Start with Island Lord

Chapter 74 Meeting the Goddess in a Dream (13)

Early morning.

In a forest somewhere in the white sturgeon island, a dark forest.

No one can be seen, only a very low conversation can be heard.

"There is a dead end ahead. If we go on, everyone will die!"

The voice is very young.

"Of course I know this, but I really can't do anything. That guy not only holds my life, but also the lives of my family!"

The second voice is very deep.

"It is the fate of a soldier to die in battle. I can ignore my own life, but my family, especially my little daughter, who has just learned to walk, I really... really... ah~~~~"

The long sigh was full of deep sadness and helplessness.

The young voice sounded again.

"So, you are going to drag the lives of nearly 5,000 tribesmen of the entire tribe to destruction because of the fate of a small family?"

"You are so disappointing. You are not worthy of the title of son of the forest at all, let alone the hero of the tribe!"

The deep voice was enraged.

"It's easy for you to say it. If it were you, would you be willing?"

The young voice sneered.

"If it were me, I would not be fooled by that guy from the very beginning!"

"He does have powerful magic power, but his methods and his character are not worthy of the title of prophet at all."

"Now, I want to remind you that you can certainly hesitate because of the fate of your family, but the baron has issued a decree of peace, and your pathetic coalition is about to collapse."

"At this time, if you don't stand up to save the fate of the tribe, then you will be completely abandoned by other people in the tribe who want to survive!"

"By then, you and your family will still die. After their death, their souls will be cursed by countless tribesmen, and their corpses will be trampled by the tribesmen as the foundation for dancing."

After these words were spoken, Shanlin was silent for a long time.

Finally, the owner of the deep voice said: "I can't betray him openly, and I won't join forces with you to deal with Heg. But I can tell you some news about him."

"Don't force me, this is the limit of what I can do."

"Okay, you say."

The forest returned to silence again, but this time it only lasted for a while.

"At the beginning, we found some strange stone tablets with many mysterious symbols on them."

"We couldn't understand them, so we didn't take them seriously."

"He couldn't understand them at first."

"But everyone gave up, but he didn't. He kept thinking about it, and then one day, he suddenly gained terrifying power."

The young voice listened carefully.

"Is that stone slab big?"

"Yes, it's big, as tall as two people, very heavy, in a cave at the top of Longmian Snow Peak."

"There is a large snow lotus at the entrance of the cave, it's easy to find."

"Oh, I know that cave."

"That's good to know."

"In other words, if you want to fight him, you must find a way from the stone slab?"

"I don't know, maybe."

After a pause, the deep voice said again: "Even now, the Heg tribe still firmly follows him. Andosha is even more of a fanatical madman. He firmly believes that the prophet can destroy all enemies on the island."

The young voice sneered: "But the princess is not from the island, she is from outside the island."

"It's useless, you can't reason with a madman, right?"

"That's right, then the only way is to destroy him."

After a pause, the young voice said again: "I know you are still hesitating, but I must remind you that the forest elves' fear of the baron is quickly overwhelming their fear of him. Fear."

"Maybe most of the forest elves are still hesitant now, but Ted's son is an ambitious and strategic figure. He is a hero of the human race, just like you are a hero of your tribe."

"He will never let his opponent have a chance to breathe. His next card is about to be played!"

"And by then, the fear of the prophet will become insignificant. And by then, when you sleep at night, you must be careful not to be cut off by your tribesmen!"

The owner of the deep voice is still hesitating: "Don't force me, I'm very confused now, I don't want to do anything, I just want to have a good sleep."

"Okay Phoenix, you are a coward!"

"Whatever you say, but at least the trees and mountains will not laugh at me, they will silently protect us forest elves. I don't believe that the baron can overturn the Dragon Sleeping Snow Peak."

After saying this, there was a rustling sound of footsteps in the woods, which gradually became smaller and finally disappeared.

Another figure appeared behind the bushes. It was Igonini, the son of the forest of the Ego tribe.

He looked at the direction where the Nalin hero Phoenix was going away, sighed softly, turned around and followed the way back to the mountain cave of his tribe.

Soon, he met his grandmother again and reported the situation to her truthfully.

The white-haired old forest elf was silent for a moment, then sighed softly: "Alas, it seems that I overestimated Phoenix, but no matter what, we now know the existence of the mysterious stone tablet."

Igonini whispered: "Grandma, Andosha of the Heg tribe has always been a shrewd guy. He will not easily go to extremes, but this time he is like crazy."

"He is almost the most powerful warrior of our forest elf tribe. Even if the lives of his entire family are threatened, he will not be manipulated like this, so why is it now?"

"Did Mbahat poison his soul?"

The old woman shook her head: "Our souls are blessed by our ancestors. Mbahat doesn't have the ability and dare not use this kind of soul poison. Otherwise, with his character, he would not have used it only on Andosha but not on Phoenix."

This convinced Igonini.

The old woman narrowed her eyes, and her still clear amber eyes also showed a hint of confusion.

"I suspect that Mbahat should have mastered some powerful assassination methods, and Andosha believes that he will be able to successfully assassinate the baron and the princess."

Assassination and beheading is the only way to turn the tide at present.

Igonini was slightly startled when he heard it: "Grandma, do you think it can succeed?"

"It must be very powerful, but it must be very troublesome to use, and it may not even work on the baron, otherwise Mbahat would not have let the baron live until now."

"Grandma, what should we do?"

The old woman thought for a while and said: "You go out first and guard the cave entrance. Don't let anyone in. I want to sleep."

It was a bit of a strange answer, but Igonini did it.

Because he knew that what grandma meant by sleeping was to try to contact the goddess in his sleep.

This may not be successful, because the goddess sometimes ignores people, but it is better than doing nothing.

