Start with Island Lord

Chapter 61 The Princess Marries

Chapter 61 The princess is getting married~

Two o'clock in the afternoon.

A group of crescent knights escorted a high-end traveling carriage, driving on the dirt roads in the fields of the Crescent River Valley.

Behind and behind the carriage, there was an almost endless transport queue.

There are approximately more than 15,000 citizens in the Crescent Valley. Anyone who can move has been urgently recruited. In addition, all horses, oxen, donkeys, and wooden carts, and anyone who can transport things have also been transferred to the dock. Transport supplies.

At least half took part in the transport.

Like ants moving, they quickly transported the supplies from the dock to Crescent City in a primitive but quite effective way.

Everyone is very positive.

Because the lord said that anyone who participates in the delivery can receive at least 20 kilograms of potatoes.

If a family of five moves, they can earn 100 kilograms of potatoes, enough to make up for the food gap caused by civil strife this year.

In the traveling carriage, Selena looked at the beautiful river valley plain, feeling the autumn wind in the valley that was obviously warmer than outside, and felt quite good.

Because everything in front of her was much better than the worst-case scenario she imagined.

She looked at the low castle on the low hill in the distance, recalling the process of seizing the castle that the Crescent Knights briefly described to her. She also looked at the Crescent Knights beside the carriage, whose armor was shabby but high-spirited. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart. .

"I'm married to an amazing husband."

As Princess of Dawn, she has met countless outstanding people.

But these people are actually just better than ordinary people, and they each have their own frustrations.

But my husband seemed different.

At first glance, he seemed ordinary, even invisible to everyone, but the longer we got along, the more amazing he became, as if there was nothing he couldn't do in the world.

Because of this, even though what she saw along the way to the island was full of a strong local atmosphere, she didn't take it to heart.

Because she believed that her husband would change everything before long.

“I wonder what Paddlefish Island will look like in the future?”



Amidst the sound of wheels and horse hooves, Princess Selena's thoughts gradually flew away.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the traveling carriage entered the Crescent City.

At this moment, the news that the Baron had married Princess Chenxi had spread throughout the Crescent Valley.

In Crescent City, the old, weak, sick and disabled who were unable to carry supplies had been waiting on both sides of the road early, waiting for the princess to arrive.

When the traveling carriage with the golden sun flag of Dawn City appeared near Crescent City, it immediately caused an uproar.

Wherever the carriage drove, onlookers on the roadside knelt on the ground without hesitation, completely ignoring the dirt on the ground.

Various exclamations spread among the crowd.

"Ah~~I saw Princess Chenxi! She is smiling at me! Ah, the princess is smiling at me!"

"I've seen it too. She's really beautiful, but she doesn't seem to have more breasts than my daughter."

"This horse is really strong. Not only is it big, but its toys are bigger than my horses!"

"Aha~ This horse shit is so sticky, and it smells a little sweet. I don't know what kind of horse food it was fed."

"Let me try it~ um~ tsk tsk~ It's soybeans~ As expected of a princess' horse, it actually eats soybeans!"

Selena was angry and amused when she heard these vulgar words.

"It is indeed a barbaric place on the edge of civilization."

Fortunately, the city was not very big. Less than twenty minutes later, the carriage drove up the mountain and arrived at the entrance of the castle.

There was someone greeting you at the entrance.

Rosen, wearing black armor, stood upright at the entrance, followed by a tall and thin middle-aged woman and a short and thin girl.

The shield guards of the Flame Chapter stood in two rows on the roadside. The ground was covered with a long red carpet. The battle mages were shooting balls of magic fireworks into the sky.

There is also the bagpiper who was found from nowhere, playing melodious but slightly off-key happy music.

When the carriage stopped, Alia, who was driving the carriage, shouted loudly.

"Princess Chenxi has arrived~~~"


The Chapter Mages fired fireworks into the sky with increasing diligence.


The desolate horn sound also sounded, and the flame shield guards on the roadside also paused their heavy shields on the ground.

This welcoming procession is naturally far inferior to that of Dawn City, but in the small Crescent City, this is unprecedentedly grand.

All the islanders who were watching the ceremony looked at this scene with awe.

Rosen walked up quickly, opened the door, and helped Selena out of the carriage, while whispering reminders in his heart.

"Madam, I have tried my best to clean up, but the castle is still a bit dirty. You have to be mentally prepared."

Selena smiled slightly, her face as dazzling as the sun reflecting on the snow: "It's already a lot better than I imagined."

Next, Aaliya led the way, scattering fresh rose petals specially brought from Shire County along the way. Rosen and Selena followed behind and walked into the castle side by side.

The eyes of all those watching the ceremony were cast on the two of them, especially the princess.

If there were still people who suspected that Rosen was lying before, then the moment Princess Chenxi appeared in front of the public, the last doubts were completely dissipated.

The people on Paddlefish Island are uneducated and don't know the literate praises like "as elegant as a white swan and as bright as the morning light".

But no one is blind. Anyone who sees Selena's dazzling appearance will know that this is indeed Her Highness the Princess herself.

