Looking at the radioactive zombie in front of him, Zheng Hang couldn't help but frowned. Unexpectedly, the radiation produced after the nuclear explosion caused ordinary zombies to mutate twice, and this mutation greatly increased the threat of the radioactive zombie. In the future, It may be even harder for those weak survivor camps to survive.

"Boss Zheng Hang, I heard there is something unusual here. Have you encountered a mutated zombie?"

"Roughly the same."

Zheng Hang pointed at the radioactive zombies on the ground. When Ling Fengyang saw the corroded ground, he took out the dagger from his waist and walked up.

After using the dagger to dip a little of the zombie blood with green light on the ground, Ling Fengyang Feng Yang discovered that there were traces of corrosion on his dagger.

"Boss Zheng Hang, we must pay attention to these radioactive zombies. Ordinary people have no way to deal with radioactive zombies."

"Yes, the best way to deal with these radiation zombies is to eliminate them from a distance, but how many survivors have long-range weapons today?"

Zheng Hang's words made Ling Fengyang sigh. He could only hope that other survivors would be happy when they encountered radiation zombies.

As a large number of survivors came outside the mall camp, near the mall camp The wandering zombies all gathered around after sensing the aura of the living.

"Master, there are a lot of zombies around, it seems like a zombie wave is about to form."

After discovering this situation, the Raptor Druid in charge of the patrol immediately flew back to the mall camp, changed from the Storm Crow form back to the human form and reported to Zheng Hang.

"This wave of corpses came at the wrong time."

Zheng Hang frowned slightly, and immediately found Ling Fengyang and Qin Yan.

"If this is the case, we must ask Komaki to quickly move all the survivors to the mall and build a defensive position until the air force arrives."

Ling Fengyang, who often fights outside, immediately gave his opinion.

"Okay, Lingfeng will ask you to go find Xiao Mu and explain the situation."

"Qin Yan, you and I are leading the troops outside to build defensive positions. Once the war starts, I need you to use your healing ability to treat the injured soldiers."

After Zheng Hang finished speaking, Ling Fengyang and Qin Yan nodded together, and then began to take action.

On Xiaomu's side, after hearing the zombie wave broke out near the mall camp, he immediately asked everyone to return to the mall and Go to the cars surrounding the mall and start operating with a wrench.

"What is this for?"

Zheng Hang came to Xiao Mu curiously and asked Xiao Mu

"I am installing a gravity sensing device on the car bomb, so that once a zombie passes over the car bomb and is affected by gravity, the car bomb will detonate immediately."

Hearing Xiao Mu's words, Zheng Hang, although he didn't understand these technical matters, still gave Xiao Mu a thumbs up.

When all the preparations were completed, Zheng Hang could already see people walking down the street not far away. Radiated zombies come out

"Let's go, let's go back to the camp and take refuge. We can just leave the rest of the battle to Ling Feng."

Patting Xiao Mu's shoulder, Zheng Hang said to Xiao Mu

"I can also fight outside."

After Xiao Mu finished speaking, he waved the wrench in his hand.

"You kid doesn't even know what's going on outside now, and you still want to fight, so come with me quickly."

Raising his hand and patting Xiao Mu on the head, Zheng Hang dragged Xiao Mu into the mall, and then looked through the mall glass at the troops waiting outside.

After a while, Zheng Hang found that more and more zombies were gathering in front of the mall, and they were already heading towards the mall. The defense line charges

"Don't let those zombies with green light get close, use long-range magic to kill them."

Summoning a ball of fire in his hand, Ling Fengyang shouted to the others after throwing it at the nearest radiation zombie.

"Zombies have evolved into new species."

Xiao Mu said in surprise after seeing the radioactive zombies.

"This is why I won't let you go out to fight. The best way to deal with radiation zombies is to attack from a distance."

"why is that?"

Xiao Mu couldn't understand why Zheng Hang said that.

"You'll know it just by looking at it."

Zheng Hang finished speaking. At this time, the zombie tide outside was already in close combat with the troops led by Ling Fengyang. The

Druid of the Claw immediately transformed into the form of a war bear, and then knocked a radioactive zombie to the ground with one claw.

The powerful The power shattered the bones of the irradiated zombies, but then the Druid of the Claw began to swing his bear paws wildly

"how so."

Xiao Mu in the camp saw that white smoke was coming out of the claw druid's bear paw. The effect was obviously that it had come into contact with a corrosive liquid.

"That's right, the blood of the newly emerged radiated zombies is very corrosive. If you use the wrench in your hand to attack the radiated zombies, even if you kill the radiated zombies, once you are exposed to the blood of the radiated zombies, you will be half disabled even if you don't die.."

Zheng Hang's words made Xiao Mu feel a lingering fear, and at the same time he looked at Ling Fengyang with some worry.

"Don't worry, these zombies outside can't stop Ling Feng Yang."

After comforting Xiao Mu, Zheng Hang returned his attention to the battlefield.

Although the radiated zombies were very disgusting, Qin Yan at the back of the team also started to take action, and saw lines of healing light shrouding the injured soldiers. Soon the soldiers were back in top condition and able to rejoin the battle.

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