Start with Island Lord

Chapter 310 May We Adhere to the Saint's Last Wish (12)

Time passed day by day, and the date of the Sky Council was getting closer and closer.

With the continuous propaganda of various newspapers, books, and street speakers, the light missionaries in the streets and alleys of Youlai City gradually disappeared.

The Light God Clan seemed to have admitted defeat.

But this was of course just an appearance, just the calm before the storm.

The small actions in secret were increasing day by day.

The Light God Clan not only did it themselves, but also commanded the surrender faction in the Sky Council to fight various secret battles with the firm fighting faction where Naya was.

Naturally, all these small actions were seen by Rosen one by one.

He fulfilled the original agreement and made almost no command on the details, leaving it all to the Nawat people to handle.

He stayed in Naya Manor peacefully, as if he knew nothing.

As the emperor of the Natural Empire, he certainly would not be idle.

Through the connection of the power of faith, he always paid attention to the various situations within the Natural Empire and handled various complicated government affairs.

Except that the main body was not in Swan Castle, everything else was exactly the same as before.

Ten days before the meeting, the Natural Empire had good news.

The High Energy Magic Laboratory was lucky enough to have a breakthrough result.

Soon, the result was in Rosen's hands.

He looked at it carefully, and then used Lai Fu's computing power to deduce and analyze it. The final result made Rosen's eyes light up.

'Hey~ This thing is good~ Really good! '

In short, with this result, he can create a very powerful magic weapon.

The Nawat plane naturally has no conditions to create it, but no one stipulates that he has to stay in the Nawat plane all the time.

With his current soul strength and understanding of phase transfer, even if it is a cross-plane transfer, it only takes three hours of recovery.

Three hours, nothing will go wrong.

So, he secretly teleported back and rushed to the Empire High Energy Magic Laboratory. Using various ready-made high energy magic equipment in the laboratory, he spent three days to create a high energy magic weapon with no cost refining techniques.

Or, it can also be called a divine weapon, because it is made of high-energy spiritual essence of the same element, just like the tree of life.

The name of the divine weapon is "Tsunami Wristband", which looks like two rune bracelets, worn on Rosen's left and right wrists respectively.

The divine weapon is to "use the superconductivity of mana to greatly shorten the casting time of spells."

High-energy spiritual essence, like elements, has many types and exhibits different properties.

The breakthrough result of the high-energy laboratory is the discovery of a high-energy spiritual essence with superconductivity of mana.

Because of superconductivity, there is no resistance to the transmission of mana, so the flow rate of mana can be greatly increased, thereby speeding up the casting speed of spells, especially giant spells that consume a lot of mana.

For ordinary mortal legendary wizards, the effect of this divine weapon is very ordinary.

Because their mana scale is small, the casting speed is already very fast, even if it is shortened tenfold, the casting time saved may only be a few tenths of a second.

But for Rosen, a wizard with a huge source of power and a huge soul, this thing is simply tailor-made for him.

It takes him at least 3 seconds to cast a giant spell of 10,000 Rosens, which is too slow in a battle with a strong man.

With the tsunami wristband, it only takes 0.3 seconds, directly shortening the casting time by 90%.

So, with a wave of his hand, he has the power to move mountains.

"Good stuff~~ Really good stuff."

"However, it is only useful for spells below the high-energy magic field."

In the field of high-energy magic, mana and soul are unified into elemental spiritual essence, so there is naturally no so-called mana superconductivity phenomenon.

Full of emotion, Rosen silently sent back to Naya's manor.

At this time, there were still four days before the Sky Conference. As the leaders of the firm fighting faction, Naya and her husband's manor became a temporary base and became very lively.

38 firm fighting Sky Councillors gathered in her manor for a meeting.

Not long after Rosen arrived, he heard the soul whisper from Naya.

"Your Majesty, the members of the parliament are still a little bit unconfident and want to see the envoy from the Natural Empire."

"How about you give them some encouragement?"

Rosen thought about it and nodded in agreement.


At this point, it's almost time to play the cards openly. There is no point in hiding it.

So, he walked out of the guest room on the third floor and went to the meeting study on the first floor of the manor.

The study is not big, about 150 to 160 square meters, but there are not many members of the parliament, only 38, so it is not crowded.

When Rosen arrived, a group of members of the parliament were sitting around the round conference table and chatting.

38 people, but there are several different expressions.

Some bowed their heads and kept silent, some shouted angrily, and some leaned over and whispered.

But all of them have one thing in common, that is, their brows were furrowed, their expressions were heavy, and they had a solemnity of rushing to the execution ground.

The round table is very large, and there are still several empty seats.

Rosen walked to an empty seat and sat down. He took off his hat and threw it on the coat rack. Then he crossed his legs and knocked on the table with his other hand.

‘Da Da Da~~’

The sound was neither light nor heavy, but it was enough to attract everyone’s attention.

The congressmen turned their heads and looked at Rosen with confusion and curiosity.

Someone whispered, “Who is this gentleman?”

“Never seen him before.”

"But he doesn't look like an ordinary person."

"Should he be the envoy of the Natural Empire?"

"Of course, but this envoy is a bit rude."

Rosen smiled and said, "Gentlemen, ladies, you guessed it right. I am the envoy from the Natural Empire."

