Start With Lifting The Restrictions Chapter 211


Chapter 211 Strengthening

(Sorry, I forgot to replace it yesterday, it was blocked in the previous chapter, and I will not do this in the future)

"AMPmecha is stationed at the gate, and strong electric field interference is turned on when necessary."

"The three squids are with me, and the other squids are on standby and support! ... Attention everyone! , the target is very likely to be a superpower, if necessary, kill it directly!"

Outside the reconstruction experiment base on the 18th, Colonel Li Yuan, wearing black primary level armor, issued an order to the warriors facing several squares in front of him. After giving the battle order, ka-cha let out a sound and completely put down the visor he was talking about.


Kazumi, Cloud Strike, and Raiden, the three action teams all wearing active armed primary level armor, all followed behind Li Yuan and quickly moved towards It has been cracked by the technical department, and the opened alloy door is pouring in.

Three action teams, each with 20 members, all of primary level A with active weapons.

There are melee assaults with the thickest and hardest armor in the front, some are equipped with powerful long-range firepower, and some are responsible for rescue, communication, and interference. The twenty-man armored combat squad has a clear division of labor, and each has powerful long-range and assault capabilities.

This is the conventional force and individual armed with the highest order of operations in the Army among the federal military factions.

The popularization of mechanical outer skeleton has greatly improved the ability of individual soldiers to fight. On this basis, the further developed primary level armor has stronger natural adaptability and combat capability.

Primary level armor is just a primary level armor for training armor in the federal virtual competitive game "Active Armed Tournament", but in reality, it is the core of the real federal armed forces.

Compared with the armed forces in the previous base, although security personnel and even some experimenters wore such primary level armor, the requirements of the two are different. The armor may be similar, but the Firepower is completely different.

The primary level armor is a kind of armor that covers the whole body, and it is also an extension of the mechanical outer skeleton equipment.

From the beginning of the mechanical outer skeleton during the Third World War to the present, the Federation's technology in mechanical armor has been constantly breaking through.

One is to adapt to complex war needs, and the other is actually closely related to the emergence of power users.

"Colonel, found the bodies of many armed security personnel. They were wearing primary level armor, but their bodies were pierced by some kind of energy weapon. The wounds were small, but fairly dense."


"I am here too, five security personnel, who should be warriors hired after retiring, but they have no ability to resist."

"On several laboratory staff, found Dense and tiny blood holes, suspected to have super powers of the target."

Inside the helmet of the primary level armor, Li Yuan, who was in charge of the operation, heard the news reported to him by the various squad Chief-In-Charge. The digital display on the top of the base swept around the base, "The technical team, have you completely taken over the monitoring signals in the base?"


The voice of the communication keep ringing.

"Colonel, it has been discovered that all the living people in the experimental base have been gathered in the No. 3 laboratory in Area C..."

Accompanied by the sound of communication, soon Li Yuan and the other personnel who assaulted the squad saw the layout of the entire base on the display screen in the visor.

In one of the areas, red stars appear, which are signs of activity detected by the monitored thermal energy capture.

"Encircle the No. 3 experimental base in Area C!"

Li Yuan made a decisive decision and moved towards the three combat squads of Kaizumi, Cloud Attack, and Thunder and gave orders.

Boom boom-

The sound of neat and dull footsteps suddenly sounded.

Sixty armed personnel wearing primary level armor began to operate according to the formulated battle plan.

Their action team stationed near the cocoon experimental base is actually no stranger to power users. They have also been dispatched when there was a riot in the cocoon base before.

But this time the danger level is obviously much higher than the previous ones. It is no longer like that kind of request for assistance, but the entire experimental base was directly taken over by someone, and they came to retake it. .

"People from Kazumi, rush with me!"

After Li Yuan approached the No. 3 laboratory in Area C, he didn't hesitate, tossing the three combat squads. Kazumi squad, moved towards this laboratory and rushed in.

Assaults are all about surprises, and the power users inside may have been prepared, but there is no time to think about other things at this time.

His immediate superiors, the general, and the top executives of the audio company waiting outside, all brought him great pressure.

