Seeing that Madarara agreed with his own words.

Ye Yu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, being stuck to a man all day, it was really uncomfortable, and he didn’t know the filthy earth rebirth technique of the big snake pill.

How is the study, resurrect the big pillar early, and liberate yourself early.

If he is communicating with his sister in the future, he will not stop communicating.

Madarara suddenly broke in and said that she wanted to fight him, so who can withstand this thing, it is very scary to think about.

Around the light curtain, countless invading creatures rushed towards the crack.

When Ye Yu saw this, he knew that he could not delay it any longer.

He separated a shadow doppelganger, left it behind to protect Mikoto, and rushed towards the shield himself.

Madara pouted, but did not follow, since the former chose to go in to resist, then he stayed outside and cleaned up the creatures that had not yet entered.

When the night rain flew into the protective cover, he saw an extremely tragic scene inside.

Countless soldiers, torn apart by voids, giants, giant beasts, etc., tore their bodies, and for a moment, countless humans died.

The severed body parts were placed in various places.

Even the soil was stained red by blood, and the scene was very tragic.

However, even if the sacrifice was so great, no one chose to retreat, even if they were not the opponents of the invading creatures, they were still charging with their lives.

This is the soldier of the Dragon Kingdom, who is able to abandon his life for the sake of the motherland and his own people.

“One row, suppress the firepower, block those big hole monsters fifty meters away, don’t let them interfere with our plan;”

“Second row, first kill those giants who are a few meters tall, they are relatively weak;”

“Three rows, contain the other monsters, buy enough time for the other teams, try not to fight head-on, we are not opponents, we can only pull and fight, understand?”

The commander of this army is conducting his command in an orderly manner.

Although the death of his comrade-in-arms made him feel very sad, he was the current supreme commander and absolutely could not be chaotic.

Only by killing all the monsters and protecting what is behind them.

In this way, the spirits of the dead warriors can be comforted.

Since the advent of the signator, the soldiers in their army have begun to contact this thing, and they have also obtained a lot of benefits from the One Piece world.

Similar to the training method of the Navy Six style, and even a few devil fruits.

However, the cultivation conditions of the Navy Six are too harsh, and not every soldier can learn it.

And those who have learned are all elites in the army.

Ordinary soldiers can only rely on the physical improvement obtained from practicing inside to resist the invasion of monsters with difficulty.

Night Rain was slightly stunned, and his expression was a little stunned.

No matter which world of Huaxia, it is like this.

He knew that he could no longer do so, had determined the essence of the country, and had insight into the good qualities of the people’s soldiers.

Then you can’t wait.

Whether it’s for the attachment in your heart, it’s for these lovely soldiers.

Just as he was thinking this, a giant quickly ran towards the army.

There is a faint smile on its face, and the movements of the whole person are also particularly irregular, but the speed is not slow at all.

Against the bombardment of artillery fire, it soon came to the army.

Night Rain looked in his eyes, his eyes narrowed slightly, he didn’t expect that a strange species’ could force the army with thermal weapons to this situation.

Although the big reason is because of not knowing the weaknesses of the other party.

But the impact of this tall giant is still easy to make people lose their minds.

The most important thing is that giants eat people, which not only brings the impact to the army, but also easily loses the last sanity.

Just when the strange species was about to step on the soldier’s body, a figure quickly landed from the air.

The figure instantly pierced the back of the neck of the strange species, and then came out from the latter’s chest, directly stabbing the giant in pairs.


It was the night rain that came, and the force generated by the landing directly crushed the ground to collapse.

I saw him half-squatting on the ground, cooperating with the surrounding environment, and the whole person looked extremely handsome.

This is the way he has been thinking about it for a long time, and ordinary appearances do not seem to form much visual impact, so it is different.

How handsome!

The soldiers not far away were slightly stunned at first.

However, he instantly came to his senses, raised the gun in his hand, and aimed it at Night Rain.

“Don’t move, who are you? Why is it here? What is the bad purpose? …”

This series of questions almost made Ye Yu’s whole person confused.

In his script, it’s not like this.

It is not that the other party should show adoring eyes, and then treat yourself as a worldly master, contact the high-level of the country, and give yourself something.

There is also a high status, various treasures.

Weren’t all written like this in those YY novels in previous lives? How did it come to him and become pointed at gunpoint?

Although there were some doubts, the night rain still did not burst out.

After all, the other party is a normal reaction, and these behaviors are very necessary in response to unexpected situations.

So, he explained: “I am a person who lives outside the protective shield, I have been living alone for a long time, and I saw you fighting just now, so I wanted to come and help.” ”

“I have absolutely no malice, solve these monsters, and I will leave.”

Night Rain expressed the goodwill in his heart, which was derived from a good impression of the country, but if the other party insisted on making some angry moves.

He won’t be polite either.

Several soldiers glanced at each other and saw the surprise in each other’s eyes.

You know, the place outside the protective shield has been occupied by monsters for a long time, and this person can actually live outside for so long.

If you think about it, either the other party is deceiving people, or there is real talent to learn.

One of the soldiers was just about to speak, when suddenly, a monster with a large hole in his chest ran towards Night Rain.

It opened its mouth wide and kept howling.

“Be careful!”

All the soldiers shouted and turned their muzzles, intending to shoot at this Kilien.

However, before they could attack, the night rain moved.

I saw that he suddenly jumped up and kicked Killian’s head, and the huge force directly kicked Killian’s head to pieces.

Arashi Kick! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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