Start with Island Lord

Chapter 49 The Resentful Chapter Commander

At nine o'clock in the morning, the mountain ahead gradually became clear, becoming a snow-capped mountain towering into the clouds.

Naturally, it was getting closer and closer to the White Sturgeon Island.

"That is Longmian Snow Peak, the highest peak in the Crescent Mountains and the sacred mountain of the White Sturgeon Island. Every warrior regards climbing to the top of the snow peak as the highest honor."

On the deck of the cargo ship, Rosen softly introduced the situation of the White Sturgeon Island to Selena.

When talking about the snow peak, he immediately remembered the strange power he had felt on the peak, and couldn't help but look up and stare at the snow peak in the distance.

I couldn't help thinking: 'What is hidden in this small island? '

This thought flashed through his mind, and he continued to introduce the situation to his wife.

"The southwest direction of the mountain range, that is, the area facing the crescent, is the largest plain on the entire White Sturgeon Island, called the Crescent River Valley, and it is also where our territory is."

"Except for the river valley, most of the area is full of undulating hills and mountains, and even towering mountains that cannot be set foot on."

Selena looked at the towering snow-capped mountains in front of her.

"How big is the Crescent Valley?"

"It is a plain about 15 kilometers deep into the White Sturgeon Island, narrow outside and wide inside, like a pocket, with a total area of ​​about 200 square kilometers, and a clear and transparent Hanshui River running through it."

Selena felt that it was much better than she had imagined: "It sounds good, the scenery should be beautiful."

As soon as the voice fell, a teasing laugh came from the side.

"Your Highness, although the baron did not lie to you, he did not tell you all the information."

The speaker was the leader of the Flame Regiment, the battle master, Lord Hammer Yopp.

He was about thirty-seven or thirty-eight years old, very strong, with eyes as sharp as an eagle, but with a square face, looking both tough and honest.

The warrior master walked forward, holding the eaves of the boat with both hands, looking at the snow-capped mountains in front with undisguised disgust.

"In fact, most of the land in the Crescent Valley is salty, salty and bitter, and the closer to the coast, the worse it is. Bitter wheat is the only crop that can grow, but the wheat it produces is not even eaten by horses."

"Because of this, in the beginning, the White Sturgeon Island was used as a deserted island for exiling criminals. Later, as more criminals were exiled, a territory was opened and a baron lord was appointed."

"But the descendants of criminals are still criminals, so this land is always full of violence, betrayal, and greed. It is a veritable island of sin!"

When saying this, the battle master's tone was very disgusted. He looked at the baron Rosen with contempt, and when he looked at Princess Selena, he was full of sympathy.

In fact, it was not only him, but almost all the warriors of the Flame War Corps had this attitude, and this was the general concept of the people of Shire County about the White Sturgeon Island.

It's just that Sir Hammer has a high enough status and strong enough power. He seems to have a huge resentment in his heart, so he actually expressed his thoughts in front of Lord Rosen.

But this move was very offensive, and it was a complete provocation to the lord's dignity.

As Rosen's trusted guard, Alia immediately stepped forward and blocked Rosen behind her. With her eyes wide open, she shouted: "Watch your words, Captain!"

Yop didn't care at all: "Little girl, don't get angry with me. After all, when I was fighting with a hammer, you were still in your mother's arms."


Alia was about to draw her sword, but Rosen held down the hilt as soon as she drew it out a little.

Rosen knew the source of Yopp's negative emotions very well.

The Flame Regiment was the most capable legion in the Shire County, and even the Earl had to respect them, so everyone was arrogant, and the character of their commander was even more arrogant.

He also knew that the Lord of the Hammer was actually very reluctant to take this investigation mission.

In fact, none of the ten Flame Regiments in the Shire County wanted to take this investigation mission.

Because the White Sturgeon Island was poor and backward, not only could they not make money, but they were also prone to losing their lives.

The reason why Yopp came over in the end was that among all the leaders of the Flame Regiment, he was the only one who rose all the way from a civilian, with the lowest origin and the worst connections.

Everyone used connections to avoid this mission, and he couldn't run faster than others, so of course he was pushed out to take the blame.

