Start with Island Lord

Chapter 315 Twilight of the Gods, the cessation of all things (22)

The capital of the Kingdom of Glory, Naidlin, the Great Temple of Light.

"The operation failed?!"

At midnight, the Sun Saint Turanya received news from Youlai City.

The reporter of the news was none other than the Lord of the Moon, Shar, and the Lord of Judgment, Godfrey.

Sha'er has returned to the Moon Court.

Although Rosen replenished her strength afterwards, she fought for a long time and experienced many setbacks and humiliations, and her eyebrows were full of fatigue and frustration.

"Yes, the operation failed completely."

"All 36 saints were lost, and our internal supporters in the Sky Council were all pulled out. In the entire combat team, only Godfrey and I managed to escape successfully."

Turanya was shocked when she heard this, and asked quickly: "What about the Night Knight? Didn't the Night Knight take action?"

"The Night Knight was also defeated. We greatly underestimated the support of the Natural Empire."

Turanya was more and more shocked, and a sense of terror arose in her heart.

Because of this battle, they sent out 80% of the combat saints in the Nawat plane.

Although there are still many saints of light, there are less than ten combat saints.

In other words, in terms of legendary combat power, the light clan has already taken a clear disadvantage.

She couldn't help asking: "Why is this happening?"

There must be one or two of the 36 saints of light who can escape, so how could they be wiped out?

Turanya really couldn't figure it out.

"Because we stepped into the trap carefully designed by the natural emperor!"

Sha'er said so, and her face was a little subtle when she said so.

But Turanya's mind was shaken at this moment, and the image of the soul window was not very clear, and she didn't notice this little abnormality.

Sha'er's reply also made Turanya slightly relieved.

She subconsciously thought that this failure was due to mistakes in tactical actions, not the crushing of absolute strength.

On the battlefield, there are always winners and losers.

As long as the two gods of light are still there, there is still room for salvation.

"I know, your majesties, take a good rest. I will contact the master first and report the situation to him."

After disconnecting from Sha'er, she immediately began to pray.

After a while, her mind was slightly shaken, and she felt a familiar huge will coming to her heart.

She knew that she had received a response from her master, and immediately began to report the specific situation of the raid.

Atumen listened silently.

After Turanya finished her report, Atumen asked: "What do you think?"

Turanya had already thought about it, and immediately reported her thoughts.

"Master, although the loss was heavy this time, the Kingdom of Glory and the Holy Sant Empire are still firmly in our hands, and the armies of the two countries are still under our command."

"I personally think that we will temporarily adopt a strategic defensive position against the Republic of Sky. At the same time, we will increase the cleansing of resistance forces within the two kingdoms to completely control the two countries."

"In this way, we can at least occupy the land of the two countries."

"After the situation in the two countries is completely stabilized, we will continue to squeeze the living space of the Republic of Sky based on the land of the two countries, forcing the other side to make mistakes and show new opportunities for decisive victory."

"And taking a step back, even if we still fail to defeat the Republic of Sky in the end, or even be defeated by it, the continuous civil war between the three countries of Nahuat will greatly consume the power of the Nahuat plane."

"Even if the three countries are finally unified, it will be a broken and weak country, and it will take at least a hundred years to recover its strength."

The fundamental purpose of the Light Protoss occupying Nahuat is by no means to develop Nahuat, nor even to rely on the power of Nahuat.

The Light Protoss wants to fundamentally curb Nahuat and make it fall completely from the position of the beacon of the mortal world.

As long as this strategic goal can be achieved, victory or defeat at the tactical level is a small matter.

Atumen nodded in agreement: "You are right, let's do as you say."

"The God Realm will also send a group of new combat saints to ensure our combat effectiveness in the legendary field."

The master's approval made Turanya secretly relieved.

She whispered: "Master, the Natural Empire in the Deritan plane has developed extremely rapidly in recent years, and gradually began to possess amazing power beyond Nawat. If it is not curbed, it will probably become very terrible."

Of course, Atumen knew this, even more than Turanya. He was far more afraid of the Natural Empire than Turanya.

But the problem is that he also knew very well that with the power of the Light God Clan, he was no longer a match for the Natural Empire.

Of course, he would not show his weakness in front of his servants, so he said in a cold tone: "I have a solution for this matter, you don't have to worry about it, just focus on Nawat affairs."

"Yes, master."

After disconnecting, Sun Saint Turanya immediately began to regroup.

Atumen, the Lord of the Sun, was also not idle.

He was very cautious and meticulous. He had to thoroughly understand every detail of any failure, whether tactical or strategic.

But Turanya's report did not satisfy him.

