Start With Lifting The Restrictions Chapter 204


Chapter 204 Awakening


Outside the laboratory glass screen, Zhuoyan and Yu Qing When the two of them heard this sentence, they suddenly felt a chill rise.

The feeling was like being stared at by some terrifying existence, as if a pair of eyes opened in the void, passed through the many obstacles and time and space, and landed on the two of them.

In front of the two, everything seemed to be upside down.

Time seems to be stretched and space seems to be distorted.

Everything around seems to be stripped away by little by little.

Empty, void, vast... Everything seems to have no end, endless twists and turns, the individual becomes incomparably small, and everything is detached from the body and mind.

The concept of time and space is lost, and the spirit becomes trance.

And in this trance, it seemed that they had seen a place in an unknown distance, there was a silhouette with red light blooming, and his eyes fell on them.

Beep beep-

Beep beep-

Suddenly, a beep sounded.

"Professor Zhuo, the brainwave activity of the subject has stabilized, do we still need to go to the next step?"

In Zhuoyan's watch, the staff member who spoke just now The voice came out again.



After hearing the beep and the voice, Zhuoyan and Yu Qingya People suddenly seem to wake up from some kind of dream.

Zhuoyan staggered back two steps and sat down on the chair that had just been arranged, looking pale, with cold sweat on his forehead, neck and back.

On the glass screen, the strange scene just now disappeared completely at some point, and the displayed picture was gray, just like in front of the brain-computer access experiment.

“What the hell happened just now?”

Zhuoyan subconsciously wiped the cold sweat from his head. The situation has been encountered.

The experimental subject's super power is out of control, causing damage or casualties. The experimental subject's ability is too strange and the laboratory is directly turned into ruins. After being active, after breaking through the critical value, directly brain-dead, or even brain bursting...

Zhuoyan has experienced all kinds of emergencies due to superpower awakening.

But... there has never been a time, like before, that seems to hook people's minds, as if they want to get lost in the endless nothingness.

Thinking of this, Zhuoyan looked at Yu Qingya next to him again, and found that the other party was in a similar state to him. At this moment, Yu Qingya was gasping for breath, and there was some kind of dazed expression on his face. Frightened look.

"Does the experimental subject have some kind of ability similar to the mind?"

Zhuoyan's mind floated, the more in-depth research on superpowers, the more capable he was. Understand the wonders of the various abilities within.

Among them, he has also dealt with abilities similar to the mind, but such abilities are too rare, even if he has no specific samples here.

The cocoon base, since it is called a cocoon, naturally has other cocoons, as well as an insert nest.

"Professor Zhuo, that was..."

After a long time, Yu Qingya seemed to have spirit slowly recovers from the state where her consciousness and body seemed to be stripped away, and glanced at her. The display screen, which has been restored to normal clear glass, turned to Zhuoyan and asked.

"Investigator Yu, let's go here first for today's visit."

Zhuoyan didn't answer Yu Qingya's question directly, shook his head slightly, and looked at the laboratory The experimental subject lying on the hospital bed and wearing a brain computer, "I have already said what I can say about your investigation bureau, so openly and honestly, that is, I hope there will be no other conflicts between the two sides in the future."


Yu Qingya let out a long sigh and slowly stood up from the chair, "I understand, I will report to the bureau when I go back."

What Zhuoyan took her to see in this experimental base has completely solved her doubts.

As for what action the Bureau of Investigation is going to take, she actually knows what to do.

After all, in such an experimental base, she was able to follow Zhuoyan into it and witnessed an "experiment", which itself was the pressure exerted by the Bureau of Investigation on the forces behind the opponent.

And the natural impossible that Zhuoyan showed her would be the whole of the "Super Revolution" plan, but with these, she had already made enough mistakes, and she also understood that it was the other party's favor. with warnings.

If it is said that the game or the exchange of interests between the other Great Influences, it is not within the reach of her level.

"That's good, I'll take you out now."

Zhuoyan heard Yu Qingya's answer, nodded lightly, raised his hand and raised his watch, and said again One sentence, "Remove the experimental subject's brain machine and continue to observe."

An alloy door in the laboratory opened again, and several white armored experimenters who were better than the mechanical outer skeleton, into the laboratory.

