Start with Island Lord

Chapter 2 The Heir of the Bird Shit Lord

Early morning.

Dawn City, noble district.

Madam Aignite of Azure Manor is a woman of great reputation.

She is not only the biological sister of the Earl of Shire County in the north of Veran, but also a senior wizard at a young age, and has a good reputation for generosity and kindness.

As her magic apprentice, life is much better than that of other senior wizards' apprentices, but this is not enough to change Rosen's current situation of lack of money.

Learning magic is really too expensive.

Rosen is different from other magic apprentices, he is particularly expensive.

Fortunately, he has got a sum of money in a not very glorious way.

Although it is far from enough to repay the debts owed for many years, it should be enough to convince the mentor to sign his graduation certificate.

At this moment, he is sitting in the corner of the living room of the manor with a purse in his arms, patiently waiting for the mentor to summon him.

Time passed by minute by minute, and when the sun spot on the carpet moved about 20 centimeters, the butler Mr. Deva came over.

"Rosen, the lady asked you to go over."

Rosen, who was drowsy under the warm sun, was refreshed and asked modestly.

"Uncle Deva, is the mentor in a good mood today?"

Deva shrugged slightly: "He was in a good mood during breakfast, but when he heard that you were here, he was in a bad mood and called you a 'useless little bastard'."

Rosen showed a trace of embarrassment. He knew that the mentor looked down on him.

She had reason to look down on him.

Because the previous owner of this body was her first apprentice and the worst one.

He became her apprentice when he was promoted to senior at the age of 18. He studied for a full 10 years, from the age of 10 to 20, but he still couldn't fully master all the knowledge that a formal mage needs to master.

Usually, other apprentices only need 4 years, and outstanding ones even only need 2 and a half years.

If he wanted to change a mentor, he would have advised him to go home long ago.

Sighing softly, he asked again: "Uncle, is the mentor alone or is there a guest?"

"There is a guest, the lady's close friend Princess Selena. Don't be shy, this distinguished lady knows everything about you."

Rosen's cheeks were slightly red, and he looked even more shy.

"Thank you, uncle."

He stood up and walked through the spacious and bright living room, walked along the blue and white stone spiral staircase all the way to the second floor, and then walked about 20 meters along the corridor. After passing an exquisite malachite sculpture, he finally stood in front of a carved wooden door.

There was a faint sound of talking inside the door, and from time to time there were a few crisp laughs.

This movement gave Rosen a bad feeling in his heart.

'This princess is not a bad person, and her personality is also straightforward, but she has no friendship with me, so don't mess up my plan. '

Based on his understanding of the mentor's temperament, if they were alone, today's level would be easy to pass, but now there is a princess, there are more variables.

After calming down, he knocked on the door gently and said respectfully: "Teacher, I'm here."

The laughter behind the door stopped, and then a gentle female voice came: "Come in."

Rosen gently pushed open the door.

Behind the door is a spacious, exquisite and bright study.

The most eye-catching thing is the large window that occupies half of the outer wall, which is equipped with crystal carved glass from the Kingdom of Aaron.

It can spread warm sunlight throughout the room without revealing the privacy of the room.

And on the left corner, there is a circle of dragon lizard thick leather benches from Jinqiao County in the north of Weilan Island. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. It is a special seat for VIPs, and apprentices are not eligible to use it.

On the right is a semicircular, lavender star wood desk, which is not only elegant and noble, but also exudes a light wood fragrance. It is a specialty of the Kingdom of Kao.

There are also murals by famous artists on the wall, and exquisite ornaments from all over the world on the desk, each of which is worth a lot of money.

In short, the senior mage, Madam Agnet, has wealth that Rosen can't even dream of, even though Rosen is now the heir of a baron.

Rosen saw his mentor, Madam Agnet.

She sat behind her favorite star wood desk as usual.

At the age of 28, she has a pair of extremely bright violet eyes, a pair of bright and intellectual features, a simple but elegant saint hairstyle, and a well-tailored bright purple silk dress. In short, she is a very charming and beautiful woman.

And her best friend Princess Selena is much younger than her. She is 23 years old this year, and she is even more dazzling, making people dare not look directly at her.

In fact, she is also a senior mage, and at the same time, she is the owner of Dawn City, the supreme lord of the giant island of Veran, and the younger sister of the Duke of Dawn.

She is a real princess.

The most striking feature of her is a pair of imperial green emerald eyes and a head of very shiny dark golden fluffy curly hair, which is said to be the embodiment of natural divine blood.

At this moment, the noble princess was leaning against the star wood desk, smiling at Rosen with a teasing look on her face.

"Anna, your apprentice looks very shy, do you need me to step aside?"

Mrs. Agnet shook her head: "No need, you already know everything you need to know."

As she spoke, she looked at Rosen, her two willow-shaped eyebrows slightly frowned: "Why are you here so early in the morning instead of practicing magic?"

Rosen lowered his head slightly, keeping his eyes on the thick camel wool blanket on the ground, and at the same time made his expression and voice as respectful as possible.