Their action team still has a name in the federal military, but in many cases it can be said that it has no name.

"Don't move, raise your hand!!"

"Those who dare to resist will die!"

"Those who dare to use power will die!"


Dozens of people poured into this spacious laboratory, and a roar suddenly sounded.

Hundreds of kilograms of heavy armor, combined with high-energy batteries, bring not only protection, super maneuverability, but also equipment with no difficulty that could only be used on vehicles. The machine gun, the large-caliber heavy machine gun, the hand-held rocket launcher, the huge might grenade.

A soldier's equipment is equivalent to that of a squad before the Third World War.

This is what they have when they wear primary level Armored Soldier soldiers and face those inhuman monsters.


Just as Colonel Li Yuan led someone into the experiment, the scene in front of him surprised him.

In the laboratory, there are about 20 or 30 single medical beds, and there are people of different ages and genders lying on them.

After seeing them appear, some of these people were numb and lifeless, and some were terrified and screamed desperately.

Among them, in the innermost part of the laboratory, next to a hospital bed, a teenager in a white coat is holding a syringe and injecting someone on the hospital bed.

"Don't move!"

Li Yuan immediately raised the heavy machine gun in his hand and aimed it at the boy in the white coat.

At such a distance of only a few dozen meters, Li Yuan's eyes locked tightly on each other's every move, and he said unceremoniously that he was confident that when the boy made any other action, he would directly target him. kill.

The formidable power of the large-caliber machine gun is difficult for flesh and blood to resist, even if it has super powers.

"Come on!"

The boy who was holding the syringe slowly straightened up, turned his head to look at the Armored Soldier soldiers rushing in from the door, his face showing A bright smile.

"He...what is he laughing at?"

Li Yuan looked at the young man's smile and was stunned for a moment, then suddenly felt a chill.


In the huge laboratory, an angry roar suddenly sounded.

On a laboratory bed in the corner of the laboratory, a man who looked around thirty years old suddenly appeared mutation.

The black and white eyes, the pupils gradually faded into yellowish-brown vertical pupils, looking at the somewhat thin body, in the seemingly painful struggle, the muscles continued to expand, the muscles became thick, and the skin Has grown a hard armor similar to reptiles.

ka-cha 哓——

The increasingly stout body and the armor that grew out made a harsh rubbing sound as the body twisted.

With a bang, the man had turned over and jumped off the hospital bed, becoming a huge monster with a height of 2.78 meters, his body was covered with hard scales, and his head was like a lizard.

When the lizard monster saw the Federation Armored Soldier soldiers pouring in from the outside, he was very angry. He opened his muscles and covered his sharp claw's hands. He moved towards the Armored Soldier standing at the front. Soldier pounced on it.

da da da da——

The sound of bullets firing suddenly sounded.

An Armored Soldier armed with a large-caliber machine gun moved towards the Lizard monster and fired.

The bullet that slanted out hit the monster, and a crisp sound of ding ding ding~ sounded.

The lizard monster was knocked back two steps by the powerful firepower, and roared even more angrily.

"This is the super power of mutants!"

Li Yuan looked at the terrifying monster in front of him, made a judgment in his heart, and immediately shouted, "Everyone be careful, this monster The body is probably quite hard, using an alloy mesh to limit the ability to move."

The super power of mutants is that most bodies either become impervious to sword and spear, or increase in strength, or both. Of.

Li Yuan still understands this kind of superpower. It is said that after awakening superpowers, it will activate a certain type of hidden genes in the body, resulting in some phenomena similar to atavism.

Of course, this kind of throwback is just a conceptual activation of genes, and the opponent's body must have been strengthened by super power.

There is also a saying that, in the process of cultivating, their genes have been mixed and the genes of other organisms have been added, which is why this result is caused.

It's not like he has never met such mutants before, so their bodies may not be able to penetrate even these large-caliber firearms, and their strength is extremely powerful. The best way to face them is to use alloy nets to restrict their movements. ability.

The strength of the alloy mesh is extremely high, and AMPmecha's mechanical arm can't be pulled apart, not to mention that the body can't exert force after the body is completely meshed. Good weapons and tools.


