The muskets carried by the dwarf helicopter are the same as those of the dwarf musketeers, but when the projectiles hit the tank zombies, they were knocked back continuously, but no actual damage was caused.

Seeing this, the griffin knight waved his war hammer, and then a bolt of lightning struck directly at the tank zombie.

With a painful cry, the tank zombie's originally flesh-colored skin instantly turned black. At the same time, due to the paralysis effect of lightning, the tank zombie's movement speed also began to slow down.

"Is this how superhumans fight? Amazing."

Looking at the gryphon knight in the sky, Qi Yun clenched his fists somewhat unwillingly.

"How about it, can you do it?"

Seeing that the air force had not killed the tank zombies for so long, the cavalry squad leader couldn't help but ask the griffin knight.

"This monster's defense is very strong, and it is difficult for the dwarf helicopter to damage it. It will take me a while to kill it by myself."

After the griffin knight finished speaking, he summoned a bolt of lightning again to strike at the tank zombies.

"In this case, cavalry squad, prepare to charge."

After the cavalry squad leader finished speaking, the entire cavalry squad quickly formed a pyramid formation, with the cavalry squad leader as the core, and began to charge towards the tank zombies.

Facing the gryphon knights in the air, the tank zombies could only be helpless and furious, watching as they rushed toward them. The cavalry squad, the tank zombies concentrated all their anger on their fists, and smashed hard at the cavalry squad leader at the front.

"It's just a mantis trying to use a chariot."

You must know that heavy cavalry was a tank on the battlefield in ancient times, and among the human troops blessed with magical power, the strength of the heavy cavalry was further strengthened, and the power generated during the charge even the giant dragon had to temporarily avoid the edge, not to mention this. A mere tank zombie that was mutated from a human.

Just when the tank zombie's fist was about to hit the cavalry's horse, the cavalry squad leader quickly thrust out his spear and actually picked up the huge tank zombie and carried it forward. The charge continued for several meters.

Then the cavalry squad leader threw the tank zombies to the ground, allowing the cavalry following him to launch a second round of attacks.

Watching the tank zombies being led further and further away by the cavalry squad, Qi Yun, who was already safe, couldn't help but Sitting on the ground, the whole world view collapsed.

Were those cavalrymen really human beings under their armor? Why were their arms so strong?

It didn't take long for the cavalry team to return to Qi Yun again. This time Qi Yun and others did not dare If there is any unusual movement, follow the cavalry team to see Zheng Hang honestly.

When the cavalry team returned, Zheng Hang looked at the reserved survivors in front of him and couldn't help but smile and said:

"Don't be nervous, your good days will come when you see me"

"This young man, I don’t know why you came to us."

We still don't know Zheng Hang's character. The old man in the team was worried that talking nonsense would make Zheng Hang unhappy. He stopped Qi Yun who wanted to speak, and then asked Zheng Hang.

"You should not be the leader in this team."

Zheng Hang finished speaking and then looked at Qi Yun.

Knowing that the fate of himself and others was now in Zheng Hang's hands, Qi Yun shook the old man's hand to reassure him, and then stood up and asked Zheng Hang. :

"Do you need us to do something when you brought us here?"

"I brought you here because I want to provide you with a safe environment and delicious food, so that you can have hope of surviving in this doomsday world."

"So what's the cost?"

Qi Yun never believed that there is a free lunch in this world.

"The price is that I need you to work for me."

Hearing Zheng Hang's words, Qi Yun suddenly remembered the days when he was oppressed by superpowers, and his face became very ugly.

"Can we say no?"

Qi Yun asked tentatively

"Can you tell me why?"

Zheng Hang asked a little strangely. He didn't understand why Qi Yun would say no when he offered such good conditions, and he was unwilling to accept it based on the reactions of other survivors.

"The survivor camp we were in before was managed by a person with superpowers. He was a madman. He made us go out day and night to collect supplies for him and his men to enjoy. If anything went wrong, he would yell at us and kill us. , and some pretty girls were given to these bastards."

Speaking of this, Qi Yun's eyes were already a little red.

"This is normal. After all, when a person gains power that is far beyond his control, it is easy for him to lose his original intention."

"But you can rest assured that there is an essential difference between me and the superpower you mentioned. Now the earth is facing an unprecedented crisis. Since I was chosen to be the savior, I will definitely fulfill my savior's responsibility and save the world."

Zheng Hang will never forget that it is precisely because the will of the earth chose him that he can control thousands of troops and dominate one side in this apocalypse.

Looking at Zheng Hang's ambition, Qi Yun suddenly felt at this moment I feel that maybe following Zheng Hang is also a good choice.

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