"Remove the brain machine!"

A staff member in white armor extended the hand to remove the brain machine on the head of the subject lying on the bed.


The metal brain machine was removed from the experimental subject, revealing the face of a young man.

But at this moment, the experimental subject lying on the bed suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the four staff members who were preparing to transfer.

"Ah?! How did the subject wake up?"

The experimenter who was taking off the subject's brain computer saw Yang Chu who was lying on the bed open his eyes, apparently being Startled, he took a step back.

This kind of brain-computer experiment has been done dozens of times before and after.

In order to maintain the brain activity of the subjects, each brain-computer experiment did not inject any drugs into the subjects.

But when the brain-computer interface is connected to the brain of the experimental subject and links consciousness and brain waves, it actually has functions similar to hypnosis and anesthesia.

As long as it is put on the subject, the subject will fall asleep.

And this hypnotic and anesthesia effect, even if the brain machine is removed later, lasts for an hour or two.

Under normal circumstances, the subject is impossible to wake up.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Standing outside the laboratory, Professor Zhuo Yanzhuo, who was about to leave Yu Qingya, looked at the The situation, opened the watch and asked.

"The subject is awake."

In the laboratory, an experimenter moved towards the Zhuoyan replied outside through the armored equipment on his body.

His voice was not flustered, although he didn't expect the experimental body to suddenly wake up and was startled, but after calming down, he was not worried.

The hands and feet of the subjects were handcuffed, and they were wearing well-protected armor, which did not pose too much threat to them.

"Inject anesthesia."

Zhuoyan gave instructions to the four experimenters in white armor through his wristwatch.

Although these experimenters are wearing well-protected armor, he has always been extremely careful in the face of these awakened superpowers.


Just as Zhuoyan’s voice fell, an experimenter raised the rapid syringe he was carrying, and suddenly there was a pop in the laboratory, and a brain machine was attached to the outside of the machine. The thumb-sized metal patch flew up and pierced the experimenter's throat.

The armor worn by these experimenters, both the body and the head, was almost completely covered.

There is still a connecting belt made of plastic between the helmet and the breastplate that can protect the head.

The metal patch, which was no more than the size of a thumb, penetrated the plastic connecting tape with unparalleled precision and pierced the experimenter's throat.

puff puff puff ——

Followed, and there were several continuous small sounds.

Before several other well-dressed staff members could react, three more metal patches flew up and pierced the throats of the other three.

One of the metal patches even has signal wires attached.

From the outside, it looks like a metal wire piercing the opponent's throat.


“Help me—”


Four wearers guarding The armored experimenter, Qi Qi covered his throat, and the internal signal transmission channel sounded the painful voices of these people.

Burgling blood flowed out of the throat, quickly filling the entire protective helmet, and then continued to overflow along the small gap between the helmet and the armor.

"Professor Zhuo, what happened?"

Yu Qingya, who was about to leave earlier, also heard Zhuoyan's words for someone to inject anesthesia.

As soon as he turned around, Zhuoyan shouted loudly, "Close the alloy door! Quickly, close the alloy door, the experimental subject is awake."


In the laboratory, the alloy door that the four experimenters entered was immediately closed through the remote control device.

"He's awake? He also gave those experimenters to..."

After Yu Qingya turned around, she naturally saw the scene in the laboratory, her face immediately lit up. A look of shock flashed.

Pudong Pudong——

And in this short period of time, four staff members who had just entered the laboratory to extract the brain computer from the experimental subjects, dressed in The heavy armor fell to the ground one by one.


Zhuoyan ignored Yu Qingya, just watched the alloy door in the laboratory closed, and then let out a long relaxed breath, followed by moving towards the wrist The watch continued: "Room 13, the experimental body is out of control, deal with it immediately."


On the watch side, the voice of the staff controlling the entire experimental base continued. sounded.

Soon, in the corridor, a team of five or six armored players appeared, armed with firearms. The target direction was the alloy door behind the laboratory.

Such a situation seems to have been planned in this laboratory, and everything is going on in an orderly manner.

"How did he do it?!"

Yu Qingya looked at the fallen experimenters with disbelief on her face.

