Start With Lifting The Restrictions Chapter 12


Chapter 12 Fishhead

"Behead him!"

In the distant shouts, Yang Chu Suddenly I saw the entrance of the alley, and a dark shadow ran in quickly.

This black figure was running quite embarrassedly, but his movements were nimble. When he ran into a human-powered tricycle at the entrance of the alley, he did not slow down at all, but instead propped his hands on the seat cushion of the human-powered tricycle. The figure is very light to climb over obstacles.

Running all the way out of the alley and running in, when passing by Yang Chu, the shadow suddenly stepped one stopped, and ran a few steps to the corner not far from Yang Chu.

On the ground in the corner, some cardboard sheets are scattered and piled up. It looks like a scavenger who picks up garbage must have packed it up and put it here temporarily.

The shadow grabbed a piece of cardboard, skillfully restored the tops to a cardboard box, placed it outside the corner, and then found a slightly wider piece of paper to restore. It became a cardboard box half the height of a person.

Finally, he walked to the corner, unfolded the cardboard box, put it on his body from head to toe, and had to hide in it.

At this time, he seemed to notice Yang Chu, who was standing aside and witnessed all his operations. He first put his hands together in a gesture of asking for help, and then put his fingers to his mouth and made a sigh. sound expression.

“en? Ha——”

Yang Chu didn’t pay much attention to this silhouette who looked like he was being chased and found a place to hide, but he turned his head to look at him when the other party turned his head. Suddenly, he couldn't help but chuckle.

This person is about thirty or forty years old. His hair looks a little sparse, but he has a medium parted long hair. What makes Yang Chu laugh the most is that the other party has cross-eyed eyes. There was an indescribable joy when he put his fingers to his mouth and made mental movements towards him.

"Where did you run off to the street?"

Messy footsteps sounded from outside the alley, and seven or eight young and bewildered young men with iron rods and blades in their hands came from outside. ran in.

The cross-eyed man, before the sound of footsteps, was already beside a trash can in the corner, quietly covering himself with a cardboard box.

"Hey, did anyone just run over here?"

A young and bewildered boy with a ponytail and a Gold Chain looks like he is only seventeen or eighteen. Aged, with a machete in his hand, pointed at Yang Chu.

The other group of people didn't seem to be very old either, and they all looked at Yang Chu with a rebellious expression.

Yang Chu looked at the head calmly.

"He runs fast, and dares to take my boss's horse, hum, next time I see him, I have to behead him."

Gu with a ponytail The confused boy cursed unhappily and greeted a group of people around him, "Let's go, looking for a place to eat, I'm starving to death."

Wait for the group of young boys and girls to leave this alley , The cross-eyed man who had been hiding in the corner cardboard box quietly stuck his head out, and only put out a long breath after confirming that those people had left.

Crawled out of the cardboard box, and cautiously put the cardboard boxes that he restored and disassembled, stacked one by one into cardboard, and put them back.

Yang Chu looked at the other party's actions, but was a little surprised. He didn't pay much attention to it, and turned his head to leave.

", wait..."

The cross-eyed man saw that Yang Chu was about to leave, hurriedly piled up the paper wrappers in his hands, and trotted to Yang Chu In front of him, "Many thanks to you just now, have you had a late night snack? I invite you."

He spoke very slowly, and seemed to have some inarticulateness. , but the tone of his speech is quite sincere.

“Inviting me to have a late-night snack?”

Yang Chu has several points of astonished, but he didn’t expect that the other party would invite him to a late-night snack for such a small favor night.

"Of course, my boss taught me to thank people for being realistic." The cross-eyed man seriously nodded.


Yang Chu is not too polite. I ate Xu Xi's lunch last night. Although I am not hungry now, it is just right to add some energy.

"Let's go, I'll take you there. I know a night stall with good taste."

The cross-eyed man seemed quite happy when Yang Chu agreed, and patted his chest. , pretending to be a bold expression.

It's just the other person's haircut, cross-eyed eyes, and that face, which always feels a little funny.