But just as Colonel Li Yuan and the other armored warriors changed to the corresponding weapons of the flesh-based mutant power user, there was a sudden groan of pain. Sounded

It was another hospital bed, and a woman lying on the bed suddenly burst into flames, opened her eyes and woke up.

Tzzzzzzz Zi -

Powerful current fluctuations.

A child who looked no more than eight or nine years old, eyes and body flashed with electric lights, and the body almost floated up from the hospital bed.

ding ding dong dong The sound of handcuffs and shackles falling to the ground and the sound of the belt being cracked.

The power users lying on the hospital bed, one after another, broke free from their restraints and got up.

Each of these people is surging with strong energy fluctuations, and the armored people in the wind roll squid, subconsciously took a half step back.


Captain of the squall, looking at this scene, asked Colonel Li Yuan eagerly.

"wait a minute"

Li Yuan knew the meaning of Kazumi's square Captain's words, but Li Yuan still has several points of hesitation in his heart.

Although he has the rank of colonel, he is not a pure soldier. In other words, it is far less pure than the armor warriors of the three squares of Kazumi, Cloud Attack and Thunderbolt.

These power users are all experimental objects in the cocoon experimental base, and each of them can be said to have a very high research value. If it is not necessary, try not to kill these people completely.

"You scumbags, we're going to get out of here today!!"

The giant lizard-like monster standing at the front had a forked tongue sticking out of his mouth , licked it, and roared again.

The huge body brings a huge oppression, making every armor warrior feel the ferocity and bloodthirsty of that abnormal creature.

Behind this monster, there is another monster that is a few centimeters short in height, but wide laterally, with a body like a rock, and the feet of each step are extremely heavy.

Behind these two huge monsters, there are more than a dozen or twenty, either with flames on their bodies, or cats with electric lights, or with horns growing on their heads, or their arms changing. A tentacle...

"...You...Yang Chu, you...what did you inject us with?"

Fang Sheng, who was lying on the experimental bed, looked at Yang Chu put away the syringe, caught a glimpse of the power users on the hospital bed, broke free, completely transformed into a state of their unimaginable, and immediately roared.

"Of course it's a good thing, otherwise, how do you escape?"

Yang Chu smiled and glanced at a team of armored warriors in the direction of the door. The armed men in the lab are even better, and each is equipped with huge might weapons.

According to the level of technology of the Federation in his memory, Yang Chu estimated that at least a lot of mechanical outer skeleton warriors and AMPmecha were stationed at the entrance of the laboratory.

Yang Chu has a certain understanding of the formidable power of thermal weapons and knows how terrifying it is.

Ordinary power users, even if the destructive power of the occasional moment can reach that level, but it is not easy to escape from these killing machines.

Of course, this does not include himself.



While Fang Sheng was questioning, Lu Kui, who was lying on the ground, suddenly swelled again, and his muscles were lumpy. The bulge, and the skin glowed with a luster like metal.

"My strength is improving, my skin..."

After Lu Kui stood up from the ground, he looked at his fists and saw the change in his body sharply. Some shouted with joy.

Speaking, he suddenly turned his attention to Yang Chu again fiercely.

"I advise you to think about it before you start."

Yang Chu ignored Lu Kui's reaction at all, and his expression was very calm.

"What did you use to strengthen our super power?!"

By this time, Fang Sheng had already understood a little, the super power user in this laboratory had previously The gold-like liquid injected by Yang Chu was obviously enhanced with superpowers.


While speaking, Fang Sheng suddenly let out a pained cry, and his body levitated.

A burning sensation sprints through the whole body, but this feeling is not that unbearable, but like every cell in the body is rejoicing.

At the same time, Fang Sheng's feet began to change, and his bare feet gradually grew green hairs and hoof-like body tissues.

"It seems that the effect is really good, at least it has improved the super power of two levels of you people."

Yang Chu watched Fang Sheng and the last power user complete. After the mutation in his heart, his expression was still indifferent, "Now you can consider killing yourself."

(end of this chapter)

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