Start with Island Lord

Chapter 312 Shadow of the True God (12)

The bottom layer of the Eleven Circles.

There is a huge and solid soul cage.

In the corner of the cage, squatting was a bald middle-aged man with a dark golden light all over his body. He was the captured Lord of Judgment Godfrey.


Suddenly, the bottom of the cage began to surge, and a 'bubble' gradually squeezed out.

The bubble is in the shape of a long ellipsoid, with the upper part independent, but the lower part connected to the tenth Dharma ring.

Or to be more precise, the essence of the bubble is the twisted tenth ring.

There are three clear figures inside the 'bubble'.

One is Sid, the other is Grevin, and the last one is Rosen, the main assassination target of this operation.

Rosen was leaning forward on the recliner, looking at Godfrey in the cage with a hint of smile, and spoke in the devil's cage in a soul whisper.

"Godfrey, you have failed completely now."

Godfrey looked up at the mortal scene, his eyes turned around the almost crazy Sid, and a blazing anger burst out of his heart again.

"Rosen, are you still humiliating me now?"

Rosen laughed loudly: "I've humiliated you, what can you do to me?"


Godfrey was furious, jumped up and rushed towards the 'bubble' where Rosen was.

His power is still strong, but the devil's cage is extremely strong, and this 'transformed' tenth ring is actually much stronger than the rings in other areas. No matter how he collides, the cage only trembles slightly, and the ring is simply Unmoved.

Within a minute, Godfrey hit him hundreds of times.

Again he was exhausted and had to stop to rest.

Rosen looked at it with a smile, and then said, "Now, tell me all about your raid plan tonight."

"Don't even think about it!"

"My patience is very limited."

As he spoke, the runes on the inner wall of the devil's cage began to slowly glow.

Godfrey didn't feel anything unusual at first, but soon he felt that the inner walls of the rune were getting hot, so hot that he could no longer stand.

A faint smile appeared on Rosen's face: "My spell has several names."

"It's called the Devil's Cage or the Soul Oven."

"If you don't tell me, I will roast you with the fire of my soul bit by bit until you are cooked, haha~~"

There was a hint of joking in Rosen's voice, which produced an astonishing sense of terror in Godfrey's ears.

"You devil!"

He cursed loudly and jumped off the inner wall of the cage.

But as soon as he escaped, the cage began to shrink, not very quickly, but very firmly, and it moved closer to Godfrey bit by bit.

Finally, Godfrey was unable to escape and was tightly wrapped in a hot cage.

‘Chi chi chi~~~’

His body was constantly being destroyed by the cage, and the intense pain made the Lord of Judgment scream uncontrollably.

Rosen threatened with a smile: "If you don't tell me, I have a new method."

"Say! I'll say it!"

Godfrey collapsed.


The devil's cage expanded instantly, and the temperature immediately dropped.

Godfrey's appearance became extremely embarrassed. The spiritual essence that made up his body was violently destroyed, showing horrific scars. He looked at Rosen with fearful eyes.

"There are 36 light saints participating in the battle, led by the full moon warrior Adali. He has a level 10 soul and is very powerful."

Rosen already knew this, and he could clearly see Adali and his men in his void vision.

"Then what?"

"Shar is the supreme commander of tonight's assassination. She will also join the battle when necessary."

Rosen laughed: "Well~~Sha'er, Lord of the Moon, I heard is a proud and beautiful woman, which makes me a little excited."

Godfrey's heart trembled when he heard this, and then he suddenly felt a very secret excitement. He couldn't help but think:

‘If a person as arrogant as Shar was caught by this mortal emperor and then tortured a little bit, it would be a very interesting scene. ’

He couldn't help but think so, because among the four gods of light, he was the weakest and had the lowest status. He was often looked down upon and even bullied by the other three gods.

Everyone has a temper, let alone God?

As time passed, many negative emotions naturally accumulated deep in Godfrey's heart. However, these emotions could not be vented for a long time, and they brewed into a kind of secret resentment.

So, stimulated by this strange emotion, he immediately agreed:

"Yes, yes, Shar is indeed a great beauty. Not only is she arrogant, but she is also very competitive. She also values ​​her saints very much. Your Majesty may be able to use this to deal with her."

As he said this, he secretly felt cruel in his heart: 'Humph, it's best if you fight to get both of you injured. ’

As soon as the idea came out, Rosen said: "You hope that Sha'er and I will be seriously injured so that you can regain your freedom?"

