Start with Island Lord

Chapter 120: Cannons roar, gods and demons ascend to heaven (33)


On a hidden forest road, three specially reinforced electric carriages were driving smoothly and quickly.

Due to the limitation of construction capacity, the road is less than 10 meters wide, but the road surface is made of tempered yellow clay.

In addition, the road surface structure is designed for drainage, anti-skid, and anti-thermal expansion and contraction, and the road slope is strictly limited, never higher than 5 degrees.

In addition, the road is only a kind of mountain transportation.

At present, Alonso and his apprentices have begun to demonstrate the feasibility of mountain trams.

Rosen was sitting in the carriage of the second carriage, carefully feeling the riding experience of the electric carriage, and then came to a conclusion.

"The speed is faster than the carriage, resulting in more noise than the carriage, and the up and down bumps and turning tilt are much more serious than the carriage."

"The noise of the wheels is very noisy, and the anti-skid ability is not good, which is not suitable for high-speed driving."

There are really many shortcomings, far less comfortable than his previous carriage, but the power is really strong.

When driving hard, there is a clear sense of pushing back.

"With more iterations, we should be able to make an electric rune tank, which will be used for plain sieges in the future."

Just thinking about it, there was another wave of strong push back.

Rosen immediately said: "Alia, drive slower, aren't you uncomfortable with the bumps?"

Alia shook her head excitedly: "Bumps? This is much more stable than horseback, the speed is faster, and there is no headwind."

Well, since she likes it, Rosen let her drive as much as she wants.

The car drove around the mountain road for about ten minutes and arrived at a secret valley among the mountains.


The electric carriage slowed down in front of an inconspicuous tempered clay wall.

There was a large iron gate on the high wall, which had been opened, and the guards beside the door were saluting the convoy.

The convoy slowly drove into the iron gate.

Behind the gate was a very empty natural fan-shaped valley, and the end of the valley was directly the blue sea.

This is the secret test site of the island's flame weapons.

The three cars stopped at the open space beside the venue.

Alia got off the car first, and after confirming with other guards that there was no problem around, she escorted Rosen out of the car.

Rosen looked directly at the weapon test bench in front.

There was a row of tempered clay platforms, on which were fixed hollow round metal tubes.

This was the flame and thunder magic weapon made by Master Goss, that is, the cannon of another world!

Master Goss and his second son, Master Alshut, were already there.

In addition, there were more than fifty young mage apprentices who served as their assistants.

Seeing Rosen arrive, Master Goss came up to him in high spirits.

"Lord, this is the first batch of flame and thunder magic weapons we made."

"Hmm~ I think it's better to call it cannon as the lord said."

Especially the pronunciation of 'cannon'. Although there is no corresponding word in the common language, it vividly describes the huge movement when the magic weapon is powerful. It is also catchy and refreshing to read.

"Lord, look, the barrels of these artillery pieces are made of pure steel, and are precisely deformed using precision molds and transfiguration."

"The barrel has a caliber of nine centimeters, and each shot is loaded with about three kilograms of thunder powder, which can eventually hit this heavy iron ball 1.5 kilometers away."

"Here~ This is thunder powder, the full name is order thunder powder, and we call it yellow powder."

"It was developed by Master Bell. Although its power is slightly worse than the 'fire soil' newly discovered by Aaron, it is far more stable and safer than the fire soil."

He showed Rosen the order thunder powder.

This is a yellow-brown fine powder with a slightly fragrant aroma. Because of the need to prevent moisture and agglomeration, it is specially made into small and smooth round particles.

At first glance, it seems nothing special, and no one even looks at it when it is thrown on the ground.

Of course Rosen knows the existence of order thunder powder. In fact, he knows the details of all the important new achievements in the territory.

But he has been very busy recently, so this is the first time he has seen the real appearance of this thing.

"Master, show me its stability?"

Master Goss put a handful of powder on the ground, took a hammer and smashed it hard.


The tempered yellow clay ground was smashed into a small pit, and the order thunder powder was scattered everywhere, but there was no abnormal movement.

Immediately afterwards, Master Goss released a three-ring breath of flames to the powder from a distance.

After the high-temperature flames dissipated, the powder was still intact, and its flame retardancy was almost the same as that of soil.

Rosen was amazed: "Sure enough, it is stable. I heard that only special excitation spells can ignite it. Master, can you open my eyes?"

Goss immediately did as he was told. He pointed at the order potion from five or six meters away, and did not see any abnormal movement. He saw the powder he brought with him "whoosh~~" and burned violently.

The intensity and brightness of the burning were much stronger than the black gunpowder in the previous life, but not as good as TNT.

‘Pah, pah, pah~~’

Rosen clapped his hands softly and praised sincerely: “What a great thunder medicine!”

He knew that the activation spell of the order thunder medicine was essentially a constant decryption spell.

When using it specifically, the activation spell can be adjusted at any time according to safety needs.

And if there is no activation spell, it is useless no matter how you mess with this thing.

That is to say, the order thunder powder invented by Bell is not only safe and stable, but also can prevent enemy spies, especially mage spies, from using magic to remotely destroy their own ammunition depots.

