Fu Yuanyuan immediately frowned at Qi Yun's suggestion, and Zheng Hang also knew that the foot washing city Qi Yun mentioned was not necessarily a formal place.

But Qi Yun gave Zheng Hang an idea. Maybe he should build some entertainment facilities in the survivor camp to give the survivors a place to relax.

Moreover, these entertainment facilities cannot be free, they must be spent, so as to mobilize the enthusiasm of some survivors and enable them to work harder.

After Zheng Hang expressed this idea, the subsequent improvement work was handed over to Fu Yuanyuan and others. After that, Fu Yuanyuan only needed to hand over the final plan to Zheng Hang for confirmation.

That night, Fu Yuanyuan came to Zheng Hang with the plan for Zheng Hang to review.

According to Qi Yun's proposal, Fu Yuanyuan plans to establish a trading market in the survivor camp, allowing Ling Fengyang, who is out hunting zombies, to collect crystal cores while also collecting some game consoles, cigarettes, beer machines, drinks, beautiful clothes and other entertainment supplies.

And open the points system, each survivor can earn points while working, and then use the points to buy what they like in the trading market.

"In this way, the role of these points in our camp will be very huge, just like money in peacetime."

Although Zheng Hang doesn't understand the economic aspect, this point must be controlled, otherwise unpredictable things will happen.

"You are right. Because of this, I plan to link the points with the crystal core and use the crystal core to create physical points. In this way, even if someone messes with the points, it will not make any sense."

After Fu Yuanyuan finished speaking, Zheng Hang couldn't help but nodded. Sure enough, he was right to leave this kind of matter to Fu Yuanyuan.

Now that the business has been done, Zheng Hang couldn't help but take Fu Yuanyuan's hand. With somewhat shy eyes, Yuan pulled Fu Yuanyuan into the lounge.

Early the next morning, Ling Fengyang, who received the task, led the team to set off, while Zheng Hang and Fu Yuanyuan marked the prices of some common things.

At night, when Zheng Hang greeted Ling Fengyang who had returned from an outing, he found that the troops led by Ling Fengyang were disgraced. It was obvious that they had experienced a great battle.

"What happened?"

When he came to Ling Fengyang, Zheng Hang asked Ling Fengyang.

Chu Wenwen, who was also waiting for Ling Fengyang to come back at the gate of the base, looked worried and checked whether Ling Fengyang was injured.

"I'm fine."

After comforting Chu Wenwen, Ling Fengyang said to Zheng Hang:

"Today I went out to search for supplies. Because some things were hard to find, I led the team to the center of Jiangcheng. Unexpectedly, I met Su Ming's gang troops there, so I had a fight with them."

"So what's the result?"

Zheng Hang asked curiously when he saw that there were no prisoners among the troops led by Ling Fengyang.

"Now that our troops are strong, it is certainly impossible to suffer a loss, but the other side's support is very fast, and there are two armed helicopters, so neither side made a fatal move, but just tested each other."

Zheng Hang quite agrees with Ling Feng Yang's decision. After all, starting a war rashly is likely to cause large casualties, but it seems it's time to teach Su Ming and Su Yicang a lesson. Thinking of this, Zheng Hang asked Ling Feng Yang He handed the collected materials to Fu Yuanyuan for processing, and then took Ling Fengyang to the town hall meeting room. At the same time, he asked people to find Qi Yun, Qin Guang, Qin Yan, and Huang Qiuyue.

After everyone arrived , Zheng Hang placed the map on the table, then took out a dagger and positioned it at the location of the military base

"Everyone, now our strength is developing rapidly, but the enemy's wings are gradually becoming fuller. In order to nip the threat in the bud, I am preparing to launch an attack on the military base controlled by Su Ming and Su Yicang."

After Zheng Hang finished speaking, Ling Fengyang was the first to respond to the call and hoped that he could lead this mission.

"Zheng Hang, if a war really breaks out, many people will die. Have you really thought about it?"

Frowning slightly, Huang Qiuyue asked Zheng Hang

"The hatred between Su Yicang and I cannot be resolved, so you don't need to persuade me anymore."

Zheng Hang brought Huang Qiuyue here because he wanted to hear Huang Qiuyue's opinion on how this battle should be fought, instead of letting others stop his decision. He sighed helplessly, knowing that his words had already made Zheng Hang Hang felt unhappy and Huang Qiuyue stopped speaking.

"Zheng Hang, I can also lead the team in this operation."

Qin Guang has led the patrol team through many battles before. Although the scenes were not big, he also knows some tactics.

"Okay, then I will personally command this operation. Ling Fengyang and Qin Guang will serve as my deputies. Fu Yuanyuan will be the leader at the base, and Qi Yun, Qin Yan, and Huang Qiuyue will assist you."

"I will take away 10,000 troops in this operation and leave you with only 2,000 troops to protect the base. Therefore, Fu Yuanyuan, you have a very heavy task. If you are in danger, contact me with the communication crystal ball as soon as possible and activate it. Elf War Ancient Tree"

"Just leave the base to me. Fu

Yuanyuan said to Zheng Hang with a serious look.

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