After hearing that General Murong was willing to help him, Chen Moyan said to General Murong:

"I hope you can provide me with a large number of healthy human beings"

"How much do you want? General

Murong asked

"The more the better."

Chen Moyan's words immediately silenced General Murong.

After a while, General Murong said to Chen Moyan:

"If a large number of survivors disappear in a short period of time, I hope there will definitely be civil unrest in the camp, so the number of healthy human beings I will provide you will not be too large, and they will be given to you in batches."

"In exchange, for every three healthy living humans I provide you, you must give me one tyrant."

After General Murong finished speaking, Chen Moyan thought about it for a moment, and then nodded in agreement.

"Then tell me a location, and then go to this location every day to receive living human bodies."

After General Murong finished speaking, he made a sign to see off the guests.

"General, I'm glad we can work together."

After Chen Moyan finished speaking, he left a third-generation tyrant for General Murong to test, and then took the other tyrant and left under the night.

Looking at the controller that Chen Moyan left for him, General Murong took the third-generation tyrant to the private test. Field.

This place was established by General Murong 567 after he awakened his powers. The purpose was to prevent others from knowing what his awakened powers were, and at the same time, there was a place for training.

"Come on, attack me."

Using the controller to aim at the Third Generation Tyrant, General Murong gave orders directly to the Third Generation Tyrant.

Without any hesitation, the Third Generation Tyrant decisively waved his huge fist and hit General Murong's head.

But just when he was about to hit General Murong's head , a bloody shield appeared out of thin air, blocking the attack of the three generations of tyrants.

And this is General Murong's ability to control blood.

As long as it is within a certain range, General Murong can control any blood

"The power is not bad, but power alone is not enough."

After General Murong finished speaking, a blood knife appeared in his hand, and then he struck directly at the third generation tyrant.

The blood knife pierced the abdomen of the third generation tyrant, causing serious tearing injuries, and a large amount of blood was brought out by the blood knife. Then Murong slashed at the third generation tyrant. Under the control of the general, he merged into the blood knife

"it's over."

Just when General Murong was about to control the third generation tyrant's body to burst out all the blood from the wound, the third generation tyrant's wound was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And with the strong beating of the heart, the previously lost blood was quickly replenished.


At this moment, General Murong finally paid attention to the third-generation tyrant in front of him.

In order to continue to test the abilities of the third-generation tyrant, this time General Murong directly used all his strength.

I saw the blood knife in General Murong's hand turned into blood and flowed to the ground, and then in the blood , the blood whips were drawn towards the third generation tyrant.

Facing the attack of the blood whip, the third generation tyrant tried his best to dodge, but in the end he was entangled by the blood whip and unable to move.

"it's over."

After General Murong finished speaking, he was about to take out the controller to ask the third generation tyrant to stop.

But at this moment, the third generation tyrant's eyes began to turn red, and then his body expanded rapidly, and he stopped after growing by one-third. Come down.

Then the third-generation tyrant, who fell into a rage, used great force to break free from the control of the blood whip and clawed at General Murong.

Before he could dodge, three wounds appeared on General Murong's body instantly.

However, no blood flowed out of these wounds..It turned out that General Murong controlled the blood coagulation of the wound at the first time, so that the injury was not aggravated.

"Stop it."

The strength of the third generation tyrant has been tested, and General Murong has no desire to continue fighting.

But as the order was issued, the red light in the eyes of the third generation tyrant disappeared, and then he fell directly to the ground and lost his life.

"Why is this so dead?"

Unexpectedly, General Murong hurriedly came to the third generation tyrant to check.

At this time, the heart in the third generation tyrant's body had begun to wither, and without the energy supply of the heart, the third generation tyrant (adaa) naturally could not survive.

"In this way, the violent state just now was the last struggle of the third generation tyrant."

Now that the three generations of tyrants are dead, in order to play the final role of the three generations of tyrants, General Murong directly controlled the blood to form a knife and began to dissect, looking for what Chen Moyan used to control the three generations of tyrants.

Soon General Murong was in the head of the three generations of tyrants. The control chip was found in

"This should be it."

After General Murong put away the chip, he directly used the blood pool to engulf the corpse of the third generation tyrant, and then left the private testing site to find Dr. Qi.


At this time, Dr. Qi was preparing to go to bed at home. After hearing a knock on the door, he couldn't help but come to the door and ask.

"it's me."

General Murong said at the door.

"General, why are you here?"

When he opened the door and saw General Murong, Dr. Qi asked strangely.

"I have something I want you to take a look at."

After General Murong finished speaking, he handed the chip and controller to Dr. Qi.

"What is this?"

Seeing that there were still blood stains on the chip, Dr. Qi asked curiously. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You don't have to worry about this, you just need to help me crack this chip and controller to ensure that it is completely under our control."

"You mean this is a control chip."

Dr. Qi knows that control chips are made to control living things. They are usually used on animals or robots that have no intelligence.

"Yes, can it be done?"

General Murong nodded to confirm Dr. Qi's statement, and then asked Dr. Qi

"Yes, you can, but I need some time."

I don't know what the encryption level of this control chip is, and Dr. Qi can't guarantee how long it will take to crack it successfully.

"Just do your best."

After General Murong finished speaking, he sat down on the sofa in Dr. Qi's home.

Dr. Qi took the control chip and controller to the computer and started operating it.

About an hour later, Dr. Qi wiped the sweat from his forehead. , and then said to General Murong:

"General, the crack has been successfully cracked"

"So fast! General Murong said with some surprise.

"General, although the confidentiality level of this control chip is very high, we have a matching controller, so it is easy to crack. However, the production technology of these two things is very crude, and they should be made by hand."

"General, where did you get these two things?"

Facing Dr. Qi's inquiry, General Murong did not answer. Instead, he looked at the controller after Dr. Qi had modified it. He saw that the overall interface of the controller had not changed, and all the functions were still there, but there were more in the interface. An administrator authority.

After opening this authority, General Murong can force the control chip to shut down.

"Is there only one function of shutdown?"[]

After looking at the controller, General Murong asked Dr. Qi..

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