In the world of magic, this is particularly important.

If you directly copy the knowledge and experience of the earth without any localization transformation, it will be difficult to adapt to the local environment at best, and even worse, it will be a dead end.

After showing the thunder powder, Goss began to show the shells.

"This is a solid iron ball, weighing about 3 kilograms. After being activated, it can fly several miles away in a few seconds. Its strength is more than ten times that of the master-level throwing technique."

According to this calculation, even if Rosen uses ten-ring magic power to trigger the four-ring throwing technique, the power of the iron ball thrown out in the end is much less than this cannon.

In other words, even if it is just the most ordinary and primitive small-caliber solid bullet artillery, after arriving in the other world, it can still disperse all the monsters and demons.

The artillery roared, and all the gods and demons ascended to heaven!

But Rosen certainly thought it was not powerful enough.

"Is there a way to make the iron ball hollow and put order thunder inside?"

"Because I heard that Aaron's projectile can be loaded with fire soil, so the attack power is particularly strong."

Alshut on the side immediately shook his head: "No, it can't be loaded."

"Order thunder is too stable, and triggering will be a problem. In addition, although Aaron's projectile is loaded, I heard that they have not solved the problem of bursting."

"Of course, putting magic potion in the projectile can indeed greatly enhance the attack power, so we have been trying to solve the problem of remote excitation of order thunder."

Rosen nodded to show that he understood, and then said: "Have you ever thought about making the shell into the shape of a pointed gyroscope?"

Alshut was stunned and didn't understand: "Why do you have to make it as complicated as a pointed gyroscope? The sphere can ensure the sealing of the barrel, right?"

Goss on the side was moved and asked: "Lord, Do you want to aim the tip at the target so that you can penetrate the enemy's warship more sharply? "

Rosen nodded: "I have considered this aspect. In addition, I also think that the tip has a stronger impact. Putting a nail behind the tip may stimulate the order thunder powder. "

Alshut heard this and frowned: "Then maybe it can be made into an arrow tip. No, no, the shape is too complicated and the barrel is difficult to seal. "

Rosen smiled and said: "So, I said the shape of a pointed gyroscope. The tail of the round gyroscope just ensures the sealing. "

Alshut's eyes lit up: "Yes. That's not right. If so, the shell may roll after flying out of the barrel, and the tip may not be aimed at the target. "

Before he finished speaking, he heard his father muttering: "No, it may not roll. The gyroscope is very special. As long as it rotates, it may not roll!"

At this point, Rosen knew that his hint had worked.

With the beginning, the two artillery experts will naturally follow the road behind.

Eat one bite at a time and walk one step at a time. After all, it is not Rosen who really does the work, and he cannot do everything by himself.

He did not bother to nitpick and discourage the two, and said, "Then show its power now."

Master Gos immediately waved to several apprentices.

The latter skillfully loaded the gun, loaded the gun, hid behind the thick earth bunker, and used the excitation spell to ignite the order thunder powder in the gun barrel from a distance.

'Boom~Boom~Boom~' A violent vibration sounded, and a row of artillery burst out one after another.

The gun body shook, the muzzle flashed, and thick green smoke was sprayed out. After a few seconds, more than a dozen high water columns emerged on the sea surface several miles away.

Rosen used a telescope to observe the sea surface, estimated the distance in his mind, and nodded with satisfaction.

"The performance is stable, the range is pretty good, and the power is also OK. If it can successfully hit the enemy warship, it should be able to cause considerable damage."

From the perspective of artillery alone, this thing can already be used.

"But there is still a lot of potential for improvement. For example, the range should be as far as possible, the caliber should be as large as possible, and the firing rate should be as accurate as possible while the firing rate should be as fast as possible."

Goss took a notebook and wrote them down one by one.

"Lord, these can be improved one by one, and the idea of ​​the pointed gyroscope mentioned by the lord just now is also very good, but these require more manpower and material support."

Rosen smiled and said, "That's no problem. I will add an additional 50,000 Oggs to your laboratory."

Goss immediately said, "Then I have no problem, but my son Cavendish."

"Of course I won't forget Master Cavendish. I gave him an additional 30,000, which is enough to start the research in the early stage."

After conquering the queen, he has been very rich recently.

Goss immediately became very motivated: "Lord, just wait, I will definitely make a cannon that will surprise you!"

Rosen laughed: "Then I'm looking forward to it now."

Now there are usable cannons, but the warships are still not very powerful.

Although the shipbuilding skills of Master Belit have improved rapidly, the size of the warships is greatly limited due to the strength of the materials.

So, after leaving the weapons test site, Rosen immediately went to find his best potion master Wei Ge.

He now wants a better steel potion.

After listening to the request, Wei Ge tilted his head and thought for a while, and said: "Lord, I have been thinking about this problem recently, and I have a very wonderful idea."

"The initial test has been successful, but due to the limitations of the magic theory, it is difficult to move forward in the future."

As she spoke, a potion bottle flew into her hand, and the bottle was filled with dark blue powder.

"I call it 'Frost Dust'."

Speaking of this, she chuckled and asked: "Lord, have you guessed what I am thinking?"

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