Zheng Hang was able to ride in a car but was unwilling to walk, so he led his troops into the truck.

It was a bumpy ride and the truck drove for two hours before arriving near the granary.

"The number of zombies in front began to increase, making it difficult for the car to pass."

The driver shouted to the car after parking the car.

"Everyone got off the car and walked forward. Dong

Lei shouted, jumped out of the car first, and then shot the zombies who wanted to get close to the truck one by one with a rifle.

"Let's go, let's go down and see what's going on with this granary. It was able to stop the official army with thermal weapons."

After all the official soldiers got off the bus, Zheng Hang said to Ling Fengyang.

With the continuous sound of gunshots, Zheng Hang discovered that there were a large number of zombies outside the granary, but the appearance of these zombies was a bit strange.

"Ling Fengyang, have you noticed that these zombies seem to be carved from the same mold, and they all have no clothes."

You must know that all zombies are mutated from humans. Even if they sleep at home, humans should at least have one piece of underwear on them.

"As you said, I also noticed that it seems that these zombies came out of the granary. It seems that we still need to go in and take a look to find out what happened."

After Ling Fengyang finished speaking, he commanded the spellbreakers behind him, the Druid of the Raptor and the Druid of the Claw to join the battle.

Looking at the Druid who turned into a Storm Crow and a War Bear, Dong Lei couldn't help but stop firing, with a look in his eyes. full of surprise

"Is this how people with super powers fight? They are really too powerful."

For a moment, Dong Lei began to imagine what it would be like to become a war bear or a storm crow.

Because the zombies outside the granary were all ordinary zombies, it was not difficult to clean them up. Soon Zheng Hang and his party He came to the door of the granary.

After a lawbreaker killed all the zombies blocking the door, Zheng Hang saw the scene inside the granary.

He saw a huge mountain of meat inside the granary. This mountain of meat was here. Shi Zheng kept devouring the food around him and produced ordinary zombies one after another.

"It was because of this guy that so many zombies appeared near the granary, causing all the troops that came before to collapse."

After Dong Lei finished speaking, he picked up the rifle and pulled the trigger towards Roshan.

However, the power of the rifle was very limited to Roshan and could not cause effective damage at all.

"Someone, go get the explosives from the truck."

Seeing this scene, Dong Lei directly ordered the soldiers around him.

"No need to bother, let my people do it."

Zheng Hang stopped the soldiers who wanted to leave, and then commanded the spell-breaker troops to take action.

In the hands of the spell-breakers, magic missiles flew towards the meat mountain. After hitting the target, they exploded, directly blowing the meat mountain into pieces. After the threat was over, Dong Lei went to the place where the grain was stored to check, and found that the meat mountain had consumed nearly half of the grain in the granary, and a lot of the rest was contaminated by the meat mountain and could not be used at all.

"Damn it, if you knew this was the case, you should have let the superpower come here sooner."

After instructing his soldiers to load the grain into the truck, Dong Lei said angrily.

"Well, this kind of thing is not something you can think of. This is the first time for me to see this kind of meat mountain that can produce zombies. This time I came here and it was an eye-opener."

Zheng Hang has just passed Roshan's information to Fu Yuanyuan, asking Fu Yuanyuan to pay attention to whether there are a large number of zombies suddenly appearing anywhere near the base. Once it is discovered that Roshan is responsible, they must be eliminated as soon as possible. After returning to the base with food safety in mind, Dong Lei went to Wang Banxia to report the situation, while Zheng Hang returned to the villa to rest.

Not long after, Wang Banxia came to the villa with Dr. Qi

"Brother Zheng Hang, we meet again."

After seeing Zheng Hang, Dr. Qi said hello to Zheng Hang

"I have already solved the problem of the granary for you, but unfortunately I did not bring back too much food."

Zheng Hang nodded to Dr. Qi as a greeting, and then Zheng Hang said to Wang Banxia

"I still have to thank you for the granary. Dong Lei has already told me that there is a Roshan capable of producing zombies. If the Roshan is allowed to develop unchecked, it will eventually form a zombie tide and bring a greater crisis to the camp. After Wang

Banxia finished speaking, he looked at Dr. Qi next to him.

After receiving the signal, Dr. Qi took out a bag of anti-radiation medicine and asked Zheng Hang:

"This should be a product of your base, right?"


Zheng Hang nodded.

"I don’t know what the output will be like. We have tested this medicine and it does have a very good therapeutic effect on radiation sickness, so we want to buy it in large quantities."

"You can rest assured that the output will be enough."

Hearing Zheng Hang's words, Dr. Qi had a look of embarrassment on his face, and then said to Zheng Hang:

"Brother Zheng Hang, do you think we can get a wholesale price if we buy a lot?"

"You don’t want to say that I don’t give you face, so nine ordinary crystal cores cannot be less."

After Zheng Hang finished speaking, Dr. Qi and Wang Banxia studied quietly for a while, and then agreed to the price, and Dr. Qi directly ordered a thousand bags of the first batch of anti-radiation drugs.

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