"Teacher, I have successfully touched the first magic ring and obtained low-level magic power. I have also mastered the three magic skills of the mage and the five travel skills."

"In addition, I have memorized all the knowledge that a formal mage is required to remember, such as "World Museum", "Alchemy General Knowledge", and "World Noble Genealogy."

"The relevant experimental parts have also been successfully reproduced in the laboratory."

"I think I have all the abilities of a formal mage."

Mrs. Agnet understood and raised her eyebrows.

"That's nice, but I have to test you, so that you don't ruin my reputation because of your lack of ability."

Rosen immediately said: "Teacher, please ask the questions."

"Very confident, it seems that the young man is ready." Princess Selena joked.

Agnite became very serious and even straightened her back.

She said seriously: "You have mastered 7 of the 8 zero-ring spells that a formal mage should master."

"Now, show me the last "Food Making Spell".

Rosen took out a small piece of peeled pine wood, put his left hand flat, pressed his right hand on the pine wood, and then silently chanted in his heart.

"Laifu, release "Food Making Spell: Pinewood Bread".

After a moment, a mechanical and indifferent thought emerged in his mind: 'The spell has been released. '

With this thought, Rosen's right hand showed a hazy white light, which continued to penetrate into the pine wood.

The pine wood suddenly expanded rapidly like fermented dough.

After about 10 seconds, a small piece of pine wood turned into a fluffy, milky white bread, exuding a strange fragrance produced by the mixture of pine resin and flour.

Serena sniffed lightly, a little surprised: "Eh~ It smells good and looks delicious. Is it a unique food recipe, Rosen?"

The voice was pleasant, and Rosen felt that she was looking at him with a strange look.

If it were an ordinary boy, he would definitely not understand the meaning of this look at this moment, but Rosen was not.

Not only did he have extremely sharp perception, but he also had a previous life, and he had experienced most of his life in his previous life.

He immediately felt that the princess had a vague affection for him, and she might not even notice it herself.

'Tsk, it's a pity that it's the princess, otherwise.'

But graduation is a serious matter at the moment, so he immediately retracted his reverie.

He bowed to her first, and then answered respectfully: "Yes, Your Highness, I slightly modified the basic food making technique to make the final product as delicious as possible."

Mrs. Agnet also became interested. She used the magician's hand to bring the bread to her eyes for careful inspection, and finally even broke off a small piece and put it in her mouth to taste it.

After chewing a few bites, her thin eyebrows raised slightly, and she looked at Rosen in surprise.

"It's soft, delicious, and delicate, with a unique fragrance of pine nuts. The flour conversion rate is at least 99%. It's a very outstanding food-making technique."

"Let me try it too."

Selena reached out and grabbed the bread, took a big bite, and her eyes lit up.

"Well~ It's really delicious. Just talking about the level of this food-making technique, it can be called excellent."

She looked at Rosen and smiled kindly: "Rosen, you can at least be a good cook."

Rosen was tickled by her smile, but the other party's noble status was very good at dispelling his extra thoughts.

He smiled politely: "Your Highness, mentor, I did make slow progress when learning new spells. But it is precisely because of the slow progress that I have enough time to figure out the details of the spells, so I can often learn better."

If this was said before, it would be basically unconvincing, but with the pine bread as evidence, Mrs. Agnet's impression of Rosen has changed greatly.

She smiled faintly and said, "If that's the case, then it would be the best."

After saying this, she immediately returned to her teacher's serious expression.

"Then in terms of spellcasting ability, you finally passed."

"As for the knowledge that a formal mage should remember, I believe you have remembered it all. After all, you have studied for ten years, even if you are a donkey, you should remember it well."

"However, there is one last problem to solve."

Speaking of this, Agnet raised his voice slightly: "Deva~Deva~Come here, and bring the account book by the way."

After a while, the butler Deva came in with a thick account book in his hand.

Agnite said: "Deva, check how much tuition Rosen owed in the past ten years."

"Yes, ma'am."

Butler Deva opened the account book, checked it carefully, and reported the number.

"Madam, in ten years, the apprentice Rosen has received a total of 1,500 hours of instruction."

"According to the price of 10 krones per lesson, the total tuition is 15,000 krones. Add to that the equipment damaged in various magic experiments and the extra materials consumed due to multiple failed experiments, a total of 2,800 gold ogres."

"Deduct the wages that Rosen has accumulated for helping you collect magic materials, draw magic scrolls, and forge basic magic tools in the past ten years, as well as the tuition he has already paid. Then, he still owes you a total of 1,854 gold ogres."

Mrs. Aignite nodded and turned to look at Rosen: "The specific details are recorded one by one. My apprentice, do you need to check?"

Rosen shook his head: "No, mentor, I have roughly calculated it, and it is about this number."

Mrs. Aignite continued: "Rosen, you are the first apprentice I have accepted."

"During the teaching process, I asked myself to be responsible, meticulous and patient, and I tried my best to help you master the knowledge that a formal mage should master. Do you agree?"

