After taking the Monkey King back to the base every day, Zheng Hang asked Fu Yuanyuan to arrange a place for the monkeys to live, and then continued to inspect the base's defenses.

In order to deal with the huge number of mutated murlocs, Ling Fengyang led a group of people to cut down all the trees in front of the base to create a large open space, and then placed a large number of traps in the open space. Although these traps had limited effect, they could still kill people. Kill some murlocs.

Soon the time came to three days later. During these three days, Zheng Hang learned through the air force that there were no traces of human activity in the entire Jiang City, and the fishman army also began to leave Jiang City and spread to the surrounding areas.

Faced with this situation, Zheng Hang called Qi Yun over

"Qi Yun, I have a task that needs to be assigned to you."

"Boss Zheng Hang, if you need anything, just give me your orders."

"I need you to take the air force to hunt down the murlocs close to the base, and during the operation, for the sake of safety, you can not land on the ground to dig out the crystal cores from the murlocs’ heads."

"I see."

After receiving the order, Qi Yun immediately went to the military camp to gather troops, and then an air force consisting of Griffin Knights, Chimera and other air units flew away from the base.

Watching Qi Yun leave, Zheng Hang was about to check While stocking up on supplies during this period, Fu Yuanyuan came to Zheng Hang and said to Zheng Hang:

"Don't make yourself too tired. After all, protecting the base is everyone's business. Don't take all the responsibility on yourself."

"I know. After I see the blacksmith shop's reserves, I'll go find you and take a rest."

"Then I wait for you."

After Fu Yuanyuan finished speaking, she blinked at Zheng Hang, then turned and left.

"Hello, distinguished guest, what would you like to buy?"

In the blacksmith shop, the owner of the blacksmith shop asked Zheng Hang

"Now the base is about to face a crisis. Let me take a look at your ammunition reserves."

"I know this. Now the supplies I have built are enough for an army of 50,000 people to fight continuously for a week. Do you still need to continue to increase your ammunition reserves?"

Facing the blacksmith shop owner's question, Zheng Hang couldn't help but nodded.

"Then this requires you to provide me with a lot of gold coins and wood."

After the blacksmith shop owner finished speaking, he looked at Zheng Hang with excitement.

"I suddenly felt that these material reserves are enough now."

Zheng Hang, who had now spent all his savings, smiled awkwardly at the blacksmith shop owner, then turned and left.

After Zheng Hang completed all the preparations, the fishman army also found the location of Zheng Hang's base.

As A large number of traps were triggered, and the dying murlocs began to call for friends. Zheng Hang's biggest defensive battle since the end of the world officially began.

With the huge number, the murlocs soon filled all the traps with corpses.

After seeing this, Zheng Hang immediately commanded a melee coalition consisting of infantry, spellbreakers, and claw druids to stop the murloc army from advancing. After withstanding the first wave of murloc attacks, the troops stationed at the rear The long-range troops began to fire.

Among them, the dwarf musketeers, elf archers and other units performed normally, but the human mortar team and the elf blade-throwing vehicle gave Zheng Hang a big surprise. Facing the mortar Covered by the firepower of the artillery team, the already dense murlocs were directly blown to pieces in pieces, and the blades fired by the blade-throwing vehicles had strong penetrating power, and each attack could kill people in a straight line. fish man split in half

"It seems that we will be able to hold the base. Fu

Yuanyuan, who was watching the game with Zheng Hang, said.

"Things are not that simple. What is terrifying about the murloc army is not its strength, but its quantity. Although we have an advantage in the early stage, as the battle time prolongs, our soldiers will get tired and our ammunition will be exhausted. Only then can we The most dangerous time."

After Zheng Hang finished speaking, Fu Yuanyuan also thought of this, and her face turned gloomy.

"Ling Fengyang ordered the physical units in the long-range troops to stop attacking, and the magic units to use all their strength to kill the fishmen."

After Zheng Hang finished speaking, Ling Fengyang left immediately and went to arrange the fighting method of the troops. The reason why Zheng Hang did this was helpless. After all, the magic power of releasing magic can be restored naturally, but the ammunition used by various weapons requires Use the crystal core to convert gold coins to purchase.

This battle lasted until the sun went down. Zheng Hang could not count how many murlocs came to attack his base. He only knew that in the second half of the war, the long-range magic troops had exhausted their magic power. In the end, the remote physics profession had to take action again.

The only thing that made Zheng Hang feel gratified in this battle was that there was no need for air troops to come to the rescue until the end.

"Murlocs' vision will be affected at night, and they should not choose to attack the base at night."

In order to observe various information about the fish people at close range, Huang Qiuyue, who has been active on the front line, said to Zheng Hang

"Having said that, the necessary vigilance cannot be relaxed. At night, I plan to let the air troops serve as guards. The ground troops can go to rest after collecting the crystal cores."

After Zheng Hang arranged everything, he returned to his room.

Looking at Zheng Hang who looked tired, Fu Yuanyuan silently came behind Zheng Hang and stretched out her hand to help Zheng Hang relax with a massage.

"Luckily you're here."

Patted Fu Yuanyuan's hand, Zheng Hang said in a soothing tone.

There was no words all night. When Zheng Hang woke up the next morning, he immediately went outside to check the situation of the base, but Zheng Hang hadn't reached the camp yet. In the fringe area, the originally sunny weather suddenly became filled with heavy fog.

"Master, there is something wrong with this fog."

After noticing the presence of magic in the fog, the spellbreaker responsible for protecting Zheng Hang immediately said to Zheng Hang.

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