Start with Island Lord

Chapter 77 Great Treasures Left Behind in the Mountains


Rosen pointed to the clay topographic map of Longmian Snow Peak: "Show me the location of the cave you mentioned."

Igonini saw the clay deform with his own eyes, which made him feel very magical, and at the same time he felt that the lord's means were very unfathomable.

He stared at the topographic map for a long time before matching it with the actual mountain terrain, and then pointed to a valley about 100 meters above the snow line and said: "Here."

"The entrance to the cave is very secret, blocked by a huge rock lying on an angle. There are many snow lotus flowers growing on the open space at the entrance of the cave that are not afraid of the severe cold. They are excellent herbs for treating falls."

Rosen looked carefully at the place pointed out by Igonini, and compared it with the topographic map recorded by Lai Fu, and soon found the corresponding location in the database.

"Thank you very much, Igonini, this news is very important to me. As a reward, this is for you."

Rosen handed over a mithril amulet specially made in the shape of a flying bird.

"Intermediate Lightning Amulet, the lightning power contained in it will help you get rid of danger once."

"No need to charge, after activating it once, it will take effect again if placed in the sun for 10 days."

This amulet is specially made, and it is also the super high-end version of the magic weapon he will sell in the Northern County in the future.

There is no need to be careful about leaks, because he used an encrypted spell lock that requires super computing power to crack, wrapping up the real technical core.

Igonini looked at the amulet in awe, and saluted Rosen seriously in the etiquette of the human race: "Thank you very much for your reward, Lord."

"Come, come here, I'll put it on you."

Igonini looked at a loss, showing a look similar to "flattered".

Obviously, he didn't expect the human lord to treat them, the forest spirits, so gently.

Just as he stood awkwardly in front of Rosen to accept the amulet, the No. 1 puppet sage Levin had quietly rushed to Longmian Snow Peak.

Although you can see the snow peak just by turning your head in Xinyue City, the straight-line distance is actually more than 20 kilometers.

If you fly all the way there, you will have to consume 40% of Levin's strength.

But if you run there on the ground, the time consumption will naturally increase significantly, but it only takes half of your strength.

Considering the complicated situation of Longmian Snow Peak, Levin ran there quietly.

About three hours later, Levin arrived at the end of the field.

Compared with more than half a month ago, there is basically no change here. In addition to the snow, there are some black rocks and soil exposed outside.

After walking for a while, I saw some frost purple snow lotus and the huge stone lying on the side.

Worried about encountering a sneak attack, I didn't rush in.

First squat down, press both hands on the ground, and start to release the 4th ring spell "Detect Soul".

This spell was stolen by Rosen from Master Shahram. It took a lot of risk at the time. It is also one of the highest ring spells he has learned from others.

Although it is only a fourth ring, the performance is very good, especially stable.

Because it is knowledge existing in the current magic system, it has been repeatedly studied and pondered by a large number of mages, and has been repeatedly tested in a large number of actual combats. The spell structure is mature, the performance is reliable, and there is basically no detection loophole.

Unlike the high-level spells explored by Rosen himself, all of them are beta test versions, and there is no way to know where the fatal bugs are hidden.

Lai Fu can't help him with this.

Because there is no new data added, repeated use of old data for training will cause overfitting, and the trained things can only be used for self-entertainment.

About tens of seconds later, the feedback results showed that there was no soul breath within at least 300 meters around.

So he got up and continued to move forward.

After bypassing the boulder, he saw a very inconspicuous small hole, about one and a half meters high and more than one meter wide. Some old footprints can be seen at the hole.

Judging from the characteristics of the footprints, all those who came here were forest spirits, and the last forest spirit who came here should have been five days ago.

For the sake of caution, Rosen controlled Levin to follow the forest spirit footprints.

At first, the cave was very narrow, but gradually widened into a dim cave of about 50 square meters, with several burnt pine torches stuck on the ground.

Rosen saw the mysterious stone tablets mentioned by Igonini.

There were three in total, leaning against the left, middle and right stone walls respectively. The stone tablets recorded a large amount of text in a very small size, and occasionally interspersed with simple graphics and runes.

As soon as he saw these words, Rosen felt familiar and immediately asked in his heart: "Laifu, is it the text of the Set Kingdom?"

"Searching and comparing. Confirmed. Translating"

Along with this information, Laifu added virtual subtitles to Rosen's vision, which made it much easier to read.

It is said that the Set people's recording habits are very strange, with a snake-like writing method from bottom to top and then from top to bottom, which is really a bit awkward to read.

