"Demon Venerable Heavenly Emperor An Daoyuan! I came back, but I couldn't find it, and I must resume repairing it as soon as possible! "

Destroy the Heavenly Emperor Cui Wu Life! Grandma drops, wasted so many years in vain, should have changed, but I don't know who ...?

"Immortal Heavenly Emperor Guangtianzun, another life, nothing has been found, could it be that someone has gone?" Can you only wait for him to appear...? At

this moment, because of the pull of some qi machines, some things in their minds were completely awakened.

And because of this, the cultivation of several people began to skyrocket by leaps and bounds, only to stop at a certain point, because they needed to find their true bodies in order to be able to completely restore their cultivation.

"How many years has this battle been going on? There is no end at all, we must break away as soon as possible, first fuse the true body as soon as possible, and resume cultivation, otherwise it will be too late.

And just when the words of several people fell, the whole sky began to change, and the originally clear sky suddenly darkened, and at the same time a voice came down from the sky, making a booming sound.

"This battle has lasted too long and too long, the battle of ten thousand races has killed and injured hundreds of millions of lives, mountains and rivers have collapsed, and the heavenly path is absent, sad and lamentable, now stop!"

At the same time as the voice fell, a sigh appeared, and all the races and demon races on the battlefield hundreds of millions of miles away all stopped fighting, and the hatred and belief in their hearts to fight to the end disappeared!

Subsequently, the people and demon races of this world receded like a tide, and after hundreds of years of fighting, they finally stopped fighting.

The Mountain King glanced at the air as he secretly retreated and muttered, "

It's that old guy from Qingdi Xiaoyao!"

Long Yuzi pouted:

"Grandma Di, that old guy is the cleverness of the special lady, there is no reincarnation to find that thing, our special lady is busy from beginning to end!"

The chess idiot transmitted:

"Don't say it yet, we didn't hesitate to waste our lives for that thing, but we still haven't figured out the enemy and us, this Green Emperor Xiaoyao City Mansion is too deep, it's better to be careful!"

And just when the earth-shattering battle in the other world ended, there was also a spatial explosion in the Immortal City of Immortal Domain Town, and one after another mysterious aura appeared in the sky.

In the room where the Yin Yang Walker Zhang Jiling was, he suddenly opened his eyes, and traces of stars and years appeared in his eyes.

"Dao Heavenly Emperor? I haven't found anything, and I haven't been able to return to where this reincarnation is, how to integrate with my true body...! "

In the room where the Lord of Kunlun, Su Yat-sen, was, the same thing was happening.

"Kunlun Heavenly Emperor? I couldn't find it in this life, but I changed like this, and I came to this star field, and it seems that I can't go back in a short time! In

the room where the Dragon King was, the Dragon King had a strong fighting intent in his eyes, glanced at the strange aura outside the room and said,

"Dragon Protector Heavenly Emperor? The bamboo basket is empty, it seems that those few have also woken up, everyone appeared in a pile, but in the end it was an empty bamboo basket!

In the room where Tang Guobin was, the whole person muttered,

"Enwei Heavenly Emperor? Presumably, those old friends are also going for that thing, working for nothing! In

the room where Song Tianhe was, a vaguely formed Taijitu floated above Song Tianhe's head.

"Emperor Hedao Heavenly Emperor, these old guys didn't think of transferring to the first life, and they didn't get anything, it seems that the river of time has been shielded by someone, and they have to find a way to go back and fuse their true bodies!"


Zhang Tianqi was comprehending the Law Avenue at the moment, and his mind was fully immersed in his sea of knowledge.

Although that quasi-saint's body sensed everything that happened in the outside world, it was not enough to awaken Zhang Tianqi.

The old ji in his mind suddenly appeared at this moment, and sighed:

"It seems that the time has come, they have all recovered their memories, the host you must succeed, otherwise it will be really dangerous!"

Zhang Tianqi didn't know if he knew that those martial arts powerhouses he had come into contact with in Aqua Blue Star were all true starry sky powerful reincarnations, would he choke to death with his own spit!

And just when everyone was busy because of awakening and retreat, in the room where Bebe was, Bebe emitted a holy light, but disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Bei Bei opened her eyes and entered her own sea path suspiciously:

"What happened just now?" Why do I suddenly feel like I'm being pulled by a hint of qi? "

After checking in the sea of knowledge for a long time, Bei Bei found nothing, and after returning to the body, he fell back into retreat, as if nothing had happened!


Spring and autumn come, time is in a hurry, and four years have passed in the blink of an eye, and during these four years, the Immortal Domain can be said to be safe and peaceful.

And with the passage of time, a large number of immortal attainment people appeared in the immortal domain, which was the largest number of immortals in the entire immortal domain in hundreds of thousands of years.

And now even the powerhouses of the Golden Immortal Realm cultivation have begun to emerge, in the words of He Zhi, the first powerhouse at the top of the Zhenxian Pavilion, it is that since Zhang Tianqi unified the Immortal Domain, the power of qi luck in the entire Immortal Domain has changed.

Especially in the Immortal Pavilion of Zhenxian Town, as long as the cultivators cultivate in it, they can feel that the cultivation is twice as effective with half the effort, and the progress is terrifying.

In the end, a conclusion was reached, that is, as long as the closer you get to Zhang Tianqi, or have some kind of connection with Zhang Tianqi's fate, you can get the blessing of the Heavenly Dao, and there is always a great opportunity!

And I don't know who spread this matter, and the entire high-level of the Zhenxian Pavilion began to move, and the target was around the main hall and small courtyard where Zhang Tianqi was located.

And because of this, the high-level of Zhenxian Pavilion began a round of cultivation competition, whoever is strong, will be closer, on the contrary, there is no choice, can only live in a farther place!

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