Rosen nodded: "I agree, mentor."

"I have agreed to your deferment of tuition payment many times, right?"

"Yes, mentor."

"So, how are you going to pay for it?"

Mrs. Agnet looked very serious when she said this.

Obviously, if Rosen can't give an explanation today, he won't get his diploma.

Rosen took a deep breath and said: "Mentor, a month ago, I received a letter from my mother. The letter said that my father was attacked and killed by a forest spirit while patrolling the border of his territory."

To be honest, the news surprised him.

Because the old baron was a very capable senior warrior, and his letters kept saying that the situation on the island was very good, Lin Jing was so suppressed by him that he did not dare to take the lead.

As a son, Rosen also sent back some high-level magic weapons for self-defense within his reasonable ability.

I also thought that the old baron was in his prime, had a stubborn temper, and would be an eyesore when he returned home, so he might as well study for a few more years, but unexpectedly this happened.

"As the only male member of the Saxon family and the eldest son in the family, I have the first right of succession to the title of baronet. However, according to the Duke's decree, I must obtain a decent formal occupation in order to be eligible to inherit the title."

"So, if you, tutor, can sign my graduation certificate first and let me successfully inherit and become a baron, then I am willing to pay the tuition in ten years according to the highest loan interest rate on the market."

Mrs. Agnet frowned again: "As far as I know, even if you become a baron, you won't be able to save so much money in ten years, right?"

Princess Selena on the side added with a smile.

"Rosen, considering that your barren and remote island, the biggest export item is the guano fertilizer in the forest, you can only earn up to 330 Oggs a year, right?"

Rosen's heart moved again: 'You know a few bits and pieces, but you are still so accurate. This is because you know me specifically. ’

It seems that the other party has a good impression of me.

A vague idea suddenly emerged from Rosen's heart, but he quickly dismissed it.

The difference in status is too great to be realistic, so it's better not to ask for trouble.

So he responded politely.

"In fact, the average fiscal surplus in the past ten years is almost 330 Og. But this is not only because the island is barren, but also because of my father's short-sightedness."

"If I can succeed as a baron, I will use the knowledge I have learned to work hard to increase the territory's financial revenue."

"In addition, in order to show my determination and sincerity, I asked my mother to use all her savings and sell some valuable belongings in the family to raise 400 OG as the first year's repayment."

While talking, Rosen took out the money bag from his pocket and handed it to Deva, the butler beside him.

Deva took the purse, checked it carefully, and nodded to confirm: "Madam, it is exactly 400 gold Oggs."

Mrs. Agnet's face softened slightly and she sighed softly.

"Rosen, although I am not optimistic about your ability, you do have the virtues of diligence and trustworthiness."

"I don't think you can pay off the tuition in 10 years. So, extend the repayment period to 20 years. There is no need to bother calculating the interest rate. Just amortize the 200 Oggs over 20 years."

Princess Selena listened and whispered into her close friend's ear: "Anna, you are too kind. This will cost you a lot of income."

Mrs. Agnet spread her hands with emotion on her face.

"No matter what, this stupid boy is my first apprentice. He is already miserable enough. I can't force him to death, right?"

Unexpectedly, the princess added: "Then why not be kind to the end? The money is not much anyway."


Mrs. Agnet glanced at her unexpectedly: "That's not okay, it's unfair to my other apprentices."

"Okay, you're right."

Mrs. Agnet took out a special piece of gilded paper from the drawer, filled in the name 'Rosen Saxony' at the top of the page, and wrote 'Senior Mage Anna Robert Agnet' at the bottom of the page. This name.

Finally, he took out his magic seal and stamped it on the two names.

"This is your graduation certificate. Take it to the Mage Guild."

"By the way, regarding your repayment, you and Deva will sign another contract."

Rosen took the flying diploma with both hands and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

‘The mentor is such a good person. ’

With his currently revealed abilities and status, if she had a harsher personality and a little manipulation, she could get a free slave for life.

And with her status, even if she did this, no one would blame her.

In fact, there are countless apprentices like this who have been enslaved by their mentors all year round.

So he made a serious promise: "Teacher, thank you very much for taking care of me. If you need my strength in the future, just write me a letter and I will try my best to help."

Mrs. Agnet shrugged, looking indifferent.

"Stop talking nonsense here, live your life well, don't ask me for help, that is the greatest help to me."

After saying that, he waved to him again: "Okay, don't just stay here, go and do your work."

After Rosen walked out of the room, the dazzling Princess Selena sighed softly, showing a trace of sympathy.

"In my opinion, your apprentice may not be able to marry a girl from a good family. Any decent family would not be willing to marry their daughter to the White Sturgeon Island."

Mrs. Agnet looked at her close friend in surprise: "That's true, but why is your honorable highness worried about my apprentice's marriage?"

Selena sighed: "After all, I saw him grow up from a thin child to such a mighty and tall man. Now he is so miserable, I just feel a little sympathy."

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