Start With Lifting The Restrictions Chapter 206


Chapter 206 Out

Outside the lab.

Zhuoyan and Yu Qingya looked at more than a dozen armed men, wearing armor that was much more defensive than the outer skeleton of the machine, holding various Attack Type weapons, and grandiose rushed into the laboratory , although the expression on his face is still tense, but his heart has been quietly sighed in relief.

Yang Chu in the laboratory, based on the previous information and data, they have been able to determine that the other party belongs to the stage of awakening.

Although Yang Chu just woke up in the brain-computer experiment, he killed four experimenters, but according to the federation's judgment on the level of power, it is probably about Level 2.

In addition, although those experimenters were wearing well-protected armor, they didn't have weapons in their hands like the armed personnel who were transferred to deal with these sudden and abnormal things.

In Zhuoyan's view, Yang Chu's performance is dangerous, but not the highest level.

In this cocoon experimental base, a sudden occurance that was far more threatening than the death of four experimenters once broke out. This is also an inevitable accident of this type of super power research.

Man is not a wild beast, nor is he a tool to fiddle with.

Not to mention, after these experimental subjects awakened their superpowers, almost every one of them possessed extraordinary powers far beyond ordinary people.

But almost all the sudden occurances, even one of them can be said to be riots, were still calmly quelled.

After a sudden awakening like Yang Chu, he seized a tiny gap and killed four experimenters. Although it was very threatening, he could not even escape from the laboratory, and his threatening actions were limited.

More than a dozen armed personnel, wearing armored equipment that ordinary rifle bullets are difficult to penetrate, as well as stun guns, stun guns, and live ammunition firearms, it is not a problem to take down Yang Chu.

"Anesthesia bomb!"

Zhuoyan outside the laboratory watched the armed personnel in place, and issued the order without much hesitation.

Sure enough, after these armed men entered the laboratory, they looked at Yang Chu who turned to look at them. The two armed men armed with anesthesia guns immediately launched an attack.


The two narcotic bombs were fired with almost no sound, and the target was directed at Yang Chu.

Within a distance of more than ten meters in the laboratory, for these carefully selected armed personnel, there is almost no possibility of missing.

Watching the anesthesia gun fire and standing outside the laboratory, Zhuoyan was completely sighed in relief.

However, at the moment when the two anesthetic bombs were fired, Zhuoyan's eyes suddenly widened, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

Yu Qingya on the side also bit her lower lip, as if she saw the most incredible scene.

The two anesthesia guns fired at Yang Chu's chest and abdomen were bizarrely blocked by two coin-sized metal sheets used in the laboratory to measure Yang Chu's body data.

Ding ding twice, it fell to the ground.


After witnessing this scene, Yu Qingya, a female investigator, was almost speechless.

Even if the speed of the anesthesia projectile fired by the anesthesia gun is not as fast as that of an ordinary firearm, it is almost impossible to see clearly in a flash, and Yang Chu actually blocked it with two tiny metal sheets. .

It really made her feel incredible.

The more than ten armed personnel in the laboratory witnessed this scene one by one, and they all felt unbelievable.

"Quick, shoot!!"

Standing outside the laboratory, Zhuoyan's expression changed drastically after seeing the anesthesia bomb fall to the ground, and he roared immediately. stand up.

It's just—

It's too late for him to say that.

Suddenly, a harsh sound like a buzzer sounded in the laboratory.

The sound was harsh and shrill, as if some subtle object had broken through the limits of the sound, creating a sound similar to howling.


"My eyes!"


"clang when-"

In the laboratory, the dozen or so armored armed personnel suddenly screamed and screamed after the screaming sound, the weapons in their hands fell, and one by one Hold your head, or try to untie the armor, the chaos is extremely confusing.

Among them, an armed man who fired an anesthesia gun just now took off the helmet on his head with all his might after the anesthesia gun in his hand fell, revealing a stab pierced by something. Eye.

Not waiting for the armed man to finish shouting, then his other eye suddenly seemed to have been punctured by something, and a blood line shot out from the back of his head.