Godfrey's heart trembled and he hurriedly denied: "No~ I never had such an idea!"

After a brief knock, Rosen continued to ask: "There must be more than just these people involved in the raid. Let's continue with other news."

Godfrey was already very fearful of Rosen, the mortal emperor, but now that he had seen many of his methods, his fear turned into fear, so he confessed honestly.

"We also mobilized an elite Sky Guard, about three thousand people, led by a general named Martin Lisbon."

"By the way, this general also has an ally in the Sky Parliament, named Villeris."

"He is a legendary wizard close to Legend 4. It is said that he is one of the most powerful wizards in the Sky Council."

Without the help of magic tools, he has a soul close to Legend 4, which is really amazing.

Because Naya, the former guardian wizard with outstanding talent, currently has a basic soul strength of only Legend 3.2, and Rosen's soul strength has only been optimized to a level close to Legend 7.

And the 3,000-man elite Sky Guard, well-armed and well-trained, is indeed a very powerful force.

It is really difficult to deal with Rosen and his 19 disciples alone.

But now, they have the thousand-man legion of the centurion Amonk, so this army is not a big problem.

Rosen continued to ask: "Any other news?"

Gofrey shook his head very simply: "No, that's all. I personally think that this power is enough to launch a terrible raid."

But a hidden soul fluctuation betrayed him. Rosen stared at Godfrey with a mysterious smile in his eyes.

Godfrey also laughed modestly.

As he laughed, Rosen's tone suddenly turned harsh.

"You lied!"

"I didn't!" Godfrey's soul trembled, and he denied it loudly with a guilty conscience.

Rosen's thoughts urged, and the runes on the inner wall of the demon cage began to shine and heat again: "It seems that you want to continue to taste the taste of being roasted."

Godfrey gritted his teeth and persisted. Although he had resentment towards other gods of light, they served the Supreme God Gomilel together.

The fear of the Supreme God penetrated into the deepest part of Godfrey's soul, far deeper than the fear of the body.

Rosen understood it at once and smiled: "You must still have a secret in your heart, but you dare not betray your real master, right?"

"I don't have any real master!"

"Lie again!"

At this moment, Rosen had "knocked" Sid and Greven unconscious, and he began to focus on interrogating Godfrey.

"Your real master is the Destroyer Gomeler, right?"

Gofrey's body trembled violently, and he looked at Rosen with incredible eyes: "Where did you know this news?"

"I guessed, and judging from your performance, I guessed right."


Rosen took out the Natural Scepter, stretched out his hand, and the Natural Scepter directly penetrated the eleven magic rings, entered the interior of the demon cage, and hit Godfrey's forehead.

The ability to freely travel through elements, magic rings, and the void is the characteristic of all artifacts.

The Natural Scepter is disguised as a branch of life, so it can naturally enter the void directly and directly attack Godfrey's soul.

Obviously, Godfrey also knew the artifact, and he exclaimed: "Artifact?!"

Rosen grinned: "It's good to know the artifact."

"Since you know it, you should know the great power of the artifact, and you should also know that I can easily ravage your soul and let you taste the most terrible pain in the world."

"My patience is also very limited. I will count from 10 to 1. If you don't say anything after counting 10, then I will let you taste the best pain in the world!"


Gofrey screamed in surprise: "Why did you miss two numbers?"

"I set the rules, I can count however I want."


"I said!"

Gofrey's defense collapsed: "There is still a special force lurking in the dark, They are the saints of the Lord of Night, Alamanni, also called Night Knights, and there are 10 of them. "

"We chose to launch a raid at midnight, on the one hand, for secrecy, and on the other hand, because at midnight, these Night Knights have the strongest combat power."

After a pause, he said: "The Lord of Night is a great man of level 18, and his saints are given a very terrifying domain power called "Midnight Coming." "

"10 Night Knights form a team, which is almost an invincible force in the mortal world, and can even compete head-on with Atumen."

Rosen knew the news was true as soon as he heard it, and what made him slightly shocked was that Lai Fu's void vision did not find the existence of this group of dark knights.

This is definitely not because the other party is not there, but because the other party used an unprecedented method to hide in the night, thus successfully avoiding Lai Fu's void vision.

The reason for avoiding it is probably not because Lai Fu did not find it.

It is because Lai Fu found it, but did not recognize it, or the other party disguised himself as a background fluctuation, so Lai Fu was filtered out as useless information.