But no matter how bad his mood was, Rosen had to fight back firmly.

Otherwise, the other party would think that he was weak and could be bullied, and he would definitely become more and more arrogant and more and more difficult to control.

So, he stepped forward and said with a faint smile: "Captain Yop, is it the task assigned to you by the Count to ridicule the White Sturgeon Island?"

Yop was stunned: "Of course not, this is my own idea."

"Then what is your task?"

"Of course it is to investigate the details of the iron ore deep in the mountains and forests."

"Then do you think that without the cooperation of me and the residents of the White Sturgeon Island, you can successfully complete this task?"

Yop suddenly lost his confidence, but still said with all his strength: "We are the strongest warriors in the Shire County, of course we can complete the task."

Rosen grinned: "Yes, of course you can, but many people will die and it will delay a lot of time."

"But which soldier in the regiment is not born by his parents, and which soldier does not carry the expectations of his parents, wife and children?"

Speaking of this, Rosen's voice suddenly increased, and he looked around at the members of the Flame Regiment on the deck.

After making sure that every soldier noticed the situation here, he took advantage of his height advantage of being more than half a head taller than Yop and stared down at the other's eyes.

"Just because of the unnecessary contemptuous attitude of the captain, these young people with great prospects have to die in vain in a desolate forest somewhere on the White Sturgeon Island. Is it worth it?!"

Yop stammered and wanted to be tough, but he also felt the gazes of the soldiers and felt a heavy pressure from these gazes.

The Flame Regiment is the most elite regiment in Shire County. Every soldier is from a good family and has undergone very rigorous training. Losing one is a huge loss.

These brothers followed him and entrusted their lives to him, not to let him be willful.

So, Yopp didn't say a word, but he was obviously still unconvinced.

Rosen smiled coldly and added a threat: "Captain, put away your arrogance as soon as possible. After all, we White Sturgeon Islanders are the most likely to betray and are the best at conspiracy."

"We can help you succeed, or we can make you gain nothing from this trip. When the time comes, I'll see how you explain to the Earl!"

When he said the last sentence, Rosen glared at Yoop coldly.

This look contained the power borrowed from the warriors of the regiment and the earl.

It is true that Yopp is a battle master, but he is tightly bound by various networks of relationships in the world.

Therefore, there is no need to confront him directly, just pull the network around him to force him to bow his head.

Sure enough, Yopp couldn't resist and subconsciously shrank his head.

When he came to his senses, he was immediately annoyed by his cowardice and slapped the edge of the boat hard.

He was a battle master, but he was frightened by a low-level mage. It was really embarrassing!

He wanted to teach the other party a lesson and get back the place, but he didn't dare to, because the other party had the blessing of the sage and was also highly valued by the earl. Verbal provocation was the limit of what he could do.

In the end, he could only turn around and vent his anger on his own team members: "What are you looking at? We are almost there, get ready to land!"

Rosen successfully counterattacked Yopp, but there was no smug look on his face, and even his heart was not much.

As a lord, the most important task is to allocate various resources to achieve his goals.

He fought back, not because of personal anger, but to suppress Yop's arrogance so that his power could be better deployed for him.

For the same reason, the emotions of the princess's wife, Selena, must also be carefully taken care of.

So, he turned to look at Selena and whispered: "Madam, what Captain Yop said is right, so I specially bought a lot of coarse grains this time."

Selena attached great importance to the food problem and immediately asked: "Relying on imports is not a good thing. Do you have a solution?"

Rosen smiled faintly: "Of course, after all, I have been thinking about this for the past ten years, and I have a reliable solution."

After speaking, he changed to whispering in his heart and emphasized: "No matter what the situation, the food supply of the island must not be handed over to outsiders, even the Earl of Shire County, it must be firmly in our own hands."

Selena listened, and her beautiful eyes flowed on Rosen's face, her eyes were soft and moist.

"What if someone insists on stopping it?"

"Then destroy him!"

Rosen answered without hesitation.

Selena sighed: "You and Ryder are really different."

As soon as she finished speaking, a sailor's shout suddenly came from the observation platform on the mast.

"Oh no! There's a fight on the coast!"

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