble sutures to fix the wire. After the suture was completed, he tried to pull it. The wire shook slightly, but did not move.

Zhou Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why not just fix it?……"Lu Chenxi didn't understand again.

She thought that this was to ensure that the wires were secure! But the wires that Zhou Yuan had sutured were clearly shaking! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo Novel AP

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