Along with powerful magical impacts, the warehouse door let out a mournful scream, and then was blown into pieces, and Zheng Hang also saw the scene inside the warehouse.

Nowadays, the warehouse has been converted into a prison. There are a large number of women imprisoned in small cages. Judging from the costumes, these people are all female doctors and nurses from the hospital.

"It's strange why there are only women but no men here."

Facing the calls for help from female doctors and nurses, Zheng Hang decided to let the troops release these people first. After successfully escaping from the shackles of the cage, all the female doctors and female nurses hugged each other and cried bitterly, releasing the emotions in their hearts during this period. The pressure and sadness.

After a while, an older female doctor came to Zheng Hang and asked:

"This young man, you are the leader of these people, right?"

"That's right."

Zheng Hang nodded.

"Young man, my name is Huang Qiuyue, and I am the deputy director of Jiangcheng Emergency Research Laboratory."

"You must be curious about why this place is like this. I can explain it to you, but I also have a request that I hope you can agree to."

"You tell me first, and then I will decide whether to answer you or not."

In Zheng Hang's view, these female doctors and nurses are all technical talents, so as long as the requests made by these people are not excessive, Zheng Hang can consider them.

"Young man, you also know that the hospital we are in is the largest hospital in Jiangcheng."

"In the early days of the zombie crisis, the Flower Planter Emergency Organization immediately took action and set up a research laboratory in the hospital to conduct research on zombie viruses."

"At the beginning, all of us were full of confidence, thinking that this disaster would be solved"

"But in the end we failed. We discovered that the zombie virus was not actually a virus, but a substance that could accelerate human evolution."

"This discovery caused a group of researchers to split into two factions. One faction wanted to curb this evolution and rescue people who became zombies, while the other faction wanted to control the development of the virus and bring new evolution to mankind."

"But what we didn't expect was that those researchers who wanted to evolve into new humans suddenly attacked others. Among them, a doctor named Chen Moyan was the craziest. He directly conducted human experiments, and he actually created a controllable biochemical weapon"

"Facing the powerful biological and chemical weapons, we people have no ability to resist at all, and we are all imprisoned here by Chen Moyan."

After listening to Huang Qiuyue's story, Zheng Hang had a general understanding of what happened here. Then Zheng Hang asked Huang Qiuyue with some curiosity:

"Then why do you only have women here? Where have all the men gone?"

"Because the physical qualities of men and women are fundamentally different, those men have become Chen Moyan's experimental subjects, and recently Chen Moyan has begun to use women for experiments. If you don't show up, it won't be long before we all will be spared."

I didn't expect that the truth of the matter would be like this. Zheng Hang had to admit that this Chen Moyan was indeed a ruthless person.

But now that Zheng Hang has arrived, things here can change.

Zheng Hang asked Huang Qiuyue to provide Chen Moyan took a photo of Chen Moyan, and then ordered the troops to start looking for traces of Chen Moyan.

Soon, the troops found Chen Moyan’s laboratory on the second underground floor of the hospital.

"The computer here is still on, and there are traces of data being copied. Judging from the time, Chen Moyan just left here not long ago."

After a few operations in front of the computer, Huang Qiuyue said to Zheng Hang

"Is the data here useful to you?"

Zheng Hang asked Huang Qiuyue

"it works."

Huang Qiuyue nodded with a heavy expression.

You must know that these data were obtained with the lives of former colleagues. Looking at these data, Huang Qiuyue couldn't help but shed a tear in her eyes.

"As long as it's useful, come here and move everything out of here."

After Zheng Hang finished speaking, the law breakers following Zheng Hang immediately began to take action under Huang Qiuyue's shocked eyes.

"Be careful, the things here are very valuable, but don't touch them. After Huang

Qiuyue finished speaking, she immediately asked the female doctor and nurse behind her to help.

Then Huang Qiuyue asked Zheng Hang:

"You take everything here away, can you take us away too?"

"Of course there is no problem. The camp I manage is in need of a group of doctors and nurses. Now that I have met you, you don't want to go anywhere else."

Seeing Zheng Hang being so frank, Huang Qiuyue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although Huang Qiuyue was not clear about the situation outside after being locked in a cage, Huang Qiuyue knew one thing, that is, in this era of collapse of order, she wanted to Surviving is not an easy task.

After moving most of the useful things away, a spellbreaker came to a sealed room.

Without any hesitation, the spellbreaker directly waved the sword to open the door. It opened, but then the spellbreaker was enveloped in a blood mist.

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