On the streets of a community on the edge of Jiangcheng, Zheng Hang was riding a small electric donkey and checking the map with his mobile phone in his hand.

"This should be it."

Looking at the location displayed on the phone, Zheng Hang looked around strangely and found that there was not even a ghost around.

"Really, I can’t get through the phone, what are you doing?"

Just when Zheng Hang complained that the takeout delivery time was about to run out, three fresh graduates about the same age as Zheng Hang walked out of a supermarket not far away.

"Isn’t this our Zheng University Overlord? Why are you delivering food now?"

The leading young man said to Zheng Hang in a mocking tone.

"Su Yicang, you are really lingering. I originally thought that we would never see each other again after graduation, but I didn't expect to meet you here."

To talk about the grievances between Zheng Hang and Su Yicang, we have to start from school. At that time, Zheng Hang was the top student and got the top three results in every exam, while Su Yicang was the bottom holder, but he couldn't stand up to Su Yicang's family. He is rich, and his father is well-known on the rich list, so he can be said to be extremely popular in school.

Logically speaking, there should be no disputes between the two, but Su Yicang just fell in love with Zheng Hang's deskmate Fu Yuanyuan.

Faced with it , Fu Yuanyuan clearly rejected Su Yicang, a playboy, and even used Zheng Hang as a shield. As a result, the relationship between the two was forged.

"Zheng Hang, is the takeout you delivered going to time out?"

Su Yicang is obviously here because of Zheng Hang. At this time, Zheng Hang also guessed that Su Yicang ordered this takeaway.

"Something for you, I'm leaving."

Not wanting to continue to quarrel with Su Yicang, Zheng Hang threw the takeout directly to Su Yicang and was about to leave.

But Su Yicang had no intention of catching the takeout and let it fall on the ground. Then he said with a look of shame:

"Is this how you work? You dare to throw away the customer's takeaway, I want to file a complaint against you."

Su Yicang slowly took out his mobile phone and took a photo of the takeout on the ground, and then looked at Zheng Hang with a smile on his face.

Not long after, Zheng Hang received a call from his supervisor, who scolded Zheng Hang. , and then told Zheng Hang that he was fired.

Looking at Su Yicang in front of him, Zheng Hang couldn't help clenching his fists

"What, are you the only one who still wants to take action?"

Su Yicang patted the two followers beside him, and then the two followers moved their wrists and walked towards Zheng Hang.

"Boy, I don’t need Young Master Su to hit you. The two of us are here to play with you."

Just when the two followers were about to walk in front of Zheng Hang, a message suddenly flashed in Zheng Hang's mind.

Different-dimensional energy invaded and the end of the world came. In order to leave fire to the earth, Zheng Hang was selected to be the savior of the earth. , at the same time, the consciousness of the earth also gave Zheng Hang four basic units as the cornerstone of development based on Zheng Hang's memory.

Looking at the familiar figure of the other party, Zheng Hang recognized at a glance that this was his favorite game of Warcraft when he was in school. , farmers from the human race, hard laborers from the orc race, elves from the elves and acolytes from the undead.

Seeing Zheng Hang stunned in place, Su Yicang thought that Zheng Hang was afraid of being beaten, and couldn't help but said proudly:

"Zheng Hang, now I know I'm afraid. Remember this. I'm here to make you remember. If you continue to pester Fu Yuanyuan, I guarantee you will regret it."

Facing the arrogant Su Yicang, Zheng Hang, who had fully recovered, had a look of madness in his eyes.

As an orphan, Zheng Hang had always been cautious in dealing with others, fearing that he would get into trouble like Su Yicang that he could not solve by himself, but Now that the end of the world is coming soon, Zheng Hang clearly realizes that it is time to make changes

"What, do you still want to resist?"

Noticing the change in Zheng Hang's eyes, one of the followers clenched his fist and punched Zheng Hang in the eye.

Seeing the fist enlarging in front of his eyes, Zheng Hang had no time to dodge. At this critical moment, a His hand suddenly stretched out from the side and blocked the follower's fist.


The follower was shocked at first, and then saw the human farmers and orc slave laborers appearing next to Zheng Hang.

As for the elves and the undead acolytes, Zheng Hang did not summon them.

First, the elves and acolytes looked too Exaggeration is afraid of causing panic, after all, the doomsday has not yet come.

Second, the combat effectiveness of these two arms is low, which has no effect on the current scene at all, and once summoned, it cannot return to the protagonist's mental space.

As for The elf has the ability to self-destruct. Because there is only one elf, it will inevitably evolve into the tree of life in the main city of the elf clan. In order to be able to form an army of elf clan, Zheng Hang will not let the elf self-destruct at any cost. He will force the follower with his hand Pushed out, the people who just took action to protect Zheng Hang were human farmers. Among the human race, farmers are responsible for mining and logging. When necessary, they can be recruited as militia through the town hall to join the battle. It is not stressful at all to deal with the followers who are ordinary people. No.

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