Start With Lifting The Restrictions Chapter 144


Chapter 144 Binh Duong

“Side quest: cut down Monsters, eliminate Demons.”

“Kill spirit The wisdom little red-haired fox is calculating rewards... Each member will be rewarded with 5 merit points. Cut down Monsters, eliminate Demons merit points are determined by the demon's strength."

"Side quest: Rescue students The people. It has been opened—"

"The world is crumbling, and there are many evil obstacles. After a thousand years of demons, demons are born again, gathering in groups and enslaving the people. At this point, when the wind and rain are swaying, My generation Human Race, be brave and diligent, and kill the four Great Demons of the Hundred Demon Mountains. Mission reward: 1,000 merit points. Mission punishment: none."

The grand and magnificent voice of "Samsara World" was heard in the audience. The reincarnation sounded clearly in the ears of the reincarnator.

"A new side quest is actually triggered?"

Yuan Xu rubbed his nose and stood up from the grass, his expression still has several points of trance.

He fainted in front of him, and he didn't know what happened outside, but after the sound of "Samsara World" sounded, he immediately woke up from the coma.

Yuan Xu unconsciously hit Shivered when he saw the Rabbit Seventeen lying on the ground, covered in flesh and blood, eating the brain and marrow of the fox demon.

He quickly looked up at Yang Chu who was standing by the bonfire, walked over quickly, and exclaimed excitedly: "A Chu, this fox demon was killed by you? Did you hear it this time? ? I just got five merit points and started a new side quest."

"What is the side quest?"

Yang Chu kept his eyes on the rabbit on the ground Seventeen was eating, and when he heard Yuan Xu's words, he smiled and asked.

"Rescue the living people, to eradicate the side quests of several Great Demons in Baiyao Mountain. The reward is 1,000 merit points, and there is no penalty."

Yuan Xu walked a few times. He took a step, suddenly paused again, ran to the open area beside Yang Chu, took a few deep breaths, grabbed the hem of his clothes, and swayed it, as if he wanted to dissipate the odor from his body.

Although the Divine Ability of the fox demon has begun to dissipate after its death, the residual smell is indeed still unpleasant.

"This Tie also heard about the side quests and got rewards."

After Yuan Xu spoke, Tie Canghong was the first to echo loudly said, with a rough face. , it seems that there is no motive.

"This time it's thanks to Brother Yang again." Gui Yifan, who was next to him, shook his head and said, "Otherwise, don't talk about rewards, I'm afraid we will be eaten by others as the monster said. , it's finished."

He said, looking at Yang Chu, and there seemed to be something more in his eyes.

Under the guidance of Yuan Xu, he and several others exchanged merit points for martial arts, and naturally knew the importance of this thing.

The fox demons encountered this time, they did not contribute at all, they all died at the hands of Yang Chu, but everyone got a reward.

From this point of view, he felt that even if Yang Chu claimed to have not heard about the tasks and rewards of the "Samsara World", he also felt that Yang Chu was either hiding something, or there might be some other reason, but It should be the same as them, belonging to the identity of the "reincarnation".

Liu Xiangshu, who was standing farther away, was helped up by Pei Hongni and walked to a place downwind, but did not immediately approach the few people.

Obviously, these two women seem to be a little concerned about the smell on their bodies at the moment, and do not want to walk in front of people, lowering their perceptions.

"Trouble Mr. Gui and Iron Hero."

Yang Chu saw that both Gui Yifan and Tie Canghong's eyes were on him, and pointed to the side. The villagers of the campfire, "Look for these people to check one or two."

Those villagers, seeing Yang Chu's eyes, looked over, all of them seemed to be frightened, and they knelt down in front of them. several.

The leading old man who saw the fox demon caught in Yang Chu's hand and howled a few times was kneeling on the ground shiver coldly, not even daring to raise his head.

"It's easy to say."

Seeing this, Gui Yifan clearly understood that these villagers were frightened by Yang Chu.

A fox demon was caught with every gesture, and even though it escaped, even its head was crushed and smashed, and it was thrown to the rabbit demon as food. In his cognition, he was afraid that he was the leader of the Great Demon.

"Brother Yang wait a moment, this Tie usually walks the rivers and lakes, and also knows some fur."

Tie Canghong cupped the hands towards Yang Chu, followed by Gui Yifan , moved towards Numerous villagers walking together.

"Then...then I'll go take a look too."

Yuan Xu couldn't hold back when he saw Gui Yifan and Tie Canghong moving towards many villagers. , followed the two.

Although he also knew that the safety factor was much greater by Yang Chu's side, there was always something to do.

On the other side, Pei Hongni and Liu Xiangshu seemed to wait for the smell on their bodies to dissipate gradually and walked to the bonfire.

