"I'm fine. It's just that yesterday I followed your request and separated everyone. This morning I went to deliver food and found that several employees had turned into zombies. And now the Internet is going crazy, saying that the end of the world has arrived, and mankind will be completely destroyed."

Suppressing the fear in her heart, Fu Yuanyuan told Zheng Hang a lot in one breath.

"Fu Yuanyuan, calm down first and take a deep breath. Believe me, the most important thing for you now is to protect yourself. I will go find you soon. We will definitely be able to survive."

"OK, no matter what happens, I will wait for you."

After Fu Yuanyuan finished speaking, there was a knock on the office door, and then the assistant came in to report the situation inside the media company at this time.

Because food and personnel are separated separately, the food in the media company has not been contaminated. At this time, there were only a dozen female anchors and three female assistants in the media company who had not turned into zombies, and the rest of them could not escape this disaster.

After instructing the assistants to seal off all the rooms with zombies , After her death, Fu Yuanyuan chatted with Zheng Hang for a while about zombie information on the Internet, and then hung up the phone.

Looking at the sun that had risen outside, Zheng Hang walked out of the town hall, and then took the farmers who had gotten up early to start logging. They all gathered together.

As an alarm bell rang in the town hall, the farmers immediately went to the weapons depot to transform into militiamen.

Then Zheng Hang led the militiamen and dwarf musketeers to the picking garden.

At the same time, there was also a team in the Jiangcheng gang station The men and horses set off in the direction of the town hall under the leadership of the gang leader. The gang leader looked at the last location information sent by the gang members yesterday and remembered that the gang boss called him to the office this morning and told him to arrest Zheng Hang. Come back.

The gang leader, who used to do shady things for gang bosses, knew very well that Zheng Hang had definitely offended a certain big shot, otherwise the gang boss wouldn't have killed him when the situation was chaotic. Send it out yourself.

Arriving safely at the picking garden, Zheng Hang looked at the zombie corpses left on the ground yesterday, and then said to Militiaman No. 1:

"Today you continue to attract monsters. You can attract more monsters this time. Let’s try to clean up this picking garden in two trips."

"Good host."

After Militiaman No. 1 said that, he walked into the picking garden with his shield, and then he banged the shield and sang an unknown song with howling ghosts.

"This way of attracting monsters is really wild."

But one thing Zheng Hang has to admit is that Militia No. 1's method of attracting monsters is indeed very useful. Even the zombies that were previously hidden in the room broke out of the door at this time, eager to eat Militia No. 1's fragrant body. flesh and blood

"The dwarf musketeers fire freely, and the militiamen are responsible for dealing with the approaching zombies."

As Zheng Hang issued the order, the dwarf musketeer began to reload, and then three thunderous gunshots rang out. Then Zheng Hang saw the heads of three zombies in the distance explode like smashed watermelons. open

"This musket is so powerful."

Zheng Hang has hit the zombie's head with a pistol before, but the power of the pistol cannot penetrate the zombie's head, let alone blow it up directly. However, the stronger the dwarf musketeer is, the happier Zheng Hang is.

After all, now The world has fallen into chaos, and there is no guarantee that some forces will not obtain powerful weapons. Facing those aircraft and cannons, Zheng Hang certainly hopes that his troops can compete with them, or even crush them. After several rounds of dwarf musketeers , After the attack, Zheng Hang could no longer see the zombies still standing.

He asked the militiamen to start collecting crystals. After that, Zheng Hang took the dwarf musketeers to the small western-style building next to the picking garden to see if they could find some while cleaning up the zombies. Gold, after all, gold and crystal have the same effect

"Master, let us go in first."

Just when Zheng Hang was about to enter the small western-style building, the dwarf musketeer stood in front of Zheng Hang and said to Zheng Hang.

The building in the picking garden is a three-story small western-style building. Although some zombies were attracted by Militia No. 1 , but there’s no guarantee that there won’t be some Lao Liu zombies hidden inside.

"That's fine."

The words of the dwarf musketeer reminded Zheng Hang, and also made Zheng Hang realize that although he has some power, he cannot be too arrogant. After all, he only has one life. If he loses it, everything will stop.

Considering safety issues , Zheng Hang mobilized another militiaman to serve as the front row, and then led the troops into the small foreign building. The lobby of the small foreign building is very spacious, and there are many chairs. It seems to be a place for tourists to rest in the picking garden.

But now this place There was blood everywhere, and there was a corpse on the ground that was about to become a skeleton. It seemed that there was no possibility of turning into a zombie.

"Just to be safe, give this skeleton a shot."

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Zheng Hang gave the order directly to the dwarf musketeers.

With the explosion of a watermelon, there was no longer any threat on the first floor of the small foreign building.

After that, Zheng Hang asked the militiamen to walk to the second floor with shields, while he waited The people were following behind, ready to take action at any time.

Sensing the arrival of a living person, a sound of banging on the door came from upstairs, and then a female zombie rushed towards the militiamen from upstairs.

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