So, the Crescent Knight felt even more honored, his posture straightened even more, his chin raised high, wishing he could raise it to the sky.

The warriors of the Flame Regiment also felt very glorious on their faces, and performed even harder.

It was not until the two walked into the castle and entered the lord's longhouse that the islanders who were watching the ceremony from afar reluctantly dispersed.

But this scene remained in the hearts of the islanders forever, and it will never be erased in this life.

Equally indelible, or unshakable, is Rosen's status as the Lord of the White Sturgeon.

After this performance, Rosen's lordship was as stable as the Dragon Sleeping Snow Peak.

Because if you want to question Rosen's status, it means questioning the status of Duke Weilan, and in the hearts of the islanders, Duke Weilan is a legendary figure like a god, an existence that mortals can never fight against.

So, on the first day of his return, Rosen took advantage of the princess's power and completely secured his position as the Lord of the White Sturgeon.

"Rosen, there's no need to be so formal. It's so troublesome."

Selena whispered.

Rosen naturally explained the reason seriously in his whisper.

After the explanation, Selena understood, but still a little disapproving: "Even without my help, you can easily control the entire island."

Rosen smiled softly: "Maybe, but there will be a lot of unexpected troubles and a lot of time will be wasted."

"Besides, some plans can't be implemented."

"Plan? What plan?"

Rosen smiled slightly: "Sit firmly in the Crescent Valley, develop the territory with peace of mind, and wait for the opponent to collapse by itself."

Selena was stunned: "I don't understand."

At this time, Rosen had brought Selena to the highest level of the meeting hall.

Originally there was only one bench here, but now two were placed side by side, each covered with newly bought snow bear skins.

He sat side by side with his wife on the new lord chair, looking down at the busy people in the hall, and whispered: "There are two ways to defeat the enemy."

"One is to conquer with the army."

"The other is to make yourself strong enough to make the enemy despair, or even yearn for you, so that they give up on their own."

"The former is time-consuming and labor-intensive. It is only worthwhile to do it unless the other party has great wealth. Unfortunately, the forest elves are all poor."

Selena understood: "So, we are only developing the Crescent River Valley at present?"

"That's right~~ But to be more precise, there is only Crescent City for the time being."

"Because with our current strength, we can only guarantee the absolute safety of Crescent City. The river valley plain outside the city is temporarily a buffer zone between us and the forest elves."

Where safety cannot be guaranteed, there is no way to develop.

Strictly speaking, the current Crescent City District is not safe. The only truly safe one is Crescent Castle.

Selena was a little worried: "How long will this situation last?"

"Maybe one month at most."

Hearing this, Selena raised her eyebrows: "Have you thought of all the countermeasures?"

"Of course, I'll tell you briefly."

Just as Rosen was about to speak, Kruber came over to report the situation.

"Your Highness, Lord, all important supplies have been transported to the castle, and one-third of the grain has been transported in and has filled the castle's granary."

"The remaining two-thirds are also being loaded into the temporary granary, and it is estimated that it can be completed before sunset."

Rosen was very satisfied, and his slightly hanging heart was completely relieved.

He thought for a moment and said, "Go find someone to notify Knight Tato at Sturgeon Wharf and ask him to take all the villagers and return to Crescent City before dark."

Kruber was slightly startled, and then he understood Rosen's intention: "Lord, is it to prevent the revenge of the forest elves?"

"Yes, also notify Knight Commander Kaudrin and ask him to strengthen the night patrols in Crescent City and be careful of night attacks."

There are many people in Crescent City, and there is also the Flame War Group. When the forest elves react, they may not dare to cause trouble, and the Sturgeon Wharf more than 10 miles away may become their target for venting their anger.

Although this may not really happen, he naturally cannot take the lives of nearly a thousand residents of the wharf.

Kruber immediately said, "I will arrange it now."

Rosen changed to whispering in his heart and secretly told Kruber: "Tell Knight Kaudrin again and ask him to arrange the batch of sharp arrows well."

Kruber already knew the existence of the diamond sharp arrows, and nodded slightly to show that he understood.

After he left, his mother, Mrs. Saxon, came over.

She looked at Selena a little stiffly and whispered, "Lord, the inner room has been decorated, but there are too many kinds of utensils and the styles are very delicate. No one knows how to play with them, and they are afraid of damaging the good things."

Selena smiled and said, "I am good at these. Let's go, mother, let's decorate the room together."

She took Mrs. Saxon's hand and went to the inner room, whispering to Rosen, "Dear, you are busy. I will get to know my mother and sister well."

Rosen was indeed very busy. He responded and asked Alia to help Selena, and then found the family's loyal old butler Afu.

"Old sir, let the chefs from Shire County start preparing for the dinner."

"Tell them that I will be receiving about 300 guests with big appetites but not too picky tastes tonight, and ask them to prepare more food, especially meat."

The old butler had been dazzled for a long time, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "Yes, yes, lord, I'll go now."

Rosen called Stonard again: "Let's go, Stone, come with me to meet the recruited mages."

These mages are all his treasures, and they are the biggest reason why he dares to say that he can quickly control the White Sturgeon Island.

It must be carefully arranged.

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