"Qin Yan, just hold on, we'll be there soon."

Looking back at Jia Yi, who was chasing behind him with a ferocious expression, Qin Guang said to Qin Yan

"Brother, I am really convinced by you. You have only met that man named Zheng Hang once, do you trust him so much?"

"Qin Yan, you don’t understand. Boss Zheng Hang is a person who does great things, and there are many capable people under Boss Zheng Hang. You will know it when you see him."

After Qin Guang finished speaking, he saw Zheng Hang standing in front and couldn't help but waved to Zheng Hang.

"I said you were so brave that you dared to take your sister to escape, it turns out you found a helper."

After Qin Guang and Zheng Hang met,

Jia Yi, who came later, stopped and sneered at Qin Guang.

"Jia Yi, don't be too crazy. I admit that no one can beat you in the camp, but it will be different outside the camp. With Boss Zheng Hang here, today next year will be your death anniversary."

Qin Guang's words immediately made Jia Yi laugh.

After he was tired of laughing, Jia Yi looked at Zheng Hang and asked in a deep voice:

"Why do you stand up for Qin Guang brother and sister? If you know how to behave, just kneel on the ground and kowtow three times. Maybe I can spare your life. Otherwise, if there is a fight later, I can make you live and not die. cannot"

"Really? I'm really scared."

Zheng Hang said coyly, which immediately made Jia Yi, who was in a bad mood, furious.

"Okay, okay, it seems that I haven't done anything for too long, and you have all forgotten how I became the boss of the camp in the first place."

After Jia Yi finished speaking, a burst of blue light appeared on his body, and then a large amount of lightning appeared around Jia Yi.

"It turned out to be an elemental power."

Seeing this scene, Zheng Hang couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"I asked you whether you can do it or not. My brother trusts you so much. You can't harm my brother."

Because she possesses healing powers, Qin Yan is not worried about her own safety. At worst, she will eventually follow Jia Yi and become Jia Yi's woman. Anyway, she must find a way to survive.

But if Qin Guang falls in love with Jia Yi, In the hands of Jia Yi, Qin Guang will definitely die due to Jia Yi's cruel character. Even if Qin Yan finally avenges Qin Guang, Qin Guang will not be able to survive.

"You should believe in your brother's perspective on people. Since I promised to help you brothers and sisters escape from the sea of ​​suffering, I will definitely do what I say."

After Zheng Hang finished speaking, he directly summoned the troops hiding in the dark.

In just a moment, more than 300 fully armed troops surrounded Jia Yi.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Jia Yi suddenly felt his legs tighten. So soft that he almost fell to his knees on the ground.

An unnatural smile appeared on his face, and Jia Yi couldn't help but said to Zheng Hang:

"This big guy, I don’t know how little brother I have offended you, but look at how you staged such a big scene to block me."

"In this way, as long as you ask, boss, whether you need supplies or people, I can give it to you."

"Jia Yi, there are times when you are afraid."

Seeing Jia Yi changing his face as fast as in a Sichuan opera performance, Qin Yan couldn't help but mocked from the side.

"Qin Yan, if you had obeyed me long ago, how could you have caused so many troubles? And because of you, I will take your brother for granted. Let him be the captain of the patrol. This will put the safety of the entire camp at risk. On your brother."

At this time, Jia Yi really regrets why he had to use his sincerity to impress Qin Yan. If he had used force earlier, maybe this situation would not have happened.

"Jia Yi, for someone like you to want to get your hands on my sister, you are just wishful thinking. There are so many beautiful women in the camp who have been raped by you."

"Just say that the three female anchors who were rescued by a media company were all dead within a week of being in your hands. And when we collected the bodies, we found that the bodies were not human-like. Do you think you are still a human being?"

Qin Guang's words made Zheng Hang, who was standing aside, raise his eyebrows.

Based on the analysis of the number of people and their positions, the three female anchors Qin Guang mentioned were obviously the three who stayed in Fu Yuanyuan's company. Unexpectedly, they would end up like this now. Such an ending.

Although Fu Yuanyuan said before that everyone has their own destiny, after all, they are Fu Yuanyuan's employees, so it's okay if they don't know. Now that Zheng Hang knows who harmed them, Zheng Hang doesn't recommend it. Avenge them.

Seeing Qin Guang tell all his old background, a fierce light flashed in Jia Yi's eyes, but he still did not choose to take action

"Big boss, I can see that you are the one talking here. Although I, Jia Yi, am cruel, my ability is not weak. As long as you are willing to let me go, I am willing to be your subordinate."

"When the time comes for us to join forces, it won't be about getting what we want, it's just a woman, it won't count at all."

Seeing that Jia Yi still didn't repent at this time, Zheng Hang shook his head, and then waved directly to the lawbreaker beside him.

Seeing that only one person came out, Jia Yi thought that Zheng Hang wanted to test himself strength, and then smiled and said to Zheng Hang:

"The boss wants to test my Jia Yi’s level. I’m afraid it’s not enough for me alone. Since I, Jia Yi, can make everyone in the camp obedient, I am naturally a capable person. You don’t need to test me at all. I."

And Qin Guang and Qin Yan also thought that Zheng Hang sent someone to test Jia Yi's strength, and they couldn't help but look at Zheng Hang with a hint of vigilance.

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