Pei Hongni took off a small bag she was carrying along the way from her shoulders, and took out five or six kilograms of pig demon meat, which was a piece of pork she deliberately took off from the pig demon when everyone left. Meat.

Afterwards, he continued with some utensils that were already placed by the campfire, and began to boil water and cook boiled meat.

From the time of their appearance to this world, although everyone has not emphasized or established their six-person team, in fact, some things have naturally formed along the way.

After a team has a prototype, everyone will almost subconsciously search for the value and position of their own existence.

"I killed the monsters twice, and they all got rewards..."

Yang Chu didn't bother or interfere after everyone had their own affairs, just stood quietly. Beside Rabbit Seventeen, who was swallowing the flesh and blood of the fox demon, he silently analyzed the relationship between him entering this world this time and the other people who belonged to "Samsara World".

Earlier, he guessed that he should have replaced someone and entered as a smuggler, but after beheading and killing monsters twice, everyone else can get rewards. From this point of view, he and this The "Samsara World" connection goes deeper than he thought.

"As for this side quest..."

Yang Chu felt that this "Samsara World" had already been arranged early in the morning.

The main mission of "Samsara World" released to others is to survive in this world for a year. This is not so much a mission as it is a rigid requirement of their time in this world.

But just surviving is definitely not what the "Samsara World" wants. It will definitely let these "reincarnations" continue to challenge and try through other various rewards.

Three redemption opportunities, be it martial arts, Divine Art or weapons or something else, this is always a challenge for someone forced into such a desperate situation.

"Then... what is this so-called 'Samsara World' for?"

Gather people from different worlds and put them into other worlds to become "reincarnators" to complete various tasks.

What's the purpose of this "Samsara World" here?

It's just that the "reincarnations" he chooses go through the missions again and again, the "reincarnation" of one world after another, to become stronger and gain abilities, it must be more than that.

The existence of this "Samsara World" naturally has its purpose and meaning.

It's just that Yang Chu's level at this time is still too low, and he doesn't belong to the "reincarnation" himself, so he can't easily and clearly understand the secrets.

On the bonfire, the hot water of gu lu lu in the clay pot is boiling, and the aroma of barbecue is permeating...

Among the villagers gathered in the distance, except for one or two worriedly watching Here, most people have gone home.

Six people sit around a campfire, drinking some hot water, or eating cooked food.

Walking all the way on the mountain road, a few people with martial arts are better, like Yuan Xu is already stomach rumbling with hunger.

After eating a piece of barbecue in three or two bites, Yuan Xu wiped his mouth, looked at Yang Chu who was sitting opposite, and said first: "Yang Chu, you said you came to a village to find out the news, it's really true. That's right.

Me and Mr. Gui and Iron Hero, we asked a lot of people in the village, and we really learned a lot. This village is called Pingyang Village, and now there are 230 people in the village. With a population of more than a dozen people, it is the largest village around.

According to the eldest old man in the village, that is, the village chief, there was an old hunter in the village seven or eighty years ago who raised a head Tiger boy, then the world was in chaos. Once a rogue crossed the border, the old hunter's whole family was killed, and the tiger boy didn't know where to go.

Until 40 years ago, there were many demons, and there were many monsters in the Hundred Demon Mountains. The monsters came out and came to the village to eat people. As a result, a tiger, the Great Demon, expelled the monsters and sheltered the village.

Some old people recognized that the tiger Great Demon was from the past. The tiger cub adopted by the old hunter in 2010, and later the fierce tiger Great Demon occupied Zhaoyun Ridge. The villagers were grateful for their kindness and called them Shanjun. Every year, people in the village worship Shanjun, or pigs and sheep, or chickens and ducks. Or grain and rice, if the age is not good, they have to enshrine boys and girls.

This seems miserable? The villages around Baiyao Mountain were either devoured by monsters, or some people were left behind, like cows, horses, pigs and sheep being kept in captivity by monsters. Here in Pingyang Village, occasionally people from outside or other villages escaped to live here. It is said that outside The world is even more chaotic, with catastrophes and disasters, and years of famine, only in this Pingyang Village, it is still a bit popular."


Yang Chu rubbed one hand on his back. The bright fur of Rabbit Seventeen lying at his feet had a strange look on his face, "Speaking of which, is this place a hidden land of peace and prosperity?"

"That said, too No."

Yuan Xu shook his head and sighed, "Actually, after this generation, the people in the village have taken monsters and other things as normal, and they regard that Shanjun as a Guardian God. Now, almost all of them are patients with Stockholm Syndrome."

"I found a few books in the village, and asked an old man who was said to have read some books in the past, but I understood. Some of the origins of this world."

Gui Yifan couldn't understand Yuan Xu's last sentence "Stockholm Syndrome", but he could probably guess some meanings. See the situation in Yuan Xu's village. Talked about it, talked about it again What he came up with.

(end of this chapter)

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