In the cave, the old woman of the forest spirit took out a piece of wood and threw it into a small stove beside her to light it.

When a faint green smoke with a strange fragrance spread out, she curled up on the warm animal skin, slowly closed her eyes, calmed her thoughts, and kept reciting the name of the goddess in her heart.


She kept chanting and gradually fell into a dark dream.

I don't know how long it took, but the old forest fairy felt a slight light in front of her eyes, and then she found herself sitting in a warm and dark closed cave.

There was a jumping bonfire in the middle of the cave, and in the darkness where the bonfire could not reach, a slightly blurry figure sat on the ground with legs curled up.

"Sally, what do you want to talk to me about?"

The figure spoke, and it was a young woman's voice, which was several times more pleasant than the snowball bird in the forest.

The old forest fairy immediately knelt straight, clasped her hands in front of her lower abdomen, and saluted the figure seriously.

"Goddess, I'm very sorry to disturb your sleep, but I have to come because the situation on the island is very critical now."

"Hey, Mbahat said it was critical three months ago, why is it still critical now?"

The goddess' voice was confused.

The old woman of the forest fairy immediately said:

"Because Mbahat did not carry out your will truthfully. He did not restore the balance of power on the island as he said, but completely destroyed the balance."

The vague figure moved, from sitting lazily with legs curled up to kneeling upright: "Did something big happen outside?"

"Yes, goddess, Mbahat used some immoral conspiracy to kill Baron Ted."


The goddess seemed very surprised: "Ted. That bad-tempered baron, is he dead?"

Paused for a while , she added: "But this shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

"The human lords always like to have wild ideas, and they always die in various accidents. Doesn't Ted have a son? Let him come back and continue to be a baron."

The old forest elf Sally sighed lightly: "Yes, Ted's son is back and intends to avenge his father."

"Ah~~~Mbahat did a terrible job. It was obvious that he only needed to deter, but why did he provoke new hatred?"

The blurred figure moved again, one arm supporting his chin, and seemed a little distressed.

"But I heard that Ted's son doesn't have much talent. He shouldn't be able to complete his revenge, right?"

The old woman Sally smiled bitterly: "Goddess, the rumor is wrong, very wrong."

"In fact, Ted's son is an extraordinary hero. Less than half a month after returning to the island, he has already forced our forest elves to the brink of extinction."

"Ah? So serious?"

The goddess sighed again in surprise: "I have only slept for three months. Has it become like this in three months?"

Three months ago, a forest elf named Mbahat complained to her that the forest elves were being oppressed more and more by the human race and their lives were extremely difficult.

At that time, he was crying and begging her to help.

She looked really pitiful, so she helped.

As a result, three months later, the White Sturgeon Island was still not peaceful. The condition of the forest elves not only did not improve, but also went to the brink of extinction.

This. This. This is really outrageous.

It seems that she must understand the situation well, otherwise the fire will definitely burn her head.

"Sally, tell me what happened in the past three months, especially what happened after Ted's son returned to the island. Tell me everything you know."

Old woman Sally was waiting for this, and immediately told the goddess everything her grandson had found out.

The goddess also listened very carefully.

After Sally finished speaking, she changed her posture and supported her chin, and commented softly: "I really didn't expect it to be like this."

"As for Ted's son, he is indeed very unusual. Let me take a good look at him."

As he spoke, the bonfire in the cave began to jump.

Gradually, the flames outlined clear light and shadow on the fire, which was a high-altitude bird's-eye view of the Crescent Castle.

The light and shadow gradually pulled down, and the castle gradually became larger and began to show more details.

Just when she was about to see the patrolling soldier's face clearly, an unexpected incident occurred!


The firewood in the bonfire suddenly jumped violently, and the originally stable flame suddenly shook violently, and the clear light and shadow disappeared in an instant.

Then, the bonfire went out, and the cave suddenly fell into darkness.

The darkness lasted for a long time before it was dispelled by the rekindled bonfire.

Sally knew something was wrong.

Because she saw the goddess stood up and walked out of the shadow in the corner, revealing a small half of her body outline.

Although it was only a small half of the outline, it was still difficult to see the specific appearance, but she could already feel the strange temperament of the other party.

There was a faint loneliness and sadness in the elegance, like a snow ball bird that had lost its wings, and like a former darling abandoned by the God of Time.

This was the first time Sally vaguely saw the goddess's appearance. She couldn't tell whether she was a human or a forest elf. After all, the two races didn't look much different. She just felt very shocked.

An idea popped up in her mind: ‘It turns out that life can be so beautiful.’

But the goddess obviously didn’t have time to care about the thoughts of an old forest fairy. She stared at the rekindled bonfire for a long time before she returned to the darkness and returned to the appearance of a blurred figure.

“Sally, I can’t control the things on this island. You forest fairies can do whatever you want.”

“Goddess, but why?”

“This son of Ted is not an ordinary human hero. He may be a candidate for the true king of the giant island of Weilan. He may be a big man who will hunt the world in the future.”

After saying this, the cave, the bonfire, and the blurred figure disappeared together, and Sally fell into darkness completely.

I don’t know how long it took, the old forest fairy woke up from the cave, and her amber eyes showed deep shock.

‘Why does a baron’s son, a candidate for the true king of Weilan, hunt the world?’

She didn’t understand, but she knew that although the goddess didn’t care much, she never lied. Since she said so, there must be a reason for saying so.

If the other party's vision is the Lord of Veran, then this small island in front of him is just a small stepping stone under his feet.

The fate of blocking the way must be to be reduced to ashes, but if you obey or even follow, it will be another scene.

After some thought, the old forest elf woman named Sally has made a clear decision in her heart.


She shouted the name of her eldest grandson, who is also the successor to the next leader of the tribe.

"I'm here, grandmother."

"Go to Crescent City!"

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