Standing outside the laboratory, Zhuoyan and Yu Qingya, who were still unresponsive for a while, suddenly felt an indescribable chill on their bodies.

In the eyes of the two of them, the more than ten armed men in armor, one by one's head and hands, suddenly shot out one after another blood line.

The blood line was extremely fast, one after another pierced through the armor of these people, pierced the bulletproof helmet eye patch, pierced the throat, hands and body.

Like a living creature, almost in the breath, I saw a dozen people's bodies imploding and shooting out blood lines that were connected in series one after another.

Looks like... as if these people were connected by a thread one after another.

Boom, boom, boom—

One after another, armed men in armor began to fall to the ground, and the screams, screams, and moans in front of them quickly appeared on these people. The blood line gradually disappeared.



Inside and outside the experiment, the alarm sounded suddenly.

Yu Qingya, who witnessed this scene outside the glass door, was awakened by the sound of the alarm, and subconsciously swallowed, "This...what is this ability??!"

"Let's go!"

Zhuo Yan, who came back to his senses first, suddenly pushed Yu Qingya next to him to wake him up.

This time, the lab's out-of-control has exceeded Zhuoyan's psychological expectations.

A dozen well-equipped armed personnel were killed by Yang Chu in the blink of an eye under the muzzle standard. This level of danger is far from just killing the four researchers abruptly. Personnel can be compared.

Even in the many accidents and sudden occurrences in the laboratory in the past, all kinds of superpowers who tried to escape and resist took various measures.

Blasting, breaking the laboratory, raiding, etc...

But almost nothing like this time, in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen armed people wearing protective armor kill situation.

Such a person has reached the highest level of threat.

At this moment, there is no way to stay outside the laboratory where the two are.

Although the glass wall of the laboratory is extremely hard, even a Level 5 superpower may not be able to destroy it, but facing the horror scene in the laboratory, Zhuoyan is still completely chilled.

Fortunately, although Yang Chu will clean up the armed personnel who poured into the laboratory, the experimental base still has multiple layers of defense. As long as the two leave here and close the alloy door outside, Yang Chu still couldn't escape.

This is also the reason why all kinds of accidents and even riots that happened in the cocoon base before can be suppressed.

The cocoon experimental base is really like a cocoon. If you want to escape from it, you need to break through layers of defenses. It is definitely not that easy to escape.

"Where do you want to go?"

Just as Zhuoyan and Yu Qingya were about to escape, they suddenly noticed that they had cleaned up ten Several Yang Chu wearing armored armed personnel turned their heads and looked outside.


A small, high-pitched screech sounded again.

A fine line suddenly appeared on the multifunctional super glass wall.

Zhuoyan and Yu Qingya stopped, not daring to take half a point forward.

Suspended in front of the two of them was a copper wire about five centimeters long. The surface of the thread was stained with a lot of sticky red.

The red...

It's blood.

When the two of them arrived at this time, they also completely understood what the bloodline that burst out from the body of the dozen or so armed men just now was...

It was this copper wire.

The copper wire exploded at a speed exceeding the speed of sound within a narrow distance, producing a screeching hissing sound similar to a sonic boom.

And because the speed of piercing the armed personnel was too fast, the bloodstains that were brought out continued to condense, so looking at it from the outside, it was actually like one after another connected blood lines.


Another screeching squeak.

The five-centimeter-long copper wire with blood stains suddenly disappeared in front of the two of them, and then...

Zhuoyan's point of view was that it was even a ton of TNT and 12.7 There are more and more cracks in the glass wall that can't be destroyed by millimeter cannons.

oh la la——

The sound of glass breaking and falling to the ground sounded.

The multifunctional super glass with a thickness of six or seven centimeters had a human-shaped gap, and the finely broken glass fell to the ground.

"Your ratings of superpowers are actually quite inaccurate."

Yang Chu wore a white hospital gown with a faint smile on his face, Shi Shiran said. came out of the crack in the glass wall.

"You, how did you do it? You're not a Level 2 psychic? What level are you? Level 4? Level 5?"

Watching Yang Chu break As he walked out of the glass wall, Zhuoyan's pupils shrank suddenly, and he asked in a trembling voice.

