Seeing Zheng Hang's figure displayed in the communication crystal ball, Chen Si immediately began to report the information about Su Ming and the fishman.

"I didn't expect that Su Ming would be investigating the mutant fish-men during this period of time away, but this also shows that the fish-men crisis is indeed imminent."

"Chen Si, Xuan Pin, you two must pay attention to safety at Hope Camp. If the situation goes wrong, it is important to save your lives first."

Hearing Zheng Hang's concern, Chen Si and Xuan Pin couldn't help but nodded, and at the same time they felt warm in their hearts.

After hanging up the communication, Zheng Hang sent people to bring Fu Yuanyuan, Ling Fengyang, Qin Guang, Huang Qiuyue, etc. All the base's top brass found the conference room and began to discuss how to deal with the next fish-man crisis.

"Everyone, let Lingfeng Yang introduce to me the fish-man crisis we are about to face."

In the conference room, Zheng Hang, who was sitting in the main seat, said to everyone.

After receiving the order, Ling Fengyang turned on the projector, which showed the scene of him leading the team to hunt murlocs in the past two days.

"From the picture, we can see that the strength of a single fish-man is very weak, not even as good as a well-trained ordinary person, but every time the fish-men appear, they always appear in groups, and there are at least a hundred of them. , after observation, we found that the fishmen can emit a kind of infrasound wave, and once they are attacked, they will call nearby companions to come for support."

"And the crisis we are about to face this time comes from the sea."

After Ling Fengyang finished speaking, the scene in the projection changed again. This was the scene captured by Ling Fengyang's air troops sent to the sea.

In the sea, among countless ordinary fishmen wandering, there were huge fish The mutant fishmen are floating there and slowly moving towards the coastline.

From their appearance, it can be seen that these giant mutant fishmen are mutated from sharks, whales and other large sea creatures.

"In this crisis, I estimate that the number of mutated murlocs attacking our base may exceed 300,000."

After turning off the projection, Ling Fengyang said to everyone.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Zheng Hang finished speaking to Ling Fengyang, and then said to the others:

"Now everyone can express their opinions"

"Boss Zheng Hang, I apply to lead a team of superpowers to participate in the battle."

It was Qin Guang who said this.

After Qin Guang returned from the Hope Camp after completing the secret escort mission, he successfully awakened his superpowers. Now he has integrated all the superpowers in the base and established a superpower similar to the Hope Camp. The team is led by Fu Yuanyuan, and the deputy captains are Qin Guang and Qi Yun.

"Don't worry, you will have a chance to perform on the day of war."

Although the superpowers are very strong, Zheng Hang is more optimistic about the well-trained human and elf soldiers when facing a huge army of fishmen.

Seeing that Zheng Hang agreed to lead his team of superpowers to join the base defense battle, Qin Guang couldn't help but nodded happily.

Then Huang Qiuyue also said to Zheng Hang:

"After our research, we found that the strength of murlocs will be greatly weakened after they come to land, and murlocs cannot survive on land for a long time."

"So why does this happen?"

What Zheng Hang said is that a large number of fish people are landing on land one after another.

"Maybe there's something in the ocean that's driving these fish-men away."

Huang Qiuyue expressed her opinion.

"Okay, let’s not consider the reasons why the fishmen landed on land. Since everyone agrees to stay and defend their homeland, I declare that the base will enter a state of war from this moment on. Everything has to protect the base as the first priority. Everyone Let's break up the meeting."

After everyone left, Zheng Hang left Fu Yuanyuan alone.

"Fu Yuanyuan, I have something to say to you"

"What words?"

Fu Yuanyuan asked Zheng Hang curiously.

"I have built a sub-base at the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle Peak. I hope you can lead some people to the sub-base to take refuge first."

Knowing that Zheng Hang was worried about his own safety, Fu Yuanyuan didn't want that.

Holding Zheng Hang's hand, Fu Yuanyuan said to Zheng Hang seriously:

"When you saved me before, I swore that I would be wherever you are in this life. I hope you can remember that you are my man. If anything happens to you, I will definitely accompany you. I will never Survive"

"Fu Yuanyuan, you."

Zheng Hang wanted to say something else, but was hugged by Fu Yuanyuan.

After feeling Fu Yuanyuan's determination, Zheng Hang could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​letting Fu Yuanyuan go to the sub-base to take refuge. And came to the town hall to start preparing for the upcoming crisis.

After this period of hard work, Zheng Hang now has a large number of crystal nuclei stored in his hands. After they were all exchanged for gold coins, he began to carry out the second large-scale explosion. Soldiers.

The first is the human army. Zheng Hang mainly recruits human infantry, spellbreakers, mortar squads and griffon knights.

As for the elven army, Zheng Hang recruits chimeras, mountain giants, and ballistae capable of long-range attacks. , Huntresses, Dryads.

Soon, the troops under Zheng Hang's control increased to 50,000.

However, although the base's guard strength has been improved, what Zheng Hang will face next is a food crisis.

Even if there are survivors , The farms increased food production, but it was only a drop in the bucket for the huge army. Zheng Hang had no choice but to continue to expand the number of farms to increase food production.

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