After seeing the scene and relaxing, Qin Yan suddenly took out a box of cigarettes and asked the guard:

"Does this guy smoke?"


After seeing the cigarettes, the guarding soldiers' eyes immediately lit up. Although it is hoped that the camp's food reserves are still sufficient, and the location of the camp gate is very critical, the guarding soldiers have never been hungry, but consumables like cigarettes , is no longer something that a small role like a guard soldier can enjoy.

Under Qin Yan's cigarette offensive, he quickly became familiar with the guard soldier, and learned that the guard soldier's name was Dong Lei.

According to Dong Lei, Now it is hoped that although the survivors in the camp can survive, they only have one bowl of porridge every day, which is the limit to ensure that they will not starve to death.

Under such circumstances, many scavengers were born in the camp. These people formed Teams go out to search for various foods or useful things, and auction them regularly at official auctions.

Although many scavengers die outside every day, the number of scavengers is still increasing. After all, not everyone They can endure hunger and only eat one bowl of porridge a day.

And the latest official auction will be held tonight

"I didn’t expect that the official camp would look like this, and it was much worse than our base."

After chatting with Dong Lei, Qin Yan returned to Zheng Hang and said to Zheng Hang

"If it weren't for the farms, I'm afraid we would also be facing food shortages, and it's only the beginning of the end of the world. As time goes by, the food reserves in various places are depleted, and the food crisis will further increase."

After Zheng Hang finished speaking, he saw Dong Lei walking over with a middle-aged man in Chinese clothes.

"Are you just going to join the team of superpowers at Camp Hope? My name is Wang Banxia, ​​I am the manager of Hope Camp"

"Hello, Manager Wang, my name is Zheng Hang, and I am the boss of these people. The purpose of our visit this time is to enter the camp and have a safe place to rest at night."

"Then you have come to the right place at Hope Camp. Hope Camp welcomes anyone who has the ability to join. Come on, I happen to have a villa that is still vacant. You can rest in my villa first."

Seeing Wang Banxia's enthusiasm, Zheng Hang couldn't refuse, so he led his team into the camp with Wang Banxia. Under

Wang Banxia's leadership, no blind soldiers stepped forward to stop him on the road.

Looking at the tents and tents that could be seen everywhere in the camp, Each of the survivors was helpless and lying on the ground waiting for death. Zheng Hang's mood suddenly became a little dull.

"There is nothing we can do about this. The zombie crisis breaks out too suddenly, with too little preparation time, and you don’t know when your companions around you will mutate into zombies. In this case, we can only break them into pieces first. , after confirming that no one would mutate, they gathered everyone together and established this hope camp."

Seeing Zheng Hang frequently looking at the survivors on the roadside, Wang Banxia couldn't help but explain to Zheng Hang

"This is already good."

Zheng Hang knew that if there were no officials, these survivors would be considered lucky if they could survive even one tenth.

"I just don’t know how long I can last like this."

Speaking of this, Wang Banxia couldn't help but sigh.

"What does it mean?"

Zheng Hang subconsciously asked Wang Banxia, ​​and then saw a flash of light in Wang Banxia's eyes.

"Now I hope that the food reserves in the camp have been exhausted, and not even porridge will be distributed in the near future."

"Is there anything we can do to help?"

Hearing Wang Banxia's words, Zheng Hang knew that Wang Banxia was interested in the combat effectiveness of his side, but he was new here after all. Helping Wang Banxia with this small favor could be regarded as a show of strength, so that his side would not be underestimated.

However, Wang Banxia did not Instead of saying it in a hurry, he first took Zheng Hang and his group to the villa area where the villa was located.

After seeing the villa, Zheng Hang discovered that the villa actually had five floors, which was enough for everyone to live comfortably.

"Brother Zheng Hang, I will hand over the key to this villa to you. I hope you can help us take down the granary. There are many mutated zombies there, which cost me a lot of people. I will have someone come over and hand over to you later."

"okay, I get it."

After Zheng Hang finished speaking, Wang Banxia said that he still had a lot of work to do, and then turned and left.

After Wang Banxia left, Zheng Hang said to Ling Fengyang:

"Go and check if there are any monitors, cameras or anything like that in this villa. I don’t want our every move to be monitored by others."

"give it to me."

After Ling Fengyang said that, he started walking around in the villa.

Taking advantage of this time, Zheng Hang began to rummage through the things in his backpack. Zheng Hang must go to the auction held in the evening, but he still needs to prepare some things. Auction items will do.

At night, after thinking about using anti-radiation medicine as an auction item, Zheng Hang’s next thing to consider is where the auction will be held.

But at this time, a guest came to the villa.

"Dong Lei, why are you here?"

Zheng Hang asked curiously after seeing the person coming.

"Boss Zheng Hang, Manager Wang asked me to come over to discuss the granary with you. My escort team will work with you. This time we must move all the food in the granary back."

"So that's it, but it's already dark now, and it's not suitable to go out at all. So, you take me to the auction first, and then we go to the granary tomorrow."

"Then let’s wait until tomorrow to study the action plan. Seeing that Zheng

Hang had already said this, Dong Lei could only nod in agreement, and then went with Zheng Hang to the auction held in the center of the camp.

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