After arranging things on the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle Mountain Range, Zheng Hang could no longer bear the cold atmosphere of the mountain range, so he asked the undead acolytes to report the situation to him regularly, and then returned to the base on the hippogryph.

The sky cleared up, the rain stopped, and the base returned to a lively scene again.

And with the output of the crystal core veins, Zheng Hang also started something that he had planned to do before but was unable to do.

In the meeting room of the Terran Town Hall.

Zheng Hang said to Qi Yun and Qin Guang in front of him:

"During this period, we will be supported by the food brought back from the military base, so I plan to let the survivors not work on the farm first, but to renovate the buildings in the camp."

"How to transform this?"

Qi Yun asked a little strangely.

"I plan to embed crystal cores in the walls of all buildings to increase the chances of ordinary survivors in the camp awakening their abilities."

Although Zheng Hang's suggestion was for the benefit of the survivors, Qin Guang frowned.

"Boss Zheng Hang, I feel we should bring everyone together to discuss this matter before making a decision."

"why is that?"

Zheng Hang asked Qin Guang in confusion.

"Think about it, Boss Zheng Hang, the points in the camp are now made through crystal nuclei. If we embed the crystal nuclei into the wall, some people without points can easily take out the crystal nuclei and consume them."

"And once the number of superpowers in the survivor camp increases, our ability to manage the camp will decrease, and it will be easy for people like Jia Yi to appear."

What Qin Guang said made sense and made Zheng Hang couldn't help but think about it.

However, Zheng Hang did not intend to give up on this matter. He directly asked Fu Yuanyuan, Ling Fengyang and others to come over to discuss this matter together.

"Boss Zheng Hang, how about we use crystal cores to continue developing the army."

Out of consideration for combat effectiveness, Ling Fengyang gave his own opinion

"I agree."

Qin Guang raised his hand and seconded the proposal.

"But if there are more superpowers among the survivors, it will be a lucky thing for our base. After all, the combat power of superpowers is not weak, and there are all kinds of strange superpowers, and they may be very useful.."

Although Qin Guang is Qin Yan's brother, Qin Yan has a different view.

"It is precisely because of this that we are worried that a second Jia Yi will appear in the camp."

Looking at his sister, Qin Guang said with a somewhat angry tone.

"Okay, Qin Guang, calm down, this matter still depends on Zheng Hang's decision."

Not wanting the two brothers and sisters to quarrel over this matter, Fu Yuanyuan said from the side.

Seeing two voices appearing in his team, Zheng Hang glanced at everyone, and then said:

"I have decided on this matter. It is time to improve the strength of the survivors in our camp. As for your worries about some people doing random things after gaining strength, Qi Yun and Qin Guang, I will equip your patrol team with a high-level mixed force of 100 people. If you find a person with supernatural powers who has evil intentions, you can arrest them directly."

After hearing Zheng Hang's arrangement, Qin Guang couldn't say anything more and could only nod and agree to Zheng Hang's plan.

"Very good, since no one objects, then Fu Yuanyuan will be responsible for this task. Assisted by Qi Yun and Qin Guang, we must ensure that every part of the entire base is covered by crystal cores, and also ensure that these crystal cores are not will be taken away easily"

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Although the specific implementation method has not yet been determined, Fu Yuanyuan still assured Zheng Hang that the task will be completed.

Days passed, and when the crystal core comprehensive coverage project was about to be completed, a sonic boom suddenly erupted over the base, followed by The light bulb in Zheng Hang's room suddenly exploded

"what's the situation?"

Thinking that the base had been attacked, Zheng Hang immediately went outside to check the situation.

Then Zheng Hang discovered that all electronic equipment in the entire base had been destroyed

"Boss Zheng Hang, something happened."

Ling Fengyang, who was resting in the base, immediately found Zheng Hang.

"I also know that something happened. The question is what happened and where is the enemy?"

"Boss Zheng Hang, you should have heard the sonic boom just now."

Facing Ling Fengyang's question, Zheng Hang nodded.

"That was not an ordinary sonic boom, but an EMP electronic pulse bomb. This bomb was specially designed to destroy electronic components. Now all the circuits in the entire base have been burned, and many of them cannot be repaired."

After Ling Fengyang finished speaking, Zheng Hang also understood the current situation. Just when he was about to say something, he saw a mushroom cloud rising in the distance.

"how so."

Looking in the direction of the mushroom cloud, Ling Fengyang froze on the spot.

"Hey, calm down."

Putting his hand on Ling Fengyang's shoulder, Zheng Hang said in a deep voice.

It's not that Zheng Hang is not nervous, but Zheng Hang knows that he must not show any panic. No matter what the situation is, it is nothing more than soldiers coming to block the water. earth cover

"That was the mushroom cloud produced by the nuclear bomb explosion. Although it was far away from us, this incident proved that our flower grower was bombed by a nuclear bomb."

"Could it be one of our own who detonated it?"

Zheng Hang was worried about being attacked by a nuclear bomb before, so he couldn't help but confirm to Ling Fengyang.

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