The two walked out of the alley on the other side, crossing several streets along the way.

There are so many streets and alleys around Nathan Road, some closed early, looking a little dark and gloomy, some very lively and noisy.

Some street food shops and tea restaurants take advantage of this time to place tables and chairs on the street to better attract customers.

In front of a supper stall with more than a dozen low tables, the cross-eyed man led Yang Chu to find a seat at the door.

"Fishhead, what would you like to eat?"

The middle-aged greasy Boss, who was busy in front of the supper stall, saw the cross-eyed man take his seat and greeted him from the door with a bright smile.

"Come on a grouper, three pounds, and then beef offal, fish balls, phoenix claw, siumai, rice rolls..."

Cross Eyes The man said casually, obviously a frequent visitor here, and then looked at Yang Chu and said, ", what do you want to eat? Don't be polite to me."

"New here. With which one?"

The middle-aged greasy Boss standing aside, took note of what the cross-eyed man ordered, looked towards Yang Chu, and asked without thinking.

"I just met."

Yang Chu didn't quite understand what the late-night snack stall boss said, just pointed at the cross-eyed man and said, "You can order what he ordered. Give me two servings."

"There are so many, can you finish eating for two of you?" The supper stall Boss frowned slightly.

"Brother Cheng, just serve it like this, two more beers."

The cross-eyed man didn't wait for the late-night snack stall Boss to continue, and said in a big way, "I'm the host. Treat yourself."

"It's up to you, all the hard-earned money you earn will be squandered sooner or later."

The supper stall Boss shook the head, no longer persuaded, and turned to enter to the store next door.

Not long after, the small table of the two of them was filled with all kinds of food, which attracted some diners who were eating supper around and couldn't help but look at them.

"Brother, my name is Liu Xu, everyone calls me Fishhead, and many thanks to you tonight."

The cross-eyed man poured a glass of beer, spoke slowly, and turned towards Yang. Chu raised a toast.

"I don't drink."

Yang Chu poured himself a cup of tea and gestured, "Yang Chu."

"That's Chu Zi. I'm done."

Fishhead had no emotions about Yang Chu's not drinking, and was still very happy and drank it all in one gulp.

Yang Chu took a sip of tea and didn't talk any further, focusing on the food in front of him.

Alcohol, even beer, Yang Chu dared not drink.

He doesn't know how much alcohol this body has, and if it's one of those kinds of pours, or if he's allergic to alcohol, his confusion can't control his body, and the consequences may be worse than his inability to sleep.

"Chu, I told you, if my brother wasn't here tonight, I wouldn't be so embarrassed, oh, I'm so weak, which pretty girl would like me and follow me Dancing doesn't mean I'm willing to spend money."

After a few glasses of wine, Fishhead's face was slightly red, and he seemed to be interested, and rambled about what happened tonight.

Yang Chu didn't listen much. His attention was basically on eating, and the chopsticks in his hands were flying, constantly stuffing all kinds of food into his mouth.

He is actually not very sensitive to the feeling of hunger now, because after the main consciousness dominates the body, many physiological responses such as pain and hunger are just a reminder of the nervous system.

If he ignores it, he can block it, and it will not make him feel that uncontrollable feeling caused by his body.

But in the same way, Yang Chu really let him let go of eating now, and his appetite seems to have no bottom.

And Yang Chu doesn't have to worry about it, but after a large amount of food enters the body, Yang Chu can speed up the operation of the digestive system, so that these foods are turned into nutrition and energy, and the body can be better restored.

A drawer of snacks was almost served on the table, and Yang Chu took it away in three or two and finished it.

Fishhead looked at the side, speechless, "Wow, Chu Zi, you can eat more food than those big rice buckets I have ever seen."

"Cross eyes, You are here, where are you going this time?!"

At this moment, a group of people passed by the street.

One of the teenagers with ponytails looked at Fishhead who was sitting at the low table by the street and shouted loudly.

(end of this chapter)

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