Start With Lifting The Restrictions Chapter 187


Chapter 187 Montenegro (2)

The sky was overcast and gray.

In Yin Sector City of Innocent Deaths, after Yuan Xu and several others devoured the talisman given by Yan Chixia, they could clearly notice that the aura on their bodies seemed to merge with the surroundings.

"Save me, save me..."

"I don't want to die..."

The mournful wailing is heard from time to time from the surrounding grey and dark places Come on, occasionally there is a distorted, unhuman-shaped ghost who suddenly ran into the entire group and fled in a hurry.

There is also a silhouette with a belly as big as a bucket, a yellow face, a thin face, and a grim expression.

"This...Yin Sector is beyond my imagination."

Yuanxu swallowed saliva and said, looking at the surrounding scenes, even though he consciously saw demons and ghosts , his physique is far better than ordinary people, and he even learned some new skills in the next few missions.

Being really in this Yin Sector, that kind of cold, weird, can still cause an extraordinary psychological pressure.

Moreover, this kind of terrifying feeling is far from what can be compared with the performance of just a few minutes in the movie.

The ground looked as smooth as sand, and there were almost no traces of grass and trees. Once you stepped on it, the hands of ghosts and ghosts poked out from below from time to time.

The number of ghosts and ghosts that pass by and spy on the surroundings from time to time is also not small. Occasionally, it is often seen with hideous faces, and then disappears into the distance.

Everything seems to amplify the fear in people's heart, and the five senses are suppressed.

The boundless cold aura has been eroding the body all the time, making people feel throbbing from time to time.

Everyone followed Yan Chixia all the way and walked forward when suddenly a gust of overcast wind swept across, flying sand running stone, covering their eyes.

"Everyone be careful."

Yan Chixia, who was leading the way in front of her head, suddenly turned loudly roared behind her.


Ning Caichen, who followed closely from behind, has not yet fully adapted to the Yin Sector world with extremely low visibility, and suddenly screamed again in panic, "ahhhh... ...a lot, a lot..."


Yuan Xu, Gui Yifan and other reincarnations who followed behind suddenly stopped, looking as if After a gust of gloomy wind, the scene that appeared in front of them.

Under the view of a hundred zhang high of skeletons and human heads, there are hundreds of ghost pawns holding sharp blades and exuding a lot of Ghost Qi.

The ghost soldiers looked like human soldiers, but they exuded a strong Corpse Qi on their bodies.

"What... what should I do?"

Seeing hundreds of ghost pawns appearing in front of him, Yuan Xu subconsciously asked Yan Chixia in front of him.

Facing such a scene, everyone's face changed. At this time, what he and Liu Xiangshu knew about the plot of the movie was actually useless.

From entering this Yin Sector world, it is not so easy to deal with the old monster in Montenegro.

However, the biggest reason why he and Liu Xiangshu chose to do this task was that Yan Chixia was there. Even if he could not remember some details, he still remembered that the final outcome OK.

The other people, Pei Hongni, Tie Canghong and Gui Yifan, each have their own goals, but they just want to get more merit points to exchange for cultivation techniques. Get acquainted and so on.

Sometimes, after the side quests in Samsara World are given, they don't really think much about it.

Since you have come to this world, you have a mission and a goal, so follow along.

Compared to the Tree Demon grandma I saw in Orchid Temple before, this time I went deep into Yin Sector, and that feeling still made everyone have several points of dizziness.

"I will lead the ghost pawns away, you guys go save Xiaoqian!"

Seeing the ghost pawns densely packed, Yan Chixia made a decisive decision and greeted, immediately moved towards ghost pawn chong past.

"Master Yan!"

Ning Caichen cried out as he watched Yan Chixia move towards the numerous ghost soldiers rushing over.

"Don't be in a daze, let's go and save Xiaoqian."

Yuan Xu immediately reacted and pulled up the somewhat absent-minded Ning Caichen from behind, moved towards rushed in the other direction.

From a distance, everyone saw the female ghost Nie Xiaoqian trapped in the towering human-headed Jingguan.

"Prajna Bo Ruo Mi!"

Yan Chixia angry roar, the ancient sword was unsheathed, and between the sword light flashes, she cut down dozens of ghost soldiers head on.

It's just that those ghost soldiers didn't seem to be afraid, and they still swarmed towards Yan Chixia and rushed over.

On the other side, everyone followed Yan Chixia to distract the many ghost soldiers, and quickly moved towards Jingguan behind the high platform where the old monster of Montenegro was located.

The ghost pawns who noticed a few people along the way also rushed over, but there were not many, so it was not difficult for Yuan Xu, Gui Yifan, Tie Canghong, and Pei Hongni to deal with it.

Several people have completed multiple missions successively, and their strength has increased rapidly. These ordinary ghosts, after they swallowed the glyph given by Yan Chixia, not only can be seen by ghosts, but also can be seen by ghosts. Can deal damage to these ghosts.

