After a burst of smoke, the bald man climbed out of the tank with difficulty. Then he saw that few of his men had been killed by the air force. The remaining men did not dare to resist. They all raised their guns above their heads and crouched down. Showing on the ground that he has surrendered

"Mr. Su, you really killed me."

The bald man thought in his heart, and then he was caught by a gryphon and brought to Zheng Hang.

"Who are you? Why do you want to attack us?"

Facing Zheng Hang's inquiry, the bald man snorted coldly, turned his head to the side and ignored Zheng Hang at all.

"He's quite tough. Come here and loosen this guy's bones."

After Zheng Hang finished speaking, the law breaker standing next to Zheng Hang was about to take action. At this moment, Huang Qiuyue stood up and stopped the law breaker.

"what do you mean?"

Zheng Hang looked at Huang Qiuyue strangely.

"Zheng Hang, in fact, if you want to get some information from this person, you don’t have to bother at all. You only need to give him an injection."

"Is this still possible? Then I’ll leave this person to you."

Unexpectedly, Huang Qiuyue had this skill, Zheng Hang immediately asked Huang Qiuyue to show it to him.

After taking the needle from a female nurse, Huang Qiuyue plunged it into the bald head's neck.

After a while, the bald head's eyelids Starting to tremble, Huang Qiuyue glanced at the bald man's eyes, and then said to Zheng Hang:

"Now you can ask"

"May I have your name?"

Zheng Hang nodded towards Huang Qiuyue, and then asked to the bald head

"My name is Huang Si, and people on the street call me Baldhead."

"Then why did you attack us."

Zheng Hang continued to ask

"It was Su Yicang's order. Sun Chengdu, who worked under Su Yicang in the media company, sent the photo of the airship to Su Yicang through his mobile phone. After that, Su Yicang issued an order to the troops who were out collecting supplies. Anyone who saw the airship must report it to Su Yicang immediately. report."

I didn't expect that the bald Huang Si turned out to be from Su Yicang. It seems that Sun Chengdu's previous statement that Su Yicang and his son occupied a military base was not false. It's just that in this case, his own dealings with Su Yicang must be put on the agenda. After all, he is passive. It's not Zheng Hang's character to be beaten.

"Then why are you here."

Zheng Hang, who still wanted to know more about the situation, continued to ask.

"On Su Ming's order, we went out to look for medicines and hard currency gold. Medicines can be obtained at the hospital, while gold can be obtained from a nearby vault."

When he heard that there was a treasury near the hospital, Zheng Hang immediately asked the bald Huang Si:

"Please tell me where the vault is."

Hearing what Zheng Hang said, the bald Huang Si took out his mobile phone and opened the map, and then pointed out the location of the vault to Zheng Hang.

Just when Zheng Hang was thinking about whether to go to the vault now or wait until tomorrow, the bald Huang Si's body The effect of the medicine disappeared, and then the whole person woke up.

Looking at Zheng Hang, the bald Huang Si clearly remembered what he had just said, and couldn't help feeling worried about his future.

"Huang Si, I can give you a chance to live, but I don’t know if you are willing to accept it."

"You said, as long as I can survive, I can do anything."

If they can survive, no one will want to die, and the bald Huang Si is no exception.

"I see that your previous battles were all in tanks. You should be able to drive a tank, right?"

"Yes, I was a tank crewman in the army, but I got out."

Bald Huang Si said honestly.

"Very good, I will take you back to the base later, and your task is to teach more people to use tanks, these special vehicles"

"I see."

Hearing that he no longer had to fight outside and only had to be a teacher to teach students, the bald Huang Si was actually a little happy.

After the troops cleaned up the battlefield, Zheng Hang asked the Dragon Eagle Knight to bring the tank, and then Return to the base before dark.

As for the vault mentioned by the bald Huang Si, Zheng Hang plans to wait until daytime tomorrow to take a look.

After returning to the base, Zheng Hang immediately found Qin Yan, Ling Fengyang and others. Came over

"Qin Yan, I have brought you the people you want. They are all doctors and nurses from the largest hospital in Jiangcheng."

"And this is Teacher Huang Qiuyue, who was originally the deputy director of Jiangcheng Emergency Research Laboratory. I plan to let Huang Qiuyue continue to do her job and study biological viruses."

After Zheng Hang finished speaking, Huang Qiuyue couldn't help but stand up and say hello to everyone.

"Ling Feng raises the eldest brother, and you will take care of this person from now on."

After arranging the medical matters, Zheng Hang asked the lawbreaker beside him to push the bald Huang Si in front of Ling Fengyang.

Looking at Huang Si in front of him, Ling Fengyang didn't say much.

He just saw Ling Feng With the scar on Yang's face, Huang Si suddenly felt that his future boss might not be easy to get along with, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear.

In Zheng Hang's eyes, Ling Fengyang and Huang Si, one had a scar face, and the other had a scar. With their bald heads and standing together, they look more like gangsters than gangsters.

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