The protective armor on the four experimenters seemed to her to be quite tight. It was more advanced and advanced equipment than the outer skeleton of a machine. She didn't expect that these four people would have died in the blink of an eye.

"You can't be careless in the face of superpowers at any time."

Zhuoyan shook his head slightly, he naturally knew that the four armored staff had died, This is not the first time this has happened in his experimental base.

Every superpower is extremely dangerous, some are conscious resistance, and once they seize the opportunity, they will cause great harm to others. Some may be completely unconscious, and some superpowers spill over, possibly causing even more terrifying harm.

These four staff members suddenly caught up with the experimental subject to wake up and were killed by the tiny metal patches used to read the experimental subject's data. To be honest, this situation really happened. As expected.

The super power of this experimental body is very powerful, which is the control of mind power.

"Not good!"

It was only when Zhuoyan thought of this that he suddenly saw a metal wire hanging in the air beside the experimental body, whose hands, feet and body were immobilized on the bed. float.

The metal thread burrowed into the keyhole of the experimental subject's handcuffs, and with a ka-cha sound, the handcuffs on the left wrist were opened.

The handcuffs and handcuffs used by the experimental subjects are the most primordial mechanical handcuffs, not electronic handcuffs. This is actually to avoid some potential safety hazards.

After all, many of himself and the people he knows have extremely strong talents in the field of electronics. If the internal signal network is cracked, the harm it will cause is indescribable.

Also, occasional power outages or short circuits are not enough to make precision instrument handcuffs foolproof.

On the contrary, primordial's simple mechanical locks and mechanical handcuffs seem to be troublesome at times, but in fact, the safety is controlled by people, but it is more guaranteed.

However, what I didn't expect at the moment was that this experimenter actually used a few tiny patches to kill the experimenter, and then started to untie the handcuffs through the exposed metal wire.

ka-cha --

Another crisp sound.

After the left handcuffs of the experimental subject were released, the handcuffs following the right hand were also released by inserting a metal wire into the keyhole. The belts used to fix the body on his body were also accompanied by the liberation of his hands. , was unraveled piece by piece by the experimental subject.

His movements are calm, without the slightest panic and rudeness, but with an indescribable elegance.

It seems that every action is not superfluous, but is using the least force to untie it.

"Quick, the experimental subject is breaking free, quick, quick!"

Zhuoyan's face was no longer calm and calm, his expression became extremely anxious, and he kept moving towards his wrist. The table shouted loudly.

crack crack ——

After the handcuffs on the hands of the subject and the belt on the body were released, the shackles on the feet were finally reached.

Two metal wire ends, like living things, were inserted into the keyhole, and the last shackles were opened again.

It is almost difficult for ordinary people to break free from the shackles, and in the blink of an eye, they fall off from this experimental body piece by piece.

On the hospital bed, the subject boy who was used for this experiment slowly sat up from the bed, and after the shackles were released, his bare feet fell to the ground.

"So... I came to a future world with superpowers?!"

The boy's feet fell on the ground, his hands were open, and his face showed a kind of as if Reliving freedom, no, is the expression of being reborn.

"Also, my body is cultivated from the human body?"

"This world, it's really interesting!"

As if to say to himself After saying a word, the young man suddenly lifted the head, his eyes slowly swept around, as if he was looking at the environment he was in.

"He...what is he looking at?"

Standing outside the laboratory, Yu Qingya looked at the awakened young man named Yang Chu, her face more and more puzzled.

"The B-Rank plan must not let the experimental subjects come out of the laboratory."

At this time, Zhuoyan had no time to take care of other things, but continuously issued instructions through his watch.


Yu Qingya found the boy in the lab who had broken free, and looked in the direction where she and Zhuoyan were.

The glass of this laboratory is bulletproof and explosion-proof, super glass with display function, and it is impossible to see the outside from the laboratory.

However, at this moment, Yu Qingya and Zhuoyan, who were standing outside the laboratory, both lifted the head looked towards the laboratory.

There, the boy walked to the glass at some point and tilted his head slightly.

As if, his eyes could see the super glass outside through his impossible, looking at the two people outside.

(end of this chapter)

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