The crowd rushed to the Jingguan, freed Nie Xiaoqian, who was trapped in it, from the shackles, and joined with Yan Chixia, who had killed many ghost soldiers.

"Let's go!"

Yan Chixia saw everyone rescue Nie Xiaoqian.

Da Da——

Da Da——

At this moment, the sound of horse hooves suddenly sounded from the yin wind.

"You all go first, my palace is at the rear."

Yan Chixia moved towards everyone loudly roared, let everyone leave first, and the person took off the longbow on the body, moved Aim towards Yin this Feng.

A Ghost General, riding a tall horse, emerged from the gloomy wind.

"Want to go? Neither of you can go!"

With the appearance of this Ghost General, an obscure and grand voice sounded throughout the entire between Heaven and Earth.

"The old monster from Montenegro is here."

Yuan Xu, Gui Yifan and the others did not leave, but looked at each other after the voice sounded.

Their mission this time is to "defeat the old monster in Montenegro and rescue Nie Xiaoqian". If they only complete the latter, it will have no effect at all.

The Montenegrin old monster has finally shot at this moment.

Above the huge human-headed Jingguan in the distance, I don't know when there is a high platform, and there are curtains floating in the high sky, one of which is faintly discernible.


Yunlai Inn.

Yang Chu stood in the middle of the lobby, the psychic energy pouring out from his body, little by little moved towards a gap in the void in front of him.

In this pouring gap, the billowing Yin Qi surging out, although the little by little is closing with the passage of time, but in just a short while, the surging Yin Qi has almost disappeared. The whole cloud comes to the Inn to fill up.

"This energy...seems to be the most helpful living environment for those Spirit Physiques."

Yang Chu psionic captures and analyzes the surging flow in this gap. Out of the gloomy and cold aura.

Ordinary people's naked eyes may be completely undetectable, but in Yang Chu's eyes, these breaths are like a dam opening, and a large number of Yin Qi billows out.

After he absorbed the whole body of the centipede's demonic power, the internal organs in his body were almost completely psychic, and several thousands of li were far away from capturing this decidedly different aura.

I flew all the way, and when I arrived at the Yunlai Inn, I just found this gap that seemed to link the two spaces.

Yang Chu can perceive through psionic energy that the amount of Yin Qi surges is huge, but for the current world, it actually affects a small area, and it is far from a complete change. what environment.

And the gap seems to be squeezed by the two worlds, closing little by little.

"In this Inn, I sensed the breath left by Rabbit Seventeen and Yuan Xu. It seems that they entered the other side through this gap."

Yang Chu After entering Yunlai Inn, I was actually a little surprised.

From several thousands li, he noticed a large number of Yin Qi pouring into the human world with his sense of human destiny and spiritual energy.

After arriving, they found traces of Yuan Xu and Rabbit Seventeen.

Yuan Xu and Rabbit Seventeen both have the psychic energy he left behind. The energy spilled out of these psychic energy may be difficult for others to perceive, but Yang Chu can clearly capture it.

"Let's go and see, if it's Yin Sector, it will be more interesting."

Yang Chu stood on the spot and analyzed it carefully for a while, he was able to guess the gap where the space might be.

Looking at the little by little being squeezed and gradually closing the gap.

Yang Chu's psychic energy burst out suddenly, opening the entrance of the inverted gap, turning his body into a stream of light, and jumped in.

"It really is another dimension."

After entering Yin Sector, Yang Chu's psychic energy unfolded, and he immediately sensed that he had entered another dimension.

The sky is gray, there is no grass and no trees, and it is a desolate scene.

The strong cold air almost condensed into fog, and gusts of gloomy wind blew past, and various ghosts and shadows appeared.

"Although these energies are rich, it is still a bit difficult to analyze."

The spiritual energy on Yang Chu's body spreads out, moving towards the surrounding area.

The dry land seemed to be centered on Yang Chu, and suddenly there were countless red creeks, moving towards the surrounding.

Yang Chu has roughly analyzed these Yin Qi energies. There is energy in them, but he cannot directly transformed into psychic energy.

These things seem to be like oxygen or carbon dioxide. They need to undergo some kind of transformation similar to "photosynthesis" to become energy, and then they can be converted into energy by him.


This world, where Yin Qi condenses in large quantities, seems to be an extremely suitable place to live for that kind of "ghost" energy body.

"I died so miserably!!"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

Suddenly, Yang Chu heard a burst of commotion around him. The sound of the gloomy wind rang out.

In the surroundings of Yang Chu's psychic energy, I don't know when, gathered many ghosts and ghosts wandering in the vicinity.

"These ghosts and ghosts are also attracted by psionic energy."

Yang Chu glanced, and could probably understand the state of these ghosts who seemed to have lost most of their consciousness. The psychic energy he diffused suddenly spread, and all the ghosts and spirits around him were immediately wrapped in psychic energy.