So, he contacted Shar, the supreme commander of the raid, through another Sun Saint.

"Sha'er, I want to know the detailed battle process."

Sha'er shrugged: "Didn't I tell Turanya everything?"

"No, it's not enough. The part about the Night Saint is still unclear."

"I want to know how the Night Saint was defeated?"

Sha'er had already thought of the words.

"I'm sorry, Atumen. I really want to tell you, but I can't because I didn't see it."

"The situation was very critical at the time. The Natural Emperor Rosen was trying to trap me with a terrible soul cage. I was trying to get rid of the shackles and had no time to pay attention to the battle in the mortal world."

"However, I vaguely saw that the Saints of the Night did not seem to really participate in the battle, but I don't know the specific situation. Maybe you should ask the great Alamanni."

Sha'er's tone was full of deep fatigue and impatience, and she seemed to not want to be disturbed.

Sha'er is also a powerful god, and her status in the Light God Clan is second only to Atumen.

Considering her arrogant personality and the fact that she had just suffered such a big defeat, she must be in a very bad mood, so Atumen did not continue to disturb her.

He began to think of ways to contact the Lord of the Night Alamanni.

The Light God Realm and the Night God Realm are far apart. The Void God cannot use the phase transfer technique based on the magic ring, so naturally he cannot use the phase transfer technique to communicate.

Therefore, Atumen could only use the saints of the mortal world as a ‘relay station’.

It took more than four hours for Atumen to find a Night Apostle with the help of a Sun Saint, and finally contacted the Lord of the Night.

“Great Queen of the Night, I heard that your saints did not really participate in the war, which is inconsistent with our agreement.”

Alamanni was silent for more than a minute before she slowly spoke.

“Atumen, my servants have tried their best on the battlefield, and even stood on the edge of the abyss of death.”

“However, I really couldn’t help, so our agreement is invalid.”

Seeing Alamanni say this, Atumen immediately had no reason to question.

He thought for a moment and said, "If you can tell me the details of the battle at that time, then our agreement will still be valid."

Alanmanni replied: "Atumen, I will not take advantage of you, because I don't know much about the situation on the battlefield."

"The only thing I can tell you is that the Natural Empire has mastered the power to manipulate the magic ring. Although the means are not yet mature, it is no longer a great existence that can be easily dealt with."

"Manipulate the magic ring?!"

Even with Atumen's tall legendary soul, he was shocked by these four words.

He immediately asked: "How to manipulate the magic ring? Deformation, penetration, or perfection?"

"It is to perfect the magic ring, which is also the most terrifying one."

Atumen's mind was shocked violently.

After a long silence, he spoke: "Thank you very much for the news you told me, and thank you very much for your advice. I will consider it very carefully."

After disconnecting, Atumen stayed on his sun throne and fell into a long contemplation.

A thought lingered in his mind.

"Do you need to wake up the master?"

The perfecting of the magic ring is the ability of a true god. The fact that the Natural Empire has such an ability means that it has begun to master the power of a true god.

In other words, the Republic of the Sky is equivalent to getting the support of a true god. Perhaps this true god has not yet fully grown, but it is enough to reduce the chances of the Light Protoss to a very low level.

If they want to compete with the Natural Empire, they must also have the power of a true god.

But Atumen was a little hesitant in his heart, because the master Gaomiler did not sleep because he was bored.

He was injured and needed to sleep to recover.

There are still 20 years left before his scheduled awakening time. If he is awakened in advance, he will definitely be greatly angered. If the other party is unhappy, he will be punished very terribly.

After a long period of thinking, Atumen gave up the awakening plan.

The first reason is of course fear of punishment, but the more important reason is that he is not without room for resistance.

Because before the master fell asleep, he left him a powerful artifact to deal with unexpected situations.

Now, it's time to use the artifact.

He stood up and walked to the door of the treasury of the Sun God Court. He pushed the door open with a "clatter" and a dark corridor appeared.

Walking along the corridor, the corridor did not become darker, but became brighter little by little, and a large number of free dim red light balls began to appear in the air.

When he walked to the deepest part of the corridor, the entire corridor became dim red, and the light was so strong that it was almost impossible to open his eyes. In the place where the light was the strongest, an exquisite one-handed sword was slowly floating.

The one-handed sword had no scabbard, but a dark golden angel hilt, a translucent material, and a dim red blade with a metallic luster.

A line of ancient runes was written on the ridge of the blade, which meant "Twilight of the Gods, the annihilation of all things".

Atumen concentrated his mind and raised his hand to take the sword in his hand.

"Rosen, if you dare to appear on the battlefield again, I will let you taste the sharpness of the sword."

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