"I also know that you have many speculations about my specific identity, and there are many rumors outside that I am Rosen, the emperor of the Natural Empire."

"What I want to say is..."

Rosen paused and looked around at everyone present.

After confirming that everyone was looking at him, he grinned.

"Yes, I am Rosen."

As soon as the voice fell, the parliamentarians couldn't help but make various low calls, and their faces showed various expressions.

Some were shocked, some were suspicious, and some looked at Rosen with scrutiny.

Rosen waited patiently for a while, and then asked, "Do you have any questions?"

Immediately, an old woman with gray hair stood up.

She pushed her presbyopic glasses and asked, "Your Majesty Rosen, how many warriors did you bring?"

"Just me."

Another middle-aged councillor immediately stood up: "Excuse me, this is not in line with your status as an emperor."

"I have never heard of any emperor of an empire going to a dangerous place alone."

As soon as this was said, many councillors nodded in agreement.

This matter is indeed outrageous and is not conducive to increasing the confidence of the councillors.

So Rosen smiled and said, "Aha~~ I was kidding you."

"In fact, I brought an elite guard team."

While speaking, Rosen clapped his hands lightly, and at the same time located the original saints of the trial who had just been subdued, and whispered to them.

"My golden scholars, come here, come to me, and help me hold the scene."

The golden scholars' erudite instruments all support free phase transfer within the plane.

So Rosen had just completed the summoning, and the golden scholars were teleported to the yard of the manor one by one, and then lined up to walk into the conference hall.

There were 19 people in total, all of them were legendary mages, with an average soul strength of up to Legend 8, and they faintly showed a huge soul far beyond that of ordinary people.

19 people appeared and surrounded Rosen, showing a momentum of thousands of troops.

"These are my royal guards, in our country, they are called scholars."

"Normally, they don't follow me, because everyone is assigned an important task. But as long as I call, they will come to support immediately."

"Okay, scholars, it's almost done, you all go and don't scare these distinguished gentlemen and ladies."

The golden scholars teleported away again, and the whole process completely ignored the phase confinement array of Youlai City, showing incredible magic power.

Looking at the sky councilors at the scene, no one doubted Rosen's identity.

38 sky councilors, including Naya, stood up together, saluted Rosen respectfully, and called him "Dear Emperor".

Rosen nodded: "Let's sit down and talk. After all, I am not the emperor of the Republic of Sky."

The Sky Councillors sat down one after another, and the sadness on their faces dissipated a lot, and their confidence increased a lot.

Rosen began to speak out his thoughts: "For the Republic of Sky, I am a loyal ally, and I will help you resist the invasion of the light demon."

"You may suspect that I have ulterior motives. Yes, I have some selfish motives."

Rosen looked around the congressmen and saw vigilance and confusion on their faces.

He smiled faintly: "My selfish motive is that I hope the great Republic of Nahuat can be reunited."

"You must ask why."

"The reason is also very simple."

Speaking of this, Rosen put away his lazy look, sat up straight, and said word by word: "Because, I have also been inspired by the saint Fedmont, and I consider myself a disciple of Fedmont."

As soon as these words came out, the vigilance on the faces of the councillors disappeared by 90%, and they showed respect and recognition from the bottom of their hearts.

Those who can risk their lives to resolutely fight against the Light God Clan in such a difficult environment are basically pure idealists.

Idealists are difficult to buy with those vulgar things in the world. The best way to gain their recognition and support is to agree with their ideals.

That is the so-called "like-minded".

Coincidentally, Rosen already recognized this point, so the two sides are naturally fellow travelers.

Feeling that it was almost done, Rosen continued:

"Ladies and gentlemen, as allies of the outer plane, I don't care what you do specifically, I only care whether we have a common destination."

"And now it seems that our destination is indeed the same."

"Then, please continue to move forward, and those enemies who try to prevent the return of the Republic of Nahuat, please rest assured to leave it to me."

After saying these words, without waiting for everyone to respond, he stood up, took back the hat from the coat rack with the mage's hand, put it on his head lightly, and turned to the door of the conference hall.

The whole process was done in one go, without any delay. After he left, the members of the conference hall came back to their senses.

Someone subconsciously said: "I don't know how to describe it, but he doesn't feel like a mortal to me, but like a real god."

After saying that, he immediately added: "I'm not referring to those false gods in the void, but great figures like Fedmont."

"I feel the same way. I am grateful to the Creator for sending down another great mortal at the most critical moment."

"The meeting in a few days will probably be very turbulent."

"Not only that day was not peaceful, but these days are not peaceful. The real terrible conflict may break out at any time!"

"Yes, it may even break out in the next moment."

"May we succeed in upholding the saint's last wish!"

The sky councillors present are all super elites of Nawat.

They have a deep understanding of the current situation. At this moment, they are all ready to sacrifice for their ideals at any time.

Outside the meeting room, Rosen clearly felt this.

He stood on the balcony of the guest room, looking at the endless sky, and seemed to see the burning soul again in a trance.

He silently said in his heart: "Ms. Alena, I do have selfish motives, but I will never let the flame ignited by the saint go out."

There are countless mortals in the world, and there are many mortal kingdoms, but not every mortal kingdom is worth his personal risk to save.

Only here is he qualified.

The next chapter is too crazy and has been blocked. It is currently being revised.

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