At this juncture, there was no time to train Lai Fu's detection ability.

The only thing that could be done was to list this Knights of the Night as an unexpected factor, leaving enough power margin in the subsequent battle to deal with its sneak attack.

"This is good news, I am very satisfied, so I want to reward you."


Godfrey was stunned.

Rosen's thoughts urged him to activate the branches of life, allowing his power to enter Godfrey's soul, and then began to carefully explore the deep structure of Godfrey's soul.

"The Supreme God Gaomire left something in your soul, right?"

"Yes, that's right, he has imprinted the souls of all the light gods, and we have no ability to refuse him."

Rosen said: "I'll look for it, maybe I can remove this mark for you."


Godfrey shouted: "Don't do this~ please."

"No one in this world can remove the soul mark of Gaomire."

"I don't believe it."

"Your Majesty, you must believe it!"

"Golmiral is known as the Supreme God, but he is actually a demigod!"

"There are seven great men in the void, so there are seven demigods. And we, the so-called powerful gods, are just a group of false gods who deceive mortals."

"You don't know the true meaning of the title of 'God', but I do."

"I also know that the power of the true God is incomparably great. Once the true God descends, we false gods, even demigods, are just dim stars beside the sun, not worth mentioning at all."

Rosen was surprised: "It sounds like you have seen the true God?"

"Yes, I have."

"What is the name of this great true God?"

"Antowangji, the Nightmare Tyrant, the Soul Devourer, and the master behind Gaomiral."

"I haven't seen all of him, but I have seen the power he has shown."

"That is a truly great power. In a snap of a finger, it can turn us false gods into ashes!"

This is the second time Rosen has heard the name Antowangji. The first time was from the projection body Lily.

There was fear, but there was no fear.

Because the so-called true gods that Godfrey talked about, in his understanding, were a group of powerful people who mastered high-energy magic power.

And he was also mastering similar high-energy magic power bit by bit.

So, he ignored Godfrey's objection, condensed the power of the tree branch of life, and directly entered his soul.

Then, he activated 80% of Lai Fu's computing power and began to search for the special structure in his soul.

Lai Fu's 80% computing power is very, very huge. Although Godfrey's soul is huge, the part that really involves consciousness is only a small part, not much larger than that of mortals.

After searching for about half an hour, Rosen really found a strange soul structure.

"Intensity 19-level strength followed by 8 9s, only a little short of the high-energy limit of 12 9s. This should be the mark that Gao Miller left in Godfrey's mind."

"The mark is indeed very complicated. I am afraid I can't solve it for a while. However, I can isolate this part of the soul area separately."

"In this way, it will not alarm Gao Miller and cut off Gao Miller's control over Godfrey."

He did it immediately.

After finishing, he still did not stop and engraved his own mark in Godfrey's soul.

This process is naturally very painful.

Gofrey screamed and almost collapsed.

But fortunately, Rosen had a thorough study of the soul structure of void life and kept operating within Godfrey's endurance limit.

Half an hour later, the new soul mark was engraved.

Because life is active, no mark can be effective all the time.

But Rosen engraved this mark very deeply, which can at least maintain the binding effect for a hundred years.

After the branding was completed, Rosen opened the demon cage and ordered: "Go hide in the void, continue the previous pioneer mission, and be my insider."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Gofrey became very docile.

Rosen gave him a large wave of faith power to replenish his previously consumed power, and promised: "I am a person who clearly rewards and punishes. If you serve me well, I will never treat you unfairly."

"Okay, Your Majesty."

This made Godfrey feel much more comforted.

He slowly hid back in the void.

After Rosen watched it go away, he immediately began to adjust his own strength and made some targeted arrangements for the unexpected force of the Night Knight.

A mortal force comparable to a powerful god is indeed very powerful. If it is attacked by it first, it will be really dangerous.

But if there is no first-hand advantage, then for Rosen, who has the "Eternal Heart" as a backup, it is just a group of super soldiers.

At this time, it was eleven o'clock in the night.

The raid of the Light God Clan is about to be arranged.

It will be launched soon.

Rosen looked through the soul mist and looked at the void about 50 kilometers away.

There was a huge ball of light emitting silver light floating there. It was the powerful 12th-level god - Lord of the Moon, Shar.

He narrowed his eyes and thought to himself: "Madam, the cage has been arranged for you, come quickly."

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