Fortunately, Laifu's translation is powerful, so Rosen's reading speed is not slow.

"The golden ring appeared in the world and lasted for more than six degrees. The end of the world is coming, and the kingdom is about to be destroyed, which makes me cry bitterly." (Translated by Lai Fu).

"I, Sebatis, fled my homeland and wanted to worship the holy land of my ancestors and seek the treasures of my ancestors to save my country. However, after ten years of searching the holy mountain, I only found white snow and black soil."

"My body has reached old age, and my left leg was accidentally broken. I can no longer search. I can only leave some meager wisdom in this cave to prove that I once existed."

The above is the outline of the stone tablet.

If you only read this outline without sufficient knowledge, you can understand it, but you will miss a lot of useful information.

For example, the so-called "golden ring" is actually the solar eclipse in this world.

Because the outline of the moon is not as large as that of the sun, there will be no total solar eclipse. It will only cover the middle circle, with a ring leaking out from the side, so it is called a 'golden ring'.

It lasts for more than six degrees, which is the timekeeping method of the Kingdom of Seth. One degree is ten minutes.

In other words, this solar eclipse lasted for more than an hour, far longer than a quarter of an hour of an ordinary solar eclipse.

This special solar eclipse with increasing duration is called the ‘Devil’s Eye’ in the current astronomy of the Natural Alliance.

First, it looks like. The second reason is that during this period, the Dharma ring will experience abnormal fluctuations. At this time, Dharma practice can easily cause damage to the brain.

According to historical records of astronomical phenomena, the appearance cycle of the ‘Devil’s Eye’ is an average of 173 years.

Comparing the history of Weilan, we can infer that this Guset man named Sabatis landed on Paddlefish Island about 527 years ago.

Three years after this year, Saint Weilan landed on Weilan Island.

Ten years later, the Kingdom of Guset was destroyed by Weilan.

Rosen clicked his tongue in surprise.

"Hey, this Sebastian's astrology is quite accurate. I just don't know if it was accurate at the time, or if he found out the signs later and came back to make up for it."

There is a high probability that it was replenished later to bring glory to oneself, because judging from the time, when the tablet was written, the Kingdom of Set was almost destroyed by Weilanga, and may even have been destroyed.

Therefore, the time when the tablet was written is most likely around 504 years.

This is very important to know when looking for ancient relics.

Because the effects of many long-lasting constant spell locks will decline in an orderly manner over time, the decline time must be considered when cracking. Otherwise, failure to crack is just a trivial matter, and it would be terrible to cause a spell accident and destroy the relics.

What follows is the so-called ‘Wisdom of Sebastian’.

The words are very small, but the content is a lot. It is estimated to be tens of thousands of words.

Rosen read it carefully and soon discovered that what was recorded on it turned out to be a very peculiar magic system. The magic energy it condensed could transform almost all materials into a metalloid that was harder than steel.

It is precisely because of this that it is called the 'Steel Spell'.

As he looked at it, Rosen immediately thought of the vague alien metal energy he felt in the soil when he first came to the island.

Sebastian also called this mountain the Holy Mountain of the Ancestors.

I also remembered the Dragon's Blessing Potion, one of its effects is to make the body invulnerable, and the Forest Elf Seer Mbahat obtained his power from the stone slab.

"What is the relationship between these three?"

He continued to look down, and as he looked, he discovered that the 'Steel Spell' could not be released with bare hands, and required the use of a special casting material.

This material is called 'blood of steel' by Sebatis.

Rosen immediately thought about Mbahat's dragon blessing.

‘Igonini said that Mbahat obtained the blood of the goddess and gained new strength. Could it be that this goddess is the ancestor of the Kingdom of Set? ’

The situation is getting more and more mysterious.

Rosen read on.

A very crucial new piece of information was soon discovered, but it was three puzzles.

There is a puzzle at the end of each stone tablet. If you solve the puzzle, you will get the so-called 'Sebatis' reward'.

After checking the puzzle, Rosen discovered that it turned out to be three math problems.

Maybe this thing was difficult 500 years ago, but today, 500 years later, mathematics has made great progress, not to mention Rosen, an earthly soul from the earth with Laifu GPT.

The three puzzles together did not stump him for a total of ten minutes.

"Hmm~ It turns out that there is a reward hidden in each stone slab, and the answer to the puzzle is the key to getting the reward. Let me see what the reward is."

Rosen looked at the first slate first.

Following the prompts on the stone slab, he quickly found an almost perfectly hidden cavity inside the stone slab.

The cavity is carefully protected by a long-lasting magic lock of up to five rings.