By this time, he had given up on escaping, but watching Yang Chu's ability to show off, there was a kind of curiosity from his heart.

"If calculated according to the energy value of the instantaneous output like the Federation, I am indeed still Level 2. Maybe a little bit beyond, but definitely not Level 3."

Yang Chu light Gently stretched out a finger, the copper wire that was five centimeters long, like a hair, was meekly wrapped around his fingertips a few times.

"It turns out that it is."

Zhuoyan looked at the copper wire on Yang Chu's fingertips, and suddenly understood, "Your ability is mind control, and your ability It's not really strong, it's just..."

"It's just that the mass of the telekinesis body that can be manipulated is reduced." Yang Chu replied with a smile.

With his current power of mind, he can manipulate objects of about two kilograms and lift them to a height of one meter.

Similarly, he can manipulate objects the size of a coin, and the speed of the explosion is about the speed of sound.


If the coin was replaced with a copper wire that was only a few centimeters long, the weight would be greatly reduced, and he could make the copper wire shorter. The moving speed of the distance is several times, or even more than ten times the speed of sound, and it is more comfortable to control.

With the texture of this copper wire, coupled with the moving speed exceeding the speed of sound in a narrow space, its formidable power is amazing.

Not only the defensive armor of those armed warriors can't resist, but even this high-strength and multi-functional super glass wall can't resist.

This... In fact, before Yang Chu's own consciousness awakened, the original one had already begun to realize.

Manipulating a coin is difficult to move, making it a lot easier to manipulate objects lighter than a coin.

And this kind of mind control object can mobilize stronger ability after Yang Chu's consciousness wakes up, and greatly reduces the quality of the controlled object, which causes damage and formidable power, ordinary protective power Totally irresistible.

This is the power of mind control over objects.

The kind of powerful mind power that can lift dozens or hundreds of tons at every turn, if you just control the movement of a small object and focus your attention on it, the destructive power and formidable power will actually be generated. would be amazing.

Even an ordinary small iron block or a thin needle, moving at several times or even ten times the speed of sound, produces destructive power that is enough to destroy the overwhelming majority of objects in this world.

If the material is hard enough, it can almost be said that there is no stronghold one cannot overcome.

This is also the power of Yang Chu's discovery of the superpower of mind power.

Superpower, unlike Yang Chu's former psionic power, is a way of using energy.

It is an ability that extends and awakens from one's own body. Its function may come from some kind of mutation of human genes, but the source of power, in the final analysis, is the smallest unit of human body. .

That is, cells.

This ability comes from human cells, if the means used are fine enough, the explosive formidable power is amazing.

For example, like a telekinesis body, if it has the ability to move tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of tons of weight and use it to control a shell, its formidable power is directly an electromagnetic gun.

Of course, such subtle manipulation ability is not easy for the overwhelming majority to awaken superpowers.

But after the awakening of Yang Chu's self-consciousness, the ability to invoke the brain is enough to reach such a level.

The sting—

Another small screeching sound.

The copper wire wrapped around Yang Chu's fingers disappeared, and Zhuoyan and Yu Qingya stood on the spot, their bodies were torn apart instantly, and they were cut into pieces by the copper wire.

"It's time to get out of here."

Yang Chu looked around the laboratory and walked over there so calmly.

Whether there are armed personnel or other personnel along the way, a copper wire as thin as a hair is like a flying needle that there is no stronghold one cannot overcome and is completely controlled by Yang Chu. Pierce and cut through all who stand in his way.

The alloy gate was closed, and Yang Chu directly penetrated the copper wire he controlled to attack.

After the copper wire is injected into the alloy door, due to the material and hardness, it will continue to wear away, but the less there is left, the greater the formidable power.

At the back, it directly became an attack similar to a miniature electromagnetic cannon.

After passing through many laboratories, Yang Chu finally came to the data center of this cocoon laboratory.

Several staff members barely saw Yang Chu, and then fell down one by one. Yang Chu walked into the data center so slowly and began to check the various items in the laboratory. Experimental data.

(end of this chapter)

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