Seeing the monkeys rushing to death under his command, the monkey king showed a trace of regret in his eyes, and then quickly rushed to the front of the monkeys.

When Zheng Hang saw the Monkey King's move, he thought that the Monkey King wanted to fight for his life. He was about to ask the lawbreaker to intercept, but he did not expect that the Monkey King directly stopped the charging monkeys, and then knelt down in front of Zheng Hang.

Zheng Hang was immediately confused by the Monkey King's move. He didn't understand what the Monkey King wanted to do, but Zheng Hang also ordered the dwarf musketeers to stop attacking.

After both parties calmed down temporarily, the Monkey King walked towards Zheng Hang with his hands raised, but was stopped by several law breakers.

"Human, I, want to, talk to you."

The Monkey King said intermittently.

"What happened? The monkey became a spirit!"

At this moment, Zheng Hang's heart was filled with shock.

After finally stabilizing his mind, Zheng Hang asked the Monkey King:

"What do you want to talk about?"

"When the end comes, I will lead the tribe to survive. This is my home. You are outsiders. If you leave, I can trade with you."

Although the Monkey King spoke intermittently, Zheng Hang still understood what the Monkey King meant.

In the Monkey King's view, Zheng Hang was an intruder who invaded his home, just like those zombie animals, so the Monkey King led the monkeys group resists

"So what can you offer to trade with me?"

Zheng Hang curiously asked the Monkey King

"You humans have a fragile body. The monkey wine brewed by our monkey clan can improve human physique and trade with you."

Unexpectedly, the Monkey King could really take out something. Zheng Hang immediately asked the Monkey King to take out the monkey wine and have a look.

Then the Monkey King called out to the monkeys behind him, and soon some monkeys left and came back. In his hand, he held a piece of monkey wine in a bamboo tube.

"See if there is anything wrong with this thing."

Out of caution, Zheng Hang handed the monkey wine to the priest next to him for inspection.

After a series of spell scans, the priest nodded to Zheng Hang and said there was no problem.

"Very good, Monkey King, I am very satisfied with the monkey wine you brought out. I can trade with you, and I want more monkey wine. What do you want?"

Hearing Zheng Hang's words, the Monkey King couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

After a while, the Monkey King said to Zheng Hang:

"We want weapons."

After seeing the power of the musket, the Monkey King couldn't help but feel disgusted when he looked at the stick in his hand.

"You want a musket?"

Although Zheng Hang knew that the Monkey King was very smart, he didn't expect that the Monkey King could think like a human at this time.

In addition, the monkeys are naturally stronger than humans. In the future, the achievements of the monkeys will definitely be better than ordinary people. a lot of

"Yes, guns are traded for monkey wine, agree?"

The Monkey King confirmed to Zheng Hang

"Of course, a musket, ten bottles of monkey wine, ten rounds of ammunition, and a bottle of monkey wine."

In Zheng Hang's view, the musket is useless even if it is given to the Monkey King. First, the musket is just a consumable item in the human race, and its attack power is not strong. Second, the musket needs ammunition. Without ammunition, the musket Not much better than burning a fire stick


Obviously, the Monkey King knows nothing about transactions and does not understand what bargaining is. After Zheng Hang proposed the terms of exchange, the first thing the Monkey King thought about was how much the Monkey Wine in his hand could be exchanged for. In the end, the Monkey King ended up with a The Hundred Bamboo Tube Monkey Wine was replaced with nine muskets and a hundred rounds of ammunition, and Zheng Hang also thoughtfully asked the dwarf musketeer to teach the Monkey King how to use the muskets, of course, using the ammunition purchased by the Monkey King.

The Monkey King got the new weapon He was very happy and asked his monkeys to seize the time and continue brewing monkey wine.

"this is for you."

After visiting the Monkey Mountain where the monkeys are located, Zheng Hang threw a communication crystal ball to the Monkey King.

"What is this?"

The Monkey King put the communication crystal ball in front of his eyes and looked at it, then asked Zheng Hang

"Come, let me teach you how to use this thing."

Under Zheng Hang's guidance, the Monkey King soon contacted Zheng Hang using the communication crystal ball.

"This is amazing, how much monkey wine does this cost?"

Looking at Zheng Hang's figure in the crystal ball, the Monkey King asked Zheng Hang

"You don’t need monkey wine for this, I’ll give it to you directly. If you want to trade with me in the future, you can use this to contact me. And if you encounter any danger, you can also use this to find me."


I didn't expect that the communication crystal ball was free. After playing for a while, the Monkey King carefully put the crystal ball away, and then said seriously to Zheng Hang.

"Nowadays, the times have changed. Even monkeys have become spirits. You may not know what it will be like in the future. You and I are destined to know each other. In the future, we should help each other and survive together in this apocalypse."

"I don't understand what you mean, but from now on you will be my friend. If you have any difficulties, just use this crystal ball to find me, and I will definitely help you. Hearing what the

Monkey King said, Zheng Hang laughed directly, and then asked the Monkey King:

"We've been chatting for so long, and I still don't know your name."

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