"The Soul Power Yin Qi in these ghosts, I can indeed turn into psionic energy, but it is very thin."

He has passed through the ghost of the tiger demon, and Those people in the Buddha Country have known similar ghosts and ghosts, but there are still differences between ghosts and ghosts.

The main thing is actually the human consciousness, and the energy that needs to be carried is different.

The ghost is caused by the mixture of tiger, demon and demon power, and it carries the soul of human consciousness. Those Buddhist people in Buddha Country are the carriers of vows.

The so-called Yin Sector is a carrier of some kind of energy condensed by Yin Qi.

It can be said that they are all energy bodies, but the energy in them is different.

Suddenly, there was a sound of shouting accompanied by a cloudy wind.

Yang Chu slightly lifts the head, and his psychic power clears the heavy Yin Qi fog blocking him, and sees the distance several miles away.

One after another sword light followed by the sound of an explosion.

Several silhouettes flew up and down, around a Jingguan high platform, constantly fighting.

"Prajna Paramita!"

There is another bearded swordsman, holding an ancient sword, reciting formulas and casting spells.

It's just that the Demon of True Form could hardly be seen on the high platform, and countless beards moved towards all directions, entwining seven people, one demon and one ghost.

"This Montenegrin old monster is too strong!"

"Is there no other methods yet?"

Yuan Xu grabbed his neck and tied him with both hands. The fleshy whiskers of the body, moved towards the other people next to him shouted loudly.

The other two swordsmen, Yan Chixia and Pei Hongni, fell to the ground and couldn't break free.

Gui Yifan, Tie Canghong and Liu Xiangshu were even more unbearable. They were directly pierced by the beards of the old monster from Montenegro. Although several people have not died, they have been severely injured and it is difficult to escape.

Rabbit Seventeen and the female ghost, Nie Xiaoqian, were tied to the other side by their beards alone. Seeing that the mountain was not treated like the others, they couldn't break free at all.

"Is this Montenegro old monster so strong?"

Yuan Xu felt the beard on his neck getting tighter and tighter, and he gradually felt hopeless in his heart.

His physique can be said to be a little superman now, but after these fleshy whiskers are wrapped around him, they are like steel bars, no matter how hard he exerts, he can't break free.

In dealing with the old monster of Montenegro, he almost exhausted all means, whether it is huge might RPG weapons or other bombs, it has no effect on the old monster of Montenegro.

The body of the old monster in Montenegro is not on the high platform of Jingguan at all. Behind the Jingguan, he has already seen a stretch of earth city.

That Tucheng is the City of Innocent Deaths, which is the body of the old monster in Montenegro.

At this time, he had already remembered some general clips of the movie. This Montenegrin old monster was too powerful. It seemed that the first movie simply didn't die. It seemed that it was the third movie. Sunshine just removed the old monster from Montenegro.

The methods they use, whether it's Pei Hongni's Sword Art or other martial arts, have no effect at all.

The only thing that has any effect is Yan Chixia's magic, but in the face of such a powerful demon as the old monster of Montenegro, Yan Chixia's strength is far from enough at this time.

Among them, only Yan Chixia's ancient sword can cause some damage to the old monster in Montenegro.

It's just that the ancient sword has been knocked out of Yan Chixia's hands after the ancient sword's beards unfolded in Montenegro.

"This plot is not right at all."

Yuan Xu struggled to support the tightening beard around his neck, he had discovered the real black mountain old monster, the ruler of Yin Sector , much stronger than he expected.

As far as the eye can see, the protagonist Ning Caichen's eyes are white and foaming at the mouth.

The faces of the other people were also flushed, and they were very uncomfortable.

The fact that he can persist for so long is also his current abnormal body, otherwise it is not much stronger than an ordinary person.

"Master Yan, think of a way, or Caichen..."

The female ghost Xiaoqian was bound to the other side by her beard. Seeing that Ning Caichen couldn't hold on, With tears streaming down her face, she moved towards Yan Chixia, who was also tied up and called for help.

It's just that Yan Chixia couldn't get away to help at this time.

"It seems that this time I really want to serve the old monster."

Beside Nie Xiaoqian, Rabbit Seventeen also sighed.

She really had nowhere to go, so she could only follow these people, and ended up at Yin Sector, watching everyone die like this.

The old monster of Montenegro looks like a ghost, but Rabbit Seventeen has noticed that it is actually a monster, but the body is not a living thing, but a dead thing.

In the special environment terrain of hardware, spiritual wisdom was born, making it possess the characteristics of monsters and ghosts.

"Master, Master is here."

Just when Rabbit Seventeen was lying down and giving up, suddenly her bright eyes looked at the void in the distance, and she screamed in surprise stand up.


The other people who were still struggling to support them were all shocked when they heard Rabbit Seventeen's words.

In the cloudy and foggy sky, a red light suddenly lights up from far to near.

(end of this chapter)

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