Seeing Wang Banxia like this for the first time, Zheng Hang felt a little funny and said:

"Manager Wang, there is no need to be so polite between you and me. Just tell us what you want to do."

"That’s right, brother Zheng Hang, you also know that I hope there are more than 100,000 survivors in the camp. They need to consume a lot of food every day. I just want to ask if you have any good ways to solve the food consumption problem here."

"You've asked the right person."

Now Zheng Hang has created a large number of farms to provide food for the army, but these farms can only produce a limited amount of food through magic because there is no labor force.

Originally, Zheng Hang no longer wanted to increase production by letting survivors work on the farms. Wang Banxia sent him to his door.

After hearing Zheng Hang’s words, Wang Banxia immediately looked at Zheng Hang with hopeful eyes.

"When you came to Jiangcheng, you should have seen the farms built on the roadside."

Zheng Hang asked

"Yes."790 Facing Zheng Hang's question, Wang Banxia couldn't help but nodded.

"These farms are magical products that can continuously produce food, and after arranging people to work on the farms, the food production can be doubled. Unfortunately, there are not many survivors in the Jiangcheng base now."

At this point, Wang Banxia already understood what Zheng Hang meant.

But survivors are the foundation of Hope Camp. If there are no survivors, Hope Camp will not be able to replace the lost soldiers, not to mention that every survivor may awaken. The superpower became a superpower.

Seeing that Wang Banxia was still hesitating, Zheng Hang didn't say much. After all, he was not the one who was really worried about this kind of thing.

After a while, Wang Banxia said to Zheng Hang:

"It's not my decision to decide whether the survivors should stay or go, so I'm sorry, but I can't let the survivors from Camp Hope join your Jiangcheng base."

"I won't force you on this kind of thing. If there is nothing else, you can go back."

After Zheng Hang finished speaking, he was about to leave, but as soon as he reached the door of the office, he was stopped by Wang Banxia.

"Is there anything else you want?"

Stop, Zheng Hang asked Wang Banxia

"Now that all the zombies near Jiangcheng have been eliminated by you, the wild is no longer a dangerous place. I have arranged for the survivors to reclaim wasteland and plant food near the Hope Camp. However, it takes a long time for the food to grow, so I hope you can borrow Some food to help Hope Camp survive this difficult time"

"How much do you want?"

Didn't refuse directly, Zheng Hang asked Wang Banxia

"Three months' rations for 100,000 people."

As soon as Wang Banxia said these words, Zheng Hang laughed directly

"So much food, what would you give in exchange?"

It's not that Zheng Hang can't get these grains, but Zheng Hang knows that if Wang Banxia gets these grains, then Wang Banxia's ability will definitely be able to lead the Hope Camp through the food crisis. By then, the survivors of the Hope Camp will really be able to survive." I have no chance with Zheng Hang anymore

"I have news here that should interest you."

After telling his (ahbi) trump card, Wang Banxia's expression became much more relaxed.

Zheng Hang also returned to the opposite side of Wang Banxia, ​​sitting on the sofa and waiting for Wang Banxia to continue to persuade him.

"Zheng Hang, I know that your recruitment of these troops is related to crystal cores. Now that there are no zombies in Jiangcheng, you must have no channels to harvest crystal cores."

"Yes, I really don’t have any channels to harvest crystal cores now, but what does this have to do with the news you mentioned?"

"Don't be anxious. General Murong arranged for Dr. Qi to go to the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle Peak. It was you who saved Dr. Qi from the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle. So you should know the things in the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle Peak, right?"

"You mean the core veins."

At this time, Zheng Hang finally paid attention to Wang Banxia in front of him.

As long as there is a farm, Zheng Hang can get as much food as he wants.

But the crystal core is different. This thing is the key to Zheng Hang's improvement in strength. As long as there is a chance, he must master it. Only in your own hands

"So tell me, is this news worth three months’ worth of food for 100,000 people?"

"Okay, I can exchange with you. Now tell me where the crystal core veins are."

When the deal was concluded, Wang Banxia directly took out a map and placed it in front of Zheng Hang. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Pointing to a location circled in red on the map, Wang Banxia said to Zheng Hang :

"The location of the crystal core vein is near Dragon City, which is relatively far from our Jiangcheng. Moreover, if you want to go to Dragon City, you need to pass through a nuclear explosion area."

"However, this crystal core vein used to be a jade vein. Experts have evaluated that it can be mined for about 30 years. I don’t need to say more about the crystal core reserves inside."

"Leave the map and I will ask Fu Mingzhou to contact you about the food."

After Zheng Hang finished speaking, Wang Banxia nodded with satisfaction, and then left to find Fu Mingzhou.

Zheng Hang, on the other hand, looked at the map and fell into deep thought.

As Wang Banxia said, although the crystal core veins are very attractive, they are too far away from Jiangcheng. It is far away, and if he goes there rashly, an accident is likely to happen, but if he doesn't go, Zheng Hang doesn't want to give up the opportunity that was obtained with three months of rations for 100,000 people.

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