Although the key to the puzzle has been given, it cannot be solved directly.

Because more than five hundred years have passed, the current magic lock is no longer what it was originally. If you use the original key to unlock it, you will definitely not be able to unlock it.

The problem of spell attenuation must be considered

Rosen pondered carefully for a while before taking action to unlock it.

‘Zizzi~ click! ’

"It's so suspenseful, the spell almost collapsed."

This is a very precise spell lock, and it needs to be accurate to the year to calculate the decay time. Fortunately, Rosen has a wealth of knowledge, otherwise he would probably only get a pile of residue.

Wiping away the sweat, he gently pushed open the stone slab behind the cavity and found a dagger made of similar ceramic material hidden inside.

I took it out and tried it in my hand. The texture felt very brittle and delicate. It would probably crack if I dropped it.

There is also a scroll placed behind the cube, with relevant introduction written on the scroll.

‘The Dagger of Dominance is a treasure left by the ancestors. With this dagger, mana can be converted into pure steel power without the assistance of steel blood. The principle is unknown, cannot be copied, and the efficiency is extremely low. ’

'Notice! Crisp, store with caution! ’

Rosen asked Levin to test it on the spot.

Of course, Levin can't use pure magic power, but he has a philosopher's stone in his body, which is a good treasure created by Rosen.

This thing can be used as a relay station to carry Rosen's pure mana through the void.

Of course, doing this will cause huge additional losses, and Rosen will basically not use it unless necessary.

With the input of pure mana, a strange black light suddenly appeared on the surface of the control dagger, especially the tip with the strongest light.

Rosen pointed the dagger on the stone slab, and saw the black light spread quickly on the stone slab, looking like frost spreading on the glass.

Wherever the ‘Frost Flower’ went, the stone slabs indeed showed a strong metallic luster.

Rosen put away the dagger and touched it with his hand, and found that it felt cold and hard, almost the same as iron.

‘The power of steel is worthy of its name! ’

The problem is that the conversion efficiency is indeed not high. It takes ten mana to produce one steel power.

Moreover, the effect of this steel power is not long-lasting. As the dagger leaves, the steeled parts of the stone plate gradually lose their metallic luster.

In the end, I didn't even last ten minutes.

But Rosen was not disappointed at all. Instead, he was very surprised.

‘Just the free power of steel has such a strong effect. If you want to develop a sophisticated steel spell, wouldn't the effect be incredible? ’

Therefore, this command dagger is really a treasure!

Store it carefully and carefully.

He checked the second stone slab and also found an intact cavity. There was a scroll and an exquisite rune bottle in the cavity.

The scroll reads: "Potion: The power of blessings from ancestors. If future generations have difficulty recognizing all the information on the stone tablet, they can directly obtain part of the wisdom of their ancestors after drinking the potion."

He took the bottle, only to find that the potion had failed.

The liquid medicine is still there and has not deteriorated, but the power contained in it is gone.

Checking the cavity of the stone slab where the medicine is stored, we found some subtle traces of force erosion.

After careful analysis, Rosen understood.

‘Well, now it seems that this gift was obtained by Mbachat unintentionally. ’

Judging from the effect of the potion, the potion should contain spiritual energy.

One of the biggest characteristics of spiritual energy is that spiritual resonance occurs due to strong emotions, resulting in an uncontrollable and difficult-to-shield 'ghost transfer' phenomenon.

Of course Mbachat, an illiterate, couldn't read the slate, otherwise he wouldn't have left so many things to Rosen.

However, he was obsessed with studying the slate day and night, and the possibility of accidentally absorbing the potion's power due to resonance was still very high.

A little disappointed, but not a big loss, because Rosen could fully understand the content of the slate.

He looked at the third stone slab and also found a cavity, but inside was a map.

After opening the map, it turned out to be a topographic map of Longmian Xuefeng, and a mark was made at one of the locations.

There is also a paragraph in the lower left corner of the map.

‘Actually, I have found the Temple of the Ancestors, and the mark in the picture is the entrance to the cave. I entered it with high hopes, but I only saw some ancient murals that were severely eroded. If future generations are lucky enough to get this picture and are interested, please go and observe it yourself. ’

Rosen was very interested.

"Would you like to go over and take a look now?"

I want to take action immediately, but I also have doubts in my heart, because there seems to be a goddess with six-ring power hidden in the mountain.

Judging from the known information, the goddess and the first group mentioned by Sebastian are inextricably linked.

I am afraid that I will encounter the so-